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File:Pokéthlon art.png
Artwork of Pokéthlon

Pokéthlon (Japanese: ポケスロン Pokéthlon) is a type of competition involving Pokémon racing and similar athletic competitions, in the manner of Olympic track and field competitions. It was introduced in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. The Pokéthlon building is north of Goldenrod City, next to National Park.

The Pokéthlon is handled similarly to Pokémon Super Contests from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, as a sidequest to complete while the player challenges the gyms and the Pokémon League. Like the Contests, four competitors participate at once; however, they use a team of Pokémon instead of a single Pokémon. The Pokémon that take part are known as "Pokéthletes".

Like the five statistics introduced for Pokémon Contests, each Pokémon has special attributes just for the Pokéthlon: Speed, Power, Technique, Stamina, and Jump. Each of the statistics is measured by stars, and can be increased by consuming a drink made out of Apricorns. Some have different maximum values than others.

By winning events in the Pokéthlon, the participating Pokémon will earn medals.

File:Pokéthlon location.png
Pokéthlon Dome


Dash Hurdle

(Japanese:ダッシュハードル Dash Hurdle) The Dash Hurdle are based on hurdle races. In this event, the selected Pokémon run around a track. By tapping the Nintendo DS's touch screen with the stylus, the player can make them jump over hurdles. If the Pokémon waits until just before colliding with the hurdle to jump, they can receive a speed boost. The score is based on the sum of all three Pokémon's times.

Pokéthlon stats used: Speed, Jump, Technique

Category: Speed and Jump course

Performance Effect
Speed Movement speed
Jump Length of jump
Technique Acceleration

Ring-Out Fight

(Japanese:リングアウトファイト Ring-Out Fight) In this competition based on Sumo wrestling, four Pokémon enter a ring at a time and attempt to shove the others out with only tackles, done by flicking the stylus with the Pokémon selected. A tackle performed coming out of a jump is called a press. If a Pokémon falls out, their team-mate will replace them.

Pokéthlon stats used: Power, Stamina, Jump, Speed

Category: Stamina course

Performance Effect
Stamina Endurance to attacks
Jump Distance when jumping and press power
Power Tackle power
Speed Movement speed

Shooting Snow

(Japanese:シューティングスノー Shooting Snow) Shooting Snow is a combination of dodgeball and a snowball fight. Four teams of Pokémon engage in a snowball fight. If a Pokémon is hit by a snowball, they get stunned. The team that hits the most Pokémon wins. To create a snowball, the player rapidly taps on whichever Pokémon a snowball is wanted from. Flick the snowball with the touchscreen to throw it.

Pokéthlon stats used: Power, Technique, Stamina

Category: Technique course

Performance Effect
Technique Accuracy of throw
Stamina Ability to withstand blacking out when hit
Power Ability to black out opponent on hit

Bound Field

(Japanese:バウンドフィールド Bound Field) A game similar to pachinko. With the touch screen, the Trainer taps his or her Pokémon and drags them into the floor. When the player releases, it will slingshot the Pokémon into the air. Points are rewarded based on how many lamps said Pokémon hits while in that jump. Stats seem negligible and are more oriented on how far down the player drags and how quickly they release.

Pokéthlon stats used: Technique, Jump, Power, Stamina

Category: Jump course

Performance Effect
Jump Height of jump
Technique Skill when jumping
Power Collision reflect-distance
Stamina Speed of recovery after black out

Change Relay

(Japanese:チェンジリレー Change Relay) The player drags their Pokémon as fast as they can around the track using the touchscreen, to do as many laps as they can within the time limit. To run, the player must repeatedly flick the Pokémon. Colliding into another Pokémon will stop the player's Pokémon dead in their tracks for a second. If the Pokémon who was struck is suffering from fatigue, it will stun them as well. Running into an obstacle will slightly push the player back, and running over rocks will slow the Pokémon down. After a while, the Pokémon will become fatigued and will need to switch out to the next one to take its place.

Pokéthlon stats used: Speed, Stamina, Technique, Power

Category: Speed and Stamina course

Performance Effect
Speed Movement speed
Stamina Running endurance
Technique Acceleration of dash
Power Lower opponents Stamina upon collision

Break Block

(Japanese:ブレイクブロック Break Block) Break Block is a minigame where a selected Pokémon breaks blocks using its hand, or appendage-like body part. It is controlled by tapping the blocks on the touchscreen. Each of the blocks have cracks which, when hit, will cause a critical-hit. The Pokémon will become tired after breaking a certain amount of blocks and will need to switch out with a partner Pokémon.

Pokéthlon stats used: Power, Stamina, Technique

Category: Power and Stamina course

Performance Effect
Power Amount of blocks broken with one touch
Stamina Block breaking endurance
Technique Easiness of hitting cracks

Push Circle

(Japanese:プッシュサークル Push Circle) A minigame similar to Ring-Out Fight, but the player controls all three Pokémon at once. The goal is to stay in the glowing circles when the time runs out to get points. Points are awarded based on the size of the circle one is standing in at the end. To move the Pokémon, the player drags along the screen using the stylus. This lasts for 6 rounds.

Pokéthlon stats used: Speed, Power, Stamina

Category: Power course

Performance Effect
Power Difficulty of pushing opponents
Stamina Push duration
Speed Movement speed

Catch Saucer

(Japanese:キャッチソーサー Catch Saucer) A minigame where three Pokémon are controlled against opponent Pokémon to catch objects discs through the air. The area in which the Pokémon is standing when it breaks the saucer affects the amount of points earned. Falling off the map will cause that Pokémon to disappear for a few seconds before reappearing. Tap the Pokémon to make them leap up.

Pokéthlon stats used: Power, Jump, Speed

Category: Jump course

Performance Effect
Jump Height and duration of jump
Power Difficulty of pushing opponents
Speed Movement speed

Steal Flag

(Japanese:スティールフラッグ Steal Flag) A minigame where a Pokémon is controlled around a course with various obstacles, and has to collect as many flags as possible. The player can ram opponents to take some of their flags. Only a certain number of flags can be held at any one time, and once the maximum is reached the player must direct the Pokémon back to the start line to deposit the flags. Flags not deposited at the line do not count in the final score. Flick the stylus with a Pokémon highlighted to move.

Pokéthlon stats used: Speed, Technique, Stamina, Power

Category: Speed and Technique course

Performance Effect
Speed Movement speed
Technique Turning difficulty
Power Ability of blacking out opponents
Stamina Ability to withstand blacking out

Smash Goal

(Japanese:スマッシュゴール Smash Goal) In this event, each team is placed in a corner in a soccer-like game. The player controls three Pokémon at once as he or she tries to score on opponents. Drag the Pokémon to move it, or flick it to make the Pokémon charge and launch the ball in the projected direction, going through opponents until it hits a wall. Score by being the last one to hit the ball before it enters a goal. A white ball is worth one point, and a gold ball is worth two. If the player concedes a goal, they lose a point. In the beginning only one ball will be on the field, but after a while a second one will appear. A Pokémon can become fatigued from moving too much, and cannot launch the ball. Any Pokémon struck by a launched ball will be stunned for a few seconds.

Pokéthlon stats used: Power, Technique, Stamina, Speed

Category: Power and Technique course

Performance Effect
Technique Ability to dribble and range of shots
Power Power of ball when kicked
Stamina Ability to withstand fatigue when hit
Speed Movement speed



  • All of the Pokéthlon events require two of the five stats, except for Shooting Snow and Steal Flag; both of these require three stats.
  • Since Diglett and Dugtrio are incapable of jumping; on Bound Field they can't move at all, on Catch Saucer they can only move around, and on Dash Hurdle they dig under the hurdles.