Pokémon Stadium

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Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium's North American boxart
Basic info
Platform: {{{platform}}}
Category: Battle Simulation
Players: 1-4
Connectivity: None
Developer: Nintendo/HAL Labs
Publisher: Nintendo
Part of: {{{gen_series}}}
ESRB: E for Everyone
Release dates
Japan: April 30, 1999
North America: February 29, 2000
Australia: March 23, 2000
Europe: December 31, 2000
South Korea:
Hong Kong: N/A
Taiwan: N/A
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Pokémon Stadium (Japanese: ポケモンスタジアム2 Pokémon Stadium 2) is a Nintendo 64 game that allows players to upload and battle their Pokémon from the first generation Pokémon games, Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green in Japan. It features several battle arenas, introducing Stadium Mode's original four cups, the Pika Cup, Petit Cup, Poké Cup, and Prime Cup, the latter two of which would return in the sequel, and the original Gym Leader Castle.

This game is the sequel to the mostly incomplete original, which was never released anywhere but Japan.

Game modes

Stadium Title Screen

Free battle

An open battle mode where players can battle with each other or the CPU with their favourite Pokémon. Players can use the Stadium rulesets (plus their available rentals), or choose "Anything Goes" for only the basic rules with no level limit.

Exclusive to Anything Goes is the ability to bring any number of Pokémon from one to six into battle, and play team matches with 3 or 4 players. When two players are on a given side, each selects up to 3 Pokémon to control.


Main article: Stadium Mode

This is the main game mode. There are four different cup rules to win; Pika Cup, Petit Cup, Poké Cup and Prime Cup. In the latter two, there are four levels of difficulty; Poké Ball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball and Master Ball.

Gym Leader Castle

Main article: Gym Leader Castle

In this mode, the goal is to climb to the castle's top by facing in order all 8 of the Gym Leaders from Kanto, followed by the Elite 4 and finally the player's rival. Each of the Gym Leaders has 3 apprentices that the player must first defeat in order to battle the Leader themselves.

When the rival is finally defeated, the player will be rewarded one of the following 8 Pokémon at random; each of them uncommon in Generation I and usually only available once in a particular Game Boy game without trading, and each at level 20:

Vs. Mewtwo

Once the player has completed the Stadium Mode and Gym Leader Castle, Mewtwo's silhouette will appear in the sky over the Stadium for selection. This is simply a showdown against Mewtwo itself, under essentially Anything Goes rules: up to six Pokémon (the player's own or Prime Cup rentals) can brought to the battle, but Mewtwo is the only opponent and is level 100. It knows Psychic, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, and Rest.

Defeating Mewtwo launches the credits, changes the title screen and unlocks Round 2. Re-unlocking and defeating Mewtwo in Round 2 (where its' stats are increased and Blizzard is switched for Amnesia) awards another new title screen and special hidden stickers available in the Gallery mode.

Kids' Club

This park houses 9 different mini-games for One to Four players. They can be played freely or in a "Who's the Champion?" mode where the first player to accumulate a certain number of wins is declared the champ. Any slots not used by players will be filled in by the computer, with Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty levels available. The secret Hyper difficulty can be unlocked by winning a Champion match on Hard.

  • Clefairy Says: A Clefairy teacher will write increasingly tricky arrow patterns on a chalkboard. They must be repeated back. Last player standing wins.
    Controls: Control Pad to repeat the pattern.
  • Dig! Dig! Dig!: As Sandshrew, players need to dig to the underground well before the others.
    Controls: Tap L and R alternatively to dig.
  • Ekans Hoop Hurl: In 60 seconds, players must toss as many Ekans around as many Diglett as they can. Gold Diglett are worth extra points.
    Controls: Control Pad Left/Right to aim and Up/Down to adjust the angle, Control Stick Down to throw.
  • Magikarp Splash: Magikarp must Splash high enough to hit the button at the top of the screen as many times as it can.
    Controls: A to Splash/Jump.
  • Rock Harden: As either Metapod or Kakuna, players must use Harden at the right time to avoid taking damage from the incoming rocks. Using Harden also depletes stamina as well so it must be used carefully. Last player standing wins.
    Controls: A to Harden.
  • Run, Rattata, Run: Rattata needs to avoid obstacles as it runs on a treadmill to reach the finish line.
    Controls: A (repeatedly) to run, Control Pad Up to jump.
  • Snore War: Drowzee must use Hypnosis when the pendulum hits the center of its' swing to put the other Drowzee to sleep. Last one left awake wins.
    Controls: A for Hypnosis.
  • Sushi-Go-Round: Lickitung must eat as many foods as it can from the circular table of rotating plates, so as to run up a high bill. There are several types of food, each worth a different price; certain foods are spicier than others, which can slow Lickitung down. The player that racks up the most expensive bill when time is up wins.
    Controls: Control Stick to Move, A to eat.
  • Thundering Dynamo: As either Pikachu or Voltorb, players need to press the button corresponding to the lightbulb's color to charge up electricity. The player who is fully charged first wins.
    Controls: Mash A or B to charge.


This is used to take pictures of Pokémon from a Red, Blue or Yellow cartridge inserted into the Transfer Pak or any rental Pokémon. Any of the game's arenas can be selected for a backdrop and the photos are stored in an in-game album. These pictures can be printed out as stickers (in 16x1 or 4x4 sizes) via the same Sticker Station that was used for Pokémon Snap.

Oak's Lab

This can only be used if you have a copy of Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow inserted into a Transfer Pak. Here you can access boxes to organize and store Pokémon and items, trade Pokémon between game cartridges, and accept prize Pokémon won elsewhere in the game.

GB Tower

This is used to play an emulated version of Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow on the Nintendo 64. Different borders can be applied, some exclusive to particular versions. In addition, a Doduo Game Boy Tower can be unlocked by completing all the Stadium cups in Round 1, which allows the game to be played at double the speed. A Dodrio Game Boy Tower can also be unlocked from Round 2's Stadium cups, allowing the game to be played at triple speed.

Round 2

When the Vs. Mewtwo battle is cleared, Round 2 can be toggled on and off by pressing C-Right on the main menu. Round 2 challenges the player to battle through the game all over again, against the same opponents with different Pokémon and a much higher difficulty. The surrounding Stadium area in Round 2 is set at night.


  • This is currently the only game in the entire Pokémon franchise to say that a Pokémon may "die" in battle. If the player, or computer opponent, brings a Pokémon into play with very little HP remaining, the announcer may say, "Oh! This one is ready to die!" Every game in the series always refers to Pokémon as simply "fainting" or "unable to battle".

Template:Main series

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.