Ritchie (Also Richie, Japanese: ヒロシ Hiroshi) is a nominally recurring Pokémon trainer in the Pokémon anime. His Japanese seiyu is 高山みなみ Minami Takayama his English voice actress is Tara Jayne, and his Brazilian Portuguese voice actors are Alex Wendel (Indigo League), Francisco Freitas (Whirl Islands) and Thiago Longo (Pokémon Chronicles). He is named after Hiroshi Yamauchi, former President of Nintendo. His Japanese name means "far and wide" (溥), while his English name is a diminiuitive for Richard, which is generally agreed to mean "brave power" in Germanic (from the elements ric "power, rule, ruler" and hard "brave, hardy").
Ritchie is often seen as a clone of Ash Ketchum and what the show would be like if Ash was perfect. He is disliked by many fans, including the website, Pokemopolis.
In the anime
Ritchie first appeared in A Friend In Deed and quickly befriended his fellow Pokémon League competitor, Ash Ketchum. This led to problems in the next episode, Friend or Foe Alike, since the two were matched up to battle against each other. Ritchie won the match, since at the very end Ash's Charizard refused to fight what it considered a weaker opponent and took a nap on the battlefield instead.
Ritchie showed up again in the anime when Ash and friends visited the Whirl Islands, starting in A Parent Trapped! He was searching for a mysterious Pokémon found there, which turned out to be a Lugia.
He also appeared in three Pokémon Chronicles episodes, Oaknapped, Celebi and Joy and The Search for the Legend. The second of these makes him one of three notable characters to travel backwards through time with the aid of Celebi, the other characters being May and Meowth.
- Pikachu (Sparky, レオン Leon)
- Butterfree (Happy, パピー)
- Charmander → Charmeleon (Zippo, ジッポ)
- Pupitar (Grace, クルーズ Cruise)
- Taillow (Rose, ローズ)
- Eevee (Only ever referred to in the dub)
In the games
The only game Ritchie appears in was Pokémon Puzzle League. However, some have speculated that, like Ash, he was based off the hero from Pokémon Red and Blue. In fact, besides differences in color, his outfit closely parallels that of the hero's original design.
In the manga
Ritchie was one of the characters in the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga.