Notched-ear Pichu (Japanese: ギザみみピチューNotched-ear Pichu) is a female Pichu. Her physical appearance is no different from an ordinary Pichu, other than the three spikes at the tip of her left ear, hence her name.
She was first mentioned at the end of a movie preview when movie director Kunihiko Yuyama talked about a "small, yellow Electric-type that would save the world". Then a short clip showed her playing with Pikachu, but she was blocked by a big circle, and all that could be seen were the "notches" on her ear. The same scene was shown again at the end of the official trailer and she was fully visible.
She will appear in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, and is an event Pokémon obtained in Ilex Forest activated by owning the Pikachu-colored Pichu from the twelfth movie promotion and going to Celebi's shrine, after which she can join the player's party. She has her own unique in-battle and overworld sprites. Notched-Ear Pichu knows the moves Volt Tackle, Swagger, Helping Hand, and Pain Split. She cannot evolve or be traded outside of HeartGold and SoulSilver.
In the manga
In the manga adaptation of the movie, Notched-ear Pichu is a wild Pokémon that the characters meet in the distant past. She assists the characters in escaping from the movie's main antagonist, Gishin.
In the TCG
In the Ilex Forest with the Pikachu-colored Pichu
This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Notched-ear Pichu in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
A picture of a Pikachu short poster that featured the notched-ear Pichu alongside Pikachu and Piplup was leaked several days before this Pokémon was officially revealed.
See also
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Pichu.