Luxray Vision!
First broadcast
December 13, 2007
United States
May 31, 2008
English themes
Japanese themes
Luxray Vision! (Japanese: レントラーの瞳! Rentorer's Eyes!) is the 59th episode of the Diamond & Pearl series, and the 525th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on December 13, 2007 and in the United States on May 31, 2008.
Ash and his friends get lost in the forest where they find an old castle. There they meet a girl detective, Marble, and her Luxray, with whom they together try to protect the treasure in the castle.
Hoping to find a place to stay for the night, Ash and friends visit an imposing manor. Instead, they're almost mistaken for thieves by Marble, a self-proclaimed detective who's also Officer Jenny's student. Matthew, the manor's owner, received word that the Bandit Beauties Three were coming to steal his treasure, and Marble promised to stop them. Despite her promise, she's secretly worried: her Luxray hasn't obeyed her ever since it evolved, and she thinks it's all because Luxray can't get its Template:Type2 moves to work.
As for the Bandit Beauties Three, they're none other than Team Rocket. After snatching Matthew's treasure, they try to make a getaway, only to fall into a pit trap! Matthew's manor is chock full of dangerous traps designed to catch thieves, except Pikachu and Luxray also fall down a pit trap while chasing after Team Rocket. Matthew shows Ash a secret passage that leads them to Pikachu and Luxray, but Marble accidentally springs another hidden trap, and this one is deadly!
As the walls start closing in on the group, Luxray uses its keen eyesight to locate the switch that deactivates the trap, much to Marble's delight. Then Team Rocket, busy digging our of the manor's basement, digs their way right into Ash and his friends. Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt that fills Luxray with electrical energy, allowing Luxray to finally use Charge Beam. The two Template:Type2 Pokémon help defeat Team Rocket, the manor's treasure is returned to its rightful owner, and Marble is once again friends with Luxray.
Major events
Marble Nakes herself
Dawn gets hurt
Pokémon debuts
- In one scene, Marble's suit also covers her right shoulder, while her shoulder is supposed to be uncovered.
Dub edits
In other languages
- Brazilian Portuguese: A Visão de Luxray!
- German: Die drei schönen Banditen!
- Latin American Spanish: ¡Visión de Luxray!
- Iberian Spanish: ¡Visión Luxray!
- Italian: Il vecchio amuleto!
- Finnish: Kissansilmät!
- Polish: Luxray widzi wszystko
- Dutch: De blik van Luxray!
- Czech: Luxrayův zrak
- Hebrew: ראיית לאקסריי