Pokémon Ranger (Trainer class)

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Revision as of 02:43, 6 September 2009 by MisterE13 (talk | contribs) (Appearance)
This article is about the Trainer class. For other uses, see Pokémon Ranger.

A Pokémon Ranger (Japanese: ポケモンレンジャー Pokémon Ranger) are a class of Trainer that debuted in the Generation III games. They come in male and female variations, dress in sturdy orange clothing, and generally carry a length of rope.

Unlike the Rangers of Fiore and Almia, Rangers in Hoenn, Sinnoh and Kanto collect and train Pokémon just like other regular Pokémon Trainers, although they are still primarily concerned with protecting wild Pokémon, keeping the environment safe, and making sure travelers do not get injured or lost when walking through the wilderness, as they mention that fact in their battle dialogue.

They specialize in Template:Type2 Pokémon in Generation III. In Generation IV, they use a variety of powerful Pokémon similar to Ace Trainers.


Pokémon Ranger Sprites
File:RSE PokemonRangerM.pngFile:RSE PokemonRangerF.png File:FL PokemonRangerM.pngFile:FL PokemonRangerF.png File:DP Pokémon Ranger M.pngFile:DP Pokémon Ranger F.png
Images from
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Images from
FireRed and LeafGreen
Images from
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

In the anime

Template:Gen III trainers
Template:Class stub
Template:Project Class notice