Grass (type)

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Template:ElementalTypes Template:TypeNotice So far, there are only two notable Grass-type specialists: Erika of Celadon City and Gardenia of Eterna City.

Statistical averages


HP: 57
Attack: 61
Defense: 63
Sp.Atk: 72
Sp.Def: 64
Speed: 57
Total: 0

Fully evolved*

HP: 80.15
Attack: 88.93
Defense: 82.04
Sp.Atk: 91.44
Sp.Def: 83.11
Speed: 79.96
Total: 0

Battle properties

Offensive Grass Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Electric
½× Bug
None None


Defensively speaking, against most types, the Grass-type performs middlingly; Ice-type moves (and to a lesser extent Template:Type2 moves) are commonly carried by special attackers. An exception to this is certain Template:Type2 Pokémon, many of which carry Hidden Powers of various types (in response to the Template:Type2 Pokémon they cannot normally damage). (If the Hidden Power of said Pokémon is not of the Template:Type2, it will be forced to rely on other moves likely lacking same-type attack bonus or support its team via disabling moves, etc.) It is also weak to Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 moves. Given all of this, along with their exposure to a majority of the types, Grass-types are difficult to switch into play.

In spite of that, it is typical for Grass-types to learn Leech Seed (among other disabling moves). This enables these Pokémon to provide support to the rest of a team, and can make them difficult to faint. In addition, a particular asset of this type is being the only one immune to Leech Seed. However, it can be affected by Leech Seed if the previous Pokémon was seeded and has Baton Passed into a Grass-type Pokémon. Also, resistances to Water-, Electric- and even Template:Type2 help the Grass-type to block many common moves.

Offensively, the main problem Grass-type moves face is that nearly all of the few Pokémon they are advantageous against are also weak to moves of other types, hence making them seem dwarfed by the other moves. Other problems are that too many Pokémon resist these moves to rely on them as a main form of dealing damage, and most of them aren't very powerful. What the Grass-type is best at is taking down Water/Ground Pokémon (like Swampert), on which they deal four times normal damage; additions seen such as Grass Knot in later generations have also made the type more attractive in this regard.

Grass Pokémon seem to be affected by weather conditions more than most other Pokémon. This makes sense due to their closeness with plants and nature. Most power up under intense sunlight, while a few others work best under other conditions. Pokémon such as Ludicolo in heavy rain, Cacturne in sandstorms or Abomasnow in hailstorms are such Grass-types.

When used in contests, Grass-type moves are in the majority become Smart moves, but can also be any of the other four Contest types.

In total, there are 55 Pokémon with the Grass-type.


Pure Grass-type Pokémon

# Name
114 114 Tangela
152 152 Chikorita
153 153 Bayleef
154 154 Meganium
182 182 Bellossom
191 191 Sunkern
192 192 Sunflora
252 252 Treecko
253 253 Grovyle
254 254 Sceptile
273 273 Seedot
285 285 Shroomish
331 331 Cacnea
387 387 Turtwig
388 388 Grotle
420 420 Cherubi
421 421 Cherrim
455 455 Carnivine
465 465 Tangrowth
470 470 Leafeