
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 18:42, 20 November 2008 by Hellkaiserryo12 (talk | contribs) (New page: Hi. My name is Hellkaiserryo12 if you haven't noticed. I enjoy playing Pokemon, Metroid, Sonic and Zelda games. I have also made a large number of contributions to the Metroid Wiki: Wikitr...)
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Hi. My name is Hellkaiserryo12 if you haven't noticed. I enjoy playing Pokemon, Metroid, Sonic and Zelda games. I have also made a large number of contributions to the Metroid Wiki: Wikitroid. I have started and revamped various articles on that site. I am not yet fully accustomed to the link methods of this wiki, but i will get the hang of it soon.

I am a Pokemon splicer and i have uploaded 5 videos of them to Youtube. My Youtube account can be found here: , if anyone is curious enough to watch them.

I live in the UK and i am 14 years old.

My msn address is, so if you wish to speak with me you are welcome to.

My Pearl friend code is 2192 0730 1390 and i am called Sylux. Please add me and then we can arrange a time to battle or trade!

My team is: Empoleon Staraptor Abomasnow Luxray Garchomp Alakazam

My favourite Pokemon are Empoleon, Magmortar and Alakzam.

I am a fairly friendly person and I enjoy large SSBB tournaments with friends.

My Wii friend code is 5288 6329 5798 4440 and I am called Hell Kaiser. I like to play brawl and my mains are Samus and Toon Link.

Bye for now.