Talk:Dawn's Piplup

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Revision as of 17:39, 19 March 2009 by Toastypk (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 19 March 2009 by Toastypk in topic Well.


I think Pochama used Bide aganist the Ariados...I'm not sure though. -Sketchies 23:38, 30 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

It did. - Paperfairy @ 20:35 03/19/2007

Piplup's voice

I think Piplup is voiced by Jamie Peacock cause in a way it sounds like Ash's Cyndaquil. - unsigned comment from Livinlarge18 (talkcontribs)

That could be true... Though I can't be sure because they never list the voices for Pokémon in the credits (except for Pikachu). --ケンジガール 01:53, 1 October 2007 (UTC)Reply


Could it be said that Piplup might not evolve? It knows Whirlpool which is a level 32 move, and evolves into Prinplup at level 16... Or would that be purely speculation? - Constant 10:31, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

seeing how much time it's spent out of the pokeball,and as it's dawn's signature pokemon(much like ash and pikachu),i think its going to stay a piplupGarrison12795 12:31, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Also level = not anime. Otherwise jeez, Ash either Rare Candied Charmeleon a lot or just didn't bother training Charmander. TTEchidna 08:26, 17 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yeah Level/evolving seems to have very little standing in the show, I mean Ash's Charmander knew flamethrower when he caught it. - unsigned comment from Cahillbro (talkcontribs)

though i kinda want it to evolve. Its amazingly cute, but an Empoleon or at least a Prinplup could do wonders for her. Maybe she'll catch a Chikorita for GSDS. i wish... but dont count on it.

That's what most thought on Torchic during Adv. But it evolve anyways. And level did exist in the anime but is now neglected. Remember back in the first season, someone mentioned Pikachu as around lvl.25 after Ash said he was traveling for just two months, forgot the episode title sorry.

Well, maybe we should all wait for DP121 Torngentleman2 18:56, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

And wait we shall... this evolution debate has become very big and exciting across forums now. It's actually quite an interesting puzzle to work out all the clues and look at the facts to see what will happen. I still hope it evolves, because that would be a big surprise. It would be fantastic if we saw a preview of it evolving... the white light surrounding its body, it changing shape, the white light disappearing and it being permanently changed into a Prinplup. This would be fun to see, but sadly, all signs are pointing to it not evolving... most people on different forums have said things like "It may just be Piplup's Mysterious Garden", "Piplup might just have got run away lessons from Misty's Psyduck" and my personal favourite "Piplup might pull a Bulbasaur". Currently I'd say 80% chance it'll not evolve, 20% it will.

We have to wait just over half a month, but it'll be totally worth it to see the answer. Plus, as time goes on, we may start seeing previews and pics, and then the Arceus poster might get updated with Piplup replaced with Prinplup... the suspense is killing me! Oh yeah, just one more thing. If it turns out that it doesn't evolve and it stays the same, I won't be furious or anything. I'll be quite annoyed, but I'll just keep up hope that one day the little bratty penguin will grow up. There will be a day! --Dusknoir477 19:17, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply


its obvious its torrent but idk how to edit that Happizelpom 05:33, 4 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

That was never shown. -Billy4b2004 12:10, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Reply


im not doubting it but what were the exact words that referred it to being male? Happizelpom 04:00, 20 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Yea,I've watched all the dub episodes to,and I don't remember any "he" words when refering to Piplup,only "it". Lovely Rose 18:52, 27 January 2009 (UTC)Reply
Woah, woah, woah. Proof please. I have barely watched the dub (I did want to see how much they cut in the recent ghost episode) but this seems out of character, especially when almost all the evidence points towards female. Aura-Knight 23:58, 3 February 2009 (UTC) Note: On checking the history, there apparently is a small reference in DP011. I'm not going to dispute this but the dub's probably making a mistake....Reply
Almost all evidence pointing toward Piplup being female? The only evidence pointing toward Piplup being female is that cheerleader outfit from DP061, and that's highly debatable since Pachirisu also wore one and its head stripe is heavy evidence pointing toward it being male. The fact that it's voiced by females means nothing--Madame Muchmoney's Snubbull is a confirmed female yet in the dub was voiced by a male in that evolution state, while Ash's Totodile is heavily pointed toward being male yet is voiced by females.
There's actually more evidence that points toward Piplup being male--there's the embarrasment in that maid outfit from DP062 and Dawn interpreting Piplup's speech using a masculine pronoun in the Japanese version of DP087. ****, if it weren't for Yellow and Anabel, that interpretation of Piplup's speech would probably have been taken as rock-solid evidence that Piplup is male.
Of course, there isn't enough evidence either way pointing toward a specific gender in Piplup's case. And if there isn't 100% confirmation, it doesn't matter how much evidence points toward one way--it's entirely possible that all the evidence points one direction yet it eventually gets confirmed the other way. --Shiningpikablu252 00:13, 4 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
I don't know for sure, but I think it is quite likely male. It just looks it. Piplup have a large chance of being male also. A Piplup gender debate better not start. --Dusknoir477 12:41, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
I'm pretty sure Dawn said "He woke up for a little, but then went back to sleep in A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine". But, I don't know... Torngentleman2 18:57, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply


DP121's sure made our lives difficult.

