Pal Park

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Pal Park パルパーク
Pal Park
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
File:Pal Park.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Route 221
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV

Location of Pal Park in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

Pal Park (Japanese: パルパーク Pal Park) is a location on Route 221 in Sinnoh. Its slogan is "A Place for New Beginnings."

To unlock Pal Park, the player needs to have seen all Pokémon in Sinnoh's regional Pokédex (except for Manaphy in Diamond and Pearl) and then show their accomplishment to Professor Rowan in his lab. After this has been done, Professor Oak himself will show up to both upgrade the Pokédex to National mode and to invite the player to come to Pal Park. Please note that Pal Park is language locked. I.E. a Japanese Fire Red version will not work with the English Platinum version Pal Park.


Inside of the Pal Park lobby

Pal Park is a large area consisting of a large park and a small entry building. It was constructed just recently on Route 221 to help trainers trade over their Pokémon from a distant region. After reaching the end of Route 221, the large Pal Park building is visible. Entering the building will get the player into the lobby, where they can accept the Daily Catching Show from the Park Ranger. There are two floors in the lobby. The first is where registration to get into the show takes place. A women on the left side of the building will give the player their highest score done in the Catching Show. There is also a woman on the ground floor, that if the player shows her a Snorlax, then a Kecleon, the player will receive the Pokétch applications "Kitchen Timer" and "Color Changer", respectively. The second floor is accessible using the stairs on the right. Many people come up here to see all the shows, as there are glass window that can see through the entire park. They are very interested in seeing all of the players shows, often making a great entertainment for everyone. In total, there are seven people within the lobby.

The field

Pal Park itself is a huge park with different terrains to suit all sort of different Pokémon. When entered upon, the player will begin in the field area of Pal Park. This contains a large open space with large patches of tall grass where field Pokémon inhabit. There are two patches of grass within the area, a small patch on the east, and a larger patch on the west. There are 123 Pokémon that can appear in this area. There are three different paths the player can take in order to get to the another area of the park, the north-western stairway will get the player to the forest area, the north-eastern stairway will take the player through a pathway to the mountain area. While traveling east will take the player to the sea area, by jumping a ledge.

File:Park der Freunde Wald.png
The forest

By following the path up the far north-western side of the park, the player will reach the forest area of Pal Park, where forest dwelling Pokémon live. There are 74 Pokémon that can appear in this area. It is a long narrow strip of pathway following up the far western side of the park, then it takes a right turn up in the corner of the park, and then travels east until the player reaches the pond area. The path is a long, narrow, dark pathway covered by tall trees, with the ground covered all the way by tall grass. There is no other way from getting to and from the forest area unless by traveling through the pond area.

The mountain (left) and pond (right)

When the player reaches the pond area via the forest area, the player must travel a short distance east to reach the pond, a pool of water, able to be surfed across, where all the wild Pokémon inhabit. There are 37 Pokémon that can appear in this area. If the player travels south while getting there, they will find a ledge going down into the mountain area. Once entering the square pond to find Pokémon, they can go south, to reach dry land, where they can also climb up and down stairs on a steep mountain side to reach the sea area. Alternatively, the player can enter from the sea area by traveling north through part of the mountain area to reach the southern part of the waterside, where the player can surf across the light water to the other side. There is not other way of getting to the pond in the top-eastern corner.

The mountain area is located in the middle of a mountain side, in the center of Pal Park. It can be accessed by jumping a ledge in the pond area just north of there, or going through a little forest pathway from the field area. The mountain area has a small patch of grass, where the player can find wild Pokémon. There are 105 Pokémon that can appear in this area. Most of this area is covered with grass, while this is a small part of it that isn't. There is also a ledge the player can jump down to reach the sea area. This is the only way to escape the area apart from turning back to the field area.

The sea

There is one other area in the park, known as the sea area, which is found in the south-eastern corner of the park. It can be accessed by going east from the field area, or south from the mountain area, by jumping down the ledge and going down the mountain side. The sea area is a large section of the park with a large section of sea coming in from the west. When the player enters from the mountain or pond area they will jump are go around a large ledge and see a sandy beach were the sea meets the land. The area also has a rocky terrain, with many rock on the beach and in the water blocking the way, so that the player can not travel any further east passed the mountain side. By surfing across the deep blue sea water, the player can encounter many different types of wild sea Pokémon. In total, there are 37 Pokémon that can appear in this area. If the player, goes west passed another set of ledges, they will end up back on the eastern side of the field area where they began, making a big loop.


Key Items

  • Park Ball (x6): Given by the Park Ranger to capture the six Pokémon in the Catching Show. They have a catch rate of 100% much like the Master Ball.

Pokétch Apps



Main article: List of Pokémon by Pal Park location

Pal Park allows people who have both the Generation III and Generation IV games to transfer Pokémon ahead via the Nintendo DS's Game Boy Advance slot. However, only six Pokémon can be transferred in one 24 hour period per GBA cartridge, and no Pokémon can be transferred until the previous six Pokémon have been caught. The player may choose to leave the park at any time; however he must then re-capture all migrated Pokémon on a subsequent visit.

Pal Park, as opposed to other methods of getting previous generations' Pokémon, allows not only that other regions' starter Pokémon can be used by players of Diamond and Pearl, but also provides a way for players to take the Pokémon that they had raised in Generation III to the next level. There are also some items that can only be obtained in Generation IV through Pal Park.


Transferring Pokémon over to Generation IV

Unlike in Generation II, where the Time Capsule allowed Pokémon to return to Generation I, the transfer from Generation III to Generation IV is permanent - all Pokémon sent over are removed from the GBA games.

In a similar fashion to the Time Capsule, though, there is a move requirement on the Pokémon to be transferred: Pokémon moving from Generation III to Generation IV must know no HM moves from Generation III. These moves can be deleted before transfer in Lilycove City or Fuchsia City. This created some controversy, with players being unable to transfer special event Pikachu who knew Surf or Fly as well as many Pokémon that lost the ability to learn Dive in Generation IV. However, when Pokémon Platinum was released, those Pokémon who lost Dive could learn it again via move tutor.

After Pokémon have been imported from the GBA game in the bottom slot of the DS through the main menu of the Diamond or Pearl game, they may be captured in Pal Park through an event known as a Catching Show. Each Pokémon has a specific area of the park that they reside in, and therefore, they must also be found before they can be received. Pal Park uses a special type of Poké Ball, known as a Park Ball, that is colored gold and silver, which has a 100% capture rate, much like the Master Ball. Once a battle begins, there is only two commands that can be used - Throw Ball, or Run. Throwing a Park Ball at the Pokémon will capture it with a 100% capture rate, running away will escape from the battle.

The five different areas in Pal Park

After a Pokémon is captured, if its status screen is viewed, it will display the region that it was originally captured in (Hoenn for Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald (even if it was caught on Navel Rock, Birth Island or Faraway Island); Kanto for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (even if it was captured in an area of the Sevii Islands); and "distant land" for Colosseum and XD. It will also display the level at which the Pokémon was migrated.

Everything will stay the same, such as OT, ID number, item held, Pokérus if the Pokémon has it, and even the original type of Poké Ball used to capture the Pokémon, despite a Park Ball being used to recapture it.

This is currently the only way to get the starters and most legendaries of Kanto, Johto and Hoenn into Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl.

The spots of Spinda will stay the same as well as whatever Forme of Deoxys was transferred. Deoxys Formes can later be changed at each one of the meteorites in Veilstone City.


In addition to transferring Pokémon from Generation III, Pal Park also has a score system that will offer rewards depending on the player's score. The score will be given at the end of the Catching Show, by the Park Ranger. The score is worked out by how fast the captures are completed, and what Pokémon are transferred over. If a rarer or a legendary Pokémon is migrated, such as Mewtwo, a higher score will be given, as opposed to more common Pokémon such as Rattata, which will be given a lower score. Timing will also alter the score: if it takes longer to complete the challenge the score will be decreased; however, if it takes a shorter amount of time to complete the challenge, the score will be increased. When Pal Park is first visited, a default high score of 2000 will be set by the player's rival. The Park Ranger always gives the player a berry as a reward; the higher the score, the rarer the berry.


0-3000 3001-3299 3300-3499 3500-4000
Aspear Aguav Bluk Grepa
Cheri Figy Nanab Hondew
Chesto Iapapa Lum Kelpsy
Leppa Mago Pinap Pomeg
Oran Wiki Razz Qualot
Pecha Sitrus Tamato
Persim Wepear


  • If the player uses a walk through walls cheat, they can access an area behind the Pal Park building. It is identical to the first few tiles seen when entering Pal Park to perform in a catching show. The only Pokémon that will appear are those which appear in Route 221, where the Pal Park is situated.
  • Cheating by changing or altering the Nintendo DS's clock in any way will change the time of Pal Park Catching Show for another 24 hours.

In other languages

  • Spanish: Parque Compi
  • Italian: Parco Amici
  • French: Parc des Amis
  • German: Park der Freunde

See also

Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.