In-battle effect item

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

In-battle effect items are held items that take effect during a battle. As of Generation IV, each item can be classed in one of nine subcategories.

Choice items

Choice Band

Choice Scarf

Choice Specs

  • Japanese: こだわりメガネ Prejudice Glasses
  • Effect: Increases Special Attack by 50%, but disallows all other moves besides the one used first.
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Condition boosters

Damp Rock

  • Japanese: しめったいわ Damp Rock
  • Effect: Lengthens duration of Rain Dance from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder.
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Grip Claw

  • Japanese: ねばりのかぎづめ Sticky Claw
  • Effect: A hold item that causes trapping moves (such as Bind and Wrap) to always work for 5 turns.
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Heat Rock

  • Japanese: あついいわ Hot Rock
  • Effect: Lengthens duration of Sunny Day from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder.
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Icy Rock

  • Japanese: つめたいいわ Icy Rock
  • Effect: Lengthens duration of Hail from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder.
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Light Clay

Smooth Rock

  • Japanese: さらさらいわ Smooth Rock
  • Effect: Lengthens duration of Sandstorm from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder.
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Mental Herb

Power Herb

White Herb

HP restoration

Big Root

  • Japanese: おおきなねっこ Big Root
  • Effect: Doubles the amount of HP restored through HP-stealing moves.
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Black Sludge

  • Japanese: くろいヘドロ Black Sludge
  • Effect: Restores 1/16 of the Pokémon's maximum HP (rounded down) each turn when held by Template:Type2 Pokémon; damages all other types by 1/8 of maximum HP each turn.
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Shell Bell

  • Japanese: かいがらのすず Seashell Bell
  • Effect: Restores a small amount of HP whenever the Pokémon holding it deals damage (1/8 of the damage dealt).
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Power boosters

Berserk Gene

  • Japanese: はかいのいでんし Destructive Gene
  • Effect: Confuses the user and raises Attack. Consumed after use.
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Expert Belt

Life Orb

  • Japanese: いのちのたま Life Orb
  • Effect: Boosts the power of moves by 30%, but at the cost of 10% max HP each time the holder uses an attack. Life Orb does not damage the holder when an attack hits a Substitute. It does not boost the damage for fixed-damage attacks or self-inflicted confusion damage.
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  • Japanese: メトロノーム Metronome
  • Effect: Boosts power of moves used repeatedly. Each time a move is used consecutively, its power is boosted by 10%, increasing up to 20 times. Switching or using another move returns the move's power to normal.
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Muscle Band

Scope Lens

Wide Lens

  • Japanese: こうかくレンズ Wide-angle Lens
  • Effect: Boosts the holder's Accuracy by 10% of the original accuracy.
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Wise Glasses

  • Japanese: ものしりメガネ Knowledgeable Glasses
  • Effect: Boosts the power of special moves by 10%.
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Zoom Lens

  • Japanese: フォーカスレンズ Focus Lens
  • Effect: Boosts critical-hit ratio if the holder moves after the foe.
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Turn order alteration

Iron Ball

Lagging Tail

Quick Claw

Focus items

Focus Band

Focus Sash

Negative effect on holder

Flame Orb

Sticky Barb

  • Japanese: くっつきばり Sticky Barb
  • Effect: Damages holder each turn by 12.5% of its maximum HP each turn. Damages attackers using contact moves by 12.5% of their maximum HP. May transfer to a foe on contact if the foe has no held item.
  • Found: Veilstone Department Store, held by wild Cacnea and Cacturne ()

Toxic Orb

Other items

Amulet Coin


Destiny Knot

  • Japanese: あかいいと Red Thread
  • Effect: Infatuates the foe if the holder becomes infatuated.
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Exp. Share

Lucky Egg

  • Japanese: しあわせタマゴ Lucky Egg
  • Effect: Boosts the experience gained in a battle by 1.5x (2.25x if the Pokémon is traded within its native language)
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Shed Shell

  • Japanese: きれいなぬけがら Pretty Shed Shell
  • Effect: Allows the holder to switch out even if it is trapped by a move or ability that restrains the Pokémon from switching out under normal circumstances.
  • Found: Route 228, held by wild Beautifly, Dustox, and Venomoth ()

Smoke Ball

  • Japanese: けむりだま Smoke Ball
  • Effect: Allows certain escape from a wild Pokémon.
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Held items
In-battle effect items
BerriesColored orbsDrivesPower items
Experience-affecting itemsGemsIncenseMega StonesMemoriesPlates
Stat-enhancing itemsType-enhancing itemsZ-Crystals
Out-of-battle effect items
Power itemsIncenseMailScarves
This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.