Being a mold Pokémon, Shuckle is encased in a very hard red shell that has many holes in it. Its body inside the shell is yellow and presumably very soft. Shuckle's limbs appear limp till in use and are completely able.
Gender differences
Special abilities
The player could attach an Oran Berry (Berry in Generation II) to Shuckle. Over time, the Berry would become Berry Juice. If left attached to Shuckle even longer, it would become a Rare Candy. Its low attacking power is made up with Shuckle's extremely high defenses.
Rather then actively hunting and foraging for food like most other Pokémon, it tends to collect berries and store them in its shell. The berries inside are liquefied and fermented by the Shuckle's digestive juices, which are then consumed by the Shuckle. These juices are also used to dissolve rocks for the Shuckle to hide under.
Shuckle tend to hide under rocks and fallen logs for long periods of time.
A Shuckle was one of the residents of Millennium Town in Pikachu & Pichu.
In A Better Pill to Swallow, an old man was using the Berry Juice that Shuckle makes to create medicine. One of the Shuckle that he befriended was a purple Shuckle whose Berry Juice attracted Pokémon to anyone who drank it. Because of this, Team Rocket made it their mission to steal it.
Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. When Shuckle places organic materials in its husk-like shell, the items are transformed into a unique juice. Shuckle are naturally shy and are most often found hiding beneath rocks.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Special manga
Shuckle's major appearance is in Template:PSV, under the control of Orm. Orm manages to use one Shuckle to control a huge swarm of Shuckle and hold Green down, but once Blue takes out the leader Shuckle, the entire group formation falls apart.
Shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its hard shell while eating berries it has stored away. The berries mix with its body fluids to become a juice.
Shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its hard shell while eating berries it has stored away. The berries mix with its body fluids to become a juice.
A Shuckle hides under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its shell while eating stored berries. The berries mix with its body fluids to become a juice.
|- style="background:#B8C26A"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Shuckle has the highest Defense and Special Defense stats of any Pokémon, with a max of 614 in them with beneficial natures (which are also the highest non-HP stats in existence).
After using Power Trick, Shuckle has the highest Attack of any Pokémon with a max of 614 in it with beneficial natures (To compare, Deoxys's Attack form's maximum Attack stat is "only" 504.)
Although the circumstances would be nearly impossible, a level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters, by using Helping Hand, Metronome held item, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Huge Power or Pure Power, and the Defense Curl/Rollout combo. On the 5th impact of Rollout, if used against a level 1 Ledyba or Yanma that have been hit with negative Defense modifiers (such as Screech), it can deal over 315,000,000 damage.
Shuckle seems to be based on an endolith, an organism that lives inside porous rocks or animal shells. Fungi, also known as mold, are common endoliths. This explains why Shuckle is the mold Pokémon.
It may also be based on scale insects – small, shelled parasites that produce a sweet fluid called honeydew that attracts other insects.
It also appears that Shuckle could also be a mixture of several different mollusk in one as a land form. Shuckle seem to have most the major qualities of mollusks. Examples: the shell, each foot being muscular and limp seaming, the use of acids to receive food or to break down obstacles, likes fermented foods, and lives close to the water in many cases.
Name origin
Shuckle may be derived from shuck, to remove from a husk or pod. Its Japanese name is a repetition of 壷 tsubo, jar, or 富士壺 fujitsubo, barnacle.
In other languages
German: Pottrott - From Pott (a colloquial word for jar) and verrotten (to rot), referring to the fermentation of berries in its shell.
French: Caratroc - From carapace (shell) and troc (exchange), refering to its ability of transforming berries into berry juice.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.