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File:Amphy.png Amphy as seen in Kotone's presentation
Voice actor
As Ampharos
Amphy (Japanese: アカリ Akari) is an Ampharos that illuminates the Glitter Lighthouse in Olivine City. Its Trainer is apparently Jasmine; however, she does not use it on her team during the gym battle in either the anime or games. It first appeared in Fight for the Light.
In the anime
In the anime dub, Amphy was called Sparkle. It became sick shortly before Ash challenged Jasmine for the Mineral Badge. He, his friends and Janina traveled to Cianwood City to buy the medicine for Amphy. While Janina went back to Olivine City, Ash and his friends traveled through the Whirl Islands.
While on the way back to Olivine in Throwing in the Noctowl, the plane flown by Wings Alexander that was carrying Ash and the others in was blown off course. Thanks to Amphy's flashes of light, Wings was able to get back on course and safely land his plane.
Amphy made a brief cameo in DP143 during Kotone's introduction to Johto.
In the games
Amphy is at the top of Olivine's Glitter Lighthouse. However, it is sick when the player first arrives in Olivine City in the Generation II games. After climbing the Lighthouse, Jasmine tells the player that they have to travel to Cianwood City across the sea to get the SecretPotion that will cure Amphy. After Amphy is cured, Jasmine may be battled in the Olivine Gym.
In the Pokémon Special manga
Amphy is owned by Jasmine. It helped Jasmine by sending a distress signal when Jasmine was trapped in the Tin Tower during an Earthquake. Gold and Silver saw this signal and tried to save the two, but Jasmine managed to escape before they reached her.
In the TCG
Amphy was featured in the Trading Card Game as one of Jasmine's Pokémon. The following is a list of cards named Jasmine's Ampharos.
Related articles
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Ampharos.