The Hearthome Gym in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, was the 5th gym, but in Pokémon Platinum, this was changed to the 3rd gym. This is evident by the significant level change of Fantina's Pokémon.
The Hearthome Gym is a giant, five-story building constructed of gray stone blocks. It is illuminated by eerie gray-blue torches. On every floor, there is a mathematical puzzle and three doors corresponding with the answers. Picking the correct door leads to the next elevator up. Picking the wrong door leads to a dead end and a trainer to fight. This puzzle is somewhat pointless, as the Pokétch has a Calculator App, which can be used to find the answers with minimal effort. The Gym Leader waits in the final room on the fifth floor, which has stain-glass windows and resembles a cathedral.
In Pokémon Platinum, Hearthome Gym has become much like Dewford Gym, in Generation III; it is dark and there is only limited light source. The player must navigate their way around the gym using a flashlight to locate a blue tile on the floor, which corresponds to the correct door. Entering the wrong door will result in coming back to the lobby, and the blue tile is reset each time one enters the gym. Duskull lamps are used as visible walls, to guide the player around. There are other trainers with flashlights the player must battle, in order to make their way to Fantina.
She is third gym leader in this game, able to be battled on the first visit to Hearthome. Fantina uses similar Pokémon, at different levels, although she no longer has Drifblim, her original signature Pokémon.
The math questions in this gym are mostly basic addition and subtraction questions, which becomes somewhat of a running joke among the trainers faced, some of which mention that the questions should have been impossible to get wrong with use of the Pokétch's Calculator App.
Although the Hearthome Gym is considered the third in Platinum it still shows up as the fifth badge on the trainer card and Fantina's face is on the fifth slot.
During the battle with her, Fantina says, "Never give up, never surrender." This is a reference to the movie Galaxy Quest.