Could be another EP091 ploy, but who knows at this point. Personally, I'd say let's not take risks with a title as blatant as that. TTEchidna 19:58, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Since Piplup is on the Movie 12 Poster, and Chimchar and Staravia are not, I don't think it's likely that Piplup will be evolving any time in the next few months. So I'm going to guess it's a ploy. However, I agree that it's wise not to take risks, or to allow anyone to edit the page because "they're sure Piplup will evolve" or anything like that.--Purimpopoie 20:08, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Could be someone else's Staraptor/Monferno/Piplup on the movie poster.. then again, this also applies to the episodes said Pokémon 'evolve' in. Tina 20:11, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Given the fact that the anime likes to screw with us, I'd bet on someone else's Piplup evolving. Besides, Prinpulp isn't on the poster, therefore it can't evolve. (Is it someone else's? Doubt it highly!) Aura-Knight 22:10, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
I sure hope this new episode announcement does result in Dawn's Piplup evolving. Most of the fans believe that Piplup's evolution is long overdue, and I highly doubt they'd have even suggested Piplup might evolve if Kenji-girl's whole "Piplup's a second mascot" bull**** were accurate...--Shiningpikablu252 22:45, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Purimpopie is right.....PIPLUP IS NOT GOING TO EVOLVE? When ever they put it in the title this specific, it even hints that it's not gonna's like Ash's Pikachu....there might be more episodes about it trying to evolve....but it's NEVER GOING TO EVOLVE!!!--Tavisource 23:05, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
There's always a possibility that it could evolve, despite all the clues pointing to it not evolving. But I just hope this isn't the same as Pikachu (with it facing its evolution and refusing to evolve) because then everyone will use this as evidence for PearlShipping or something >> ~ overgrownsol 23:08, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
It's pretty obvious it's not evolving. The 12th movie confirms this. I'm sure this episode will air before it, right? Just another stupid rumor.
Shiningpikablu... you're so funny. You don't think Piplup is the second mascot, yet you believed that Dawn's Pachirisu was going to die... Piplup's never evolving. You just can't handle someone else being a mascot besides Pikachu and Meowth. As we've seen, the DP series has broken more barriers than the previous generations. Someone other than Ash fights an Elite Four member, a trade went on between two main characters, and Ash gained a Pokémon that previously belonged to his rival. Why is Piplup being another mascot so unbelievable compared to all of this? Get over it. --ケンジガール 23:12, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
We pretty much knew Pikachu wasn't going to be evolving in DP074 because it had refused to evolve when given a chance way back in EP013. Piplup, on the other hand, has never been stated as not wanting to evolve. Sure, we've had cryptic titles before, but I've placed my chips on this outcome: Piplup evolves. --Shiningpikablu252 23:14, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Piplup IS a mascot...all over official Pokémon sites...they list Piplup along with Ash, Brock, Dawn, and Pikachu....they are ALL on the SAME list....!!!--Tavisource 23:15, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Okay, but it's a lost bet. Movie confirms it's not evolving. I doubt the writers would have Piplup evolve now when it's going to be a Piplup 4 months from now. --ケンジガール 23:18, 9 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
I'm sure that it won't evolve, judging from the official Pokémon movie site/posters. Besides, DP074's Japanese title also confused us about Pikachu's evolution, despite being the mascot.. And, it's not EP013, it's EP014. Ҝəυzø8 10:08, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
How do we know it isn't some CoTD or other character's Piplup? YinYang 20:44, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
I think Tyler will appear again. 20:54, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
But Pippy has a Tiara.--Tavisource 21:45, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Seriously guys, it can't evolve. Piplup is on the poster, and it's a 99.9999999999999% chance it is Dawn's. It won't evolve. On another note, as it says "This time for Piplup", we can probably expect a certain Monferno by this time. Aura-Knight 21:49, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Movie posters can be edited. Didn't they do that once? I think Treecko was on some movie poster, then it evolved before the movie, so they updated it with Grovyle. Is that so impossible with Piplup? Now, I'm not saying Piplup will evolve here, I'm only saying it's not out of the question! I'm Missingno. Master. See my new and improved user page, and comment on it! 22:15, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Do they also edit movie trailers? Piplup was also shown in the trailers. Ҝəυzø8 11:50, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
One of the following I think will happen: 1. Piplup tries to evolve, but fails. 2. The fact that Piplup hasn't evolved yet is brought up as the main debate of the episode and is never spoken of again. 3. Piplup begins evolving, but it stops itself because its a whiny spoilsport and, like Pikachu, doesn't want to change (which means itll never evolve, much to the dismay of many viewers and me). 4. Similar to the events of Bye Bye Psyduck, everyone thinks that Piplup has evolved, but it either gets replaced accidentally by a Prinplup or Piplup pulls some prank on them. 5. Piplup evolves in a dream. Dawn wakes up to find that unfortunately her new Prinplup still a Piplup. 6. The film Arceus takes place before its evolution, which would cause much confusion. 7. All promotional images and posters of the film are incorrect and need to be redone. This however, isn't a problem. They've made several mistakes like this before. I really hope it is No. 7, because Piplup needs to evolve and fast... I don't want Piplup to be a permanant. It hasn't got an excuse... it'll evolve someday. Pikachu has an excuse not to, as it needs a Thunder Stone, but Piplup? He evolves naturally. --Dusknoir477 12:34, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

If you look on at one of their most recent updates, you'll see scans from a magazine or something, they were translated, and it says Piplup is going to be given and everstone. So no evo. ~Toastypk - Loom. 17:39, 19 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Know what?

We have this rule about not moving/"updating" anything till the episode airs. Thus, the discussion is completely useless. ΘρtιmαtumTalk 13:44, 11 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Protection Template

needs to change, cuz the episode of piplups supposed evolution, is now DP122Happizelpom 04:27, 16 March 2009 (UTC)Reply