Spinda's Café

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While leaving Wigglytuff's Guild one day, the player and their partner stumble upon a Spindalooking at a rock saying 'This is the place.'. The next day, a Wynaut and a Wombuffet wil be there examining the same spot. After another day, there will be a hole there where the rock was and a sing that claims that those who enter will be rewaded with riches. After it finally opens, an Octilary and a Mr. Mime will be there reading the sign. After they go in, the player and his/hers partner will go in as well. There, tere will be two 'shops' that are avalible to the player. Niether of which will cost the layer any PoKe.

Spinda's Juice Bar

The shop on the left is known as Spinda's Juice Bar. It will give the player an oprotunity to turn eatible items into dinks that may boost stats, IQ, or just do nothing at all.

Item Recycling

The other shop is run by Wynaut and assisted by Wombuffet. This is where you can hand in undesired items for new items or Prize Tickets. Prize tickets are cupons that you trade four items for. You get a choice of red, blue or yellow colored ones. After chosing your color, you have the option to exchange it now or later. If you choose to exchange them, you are entered in a lottery that may or may not give you items.

Project P

Project P is an idea that Spind came up with. After the first few or so days, Spinda will anounce it to the crowd of pokemon at the cafe and claim that the more items recycled will help exploring that will help find treasure that will help recycling items, ect.


The crowd of pokemon are mearly customrs at the tables in the cafe. In the crowd of pokemon are team members (Chimecho will give you the option to let them stay there or to wait at the watering hole after exiting the cafe the first time), and there ae also pokemon that require help on a few things and give you a mission to do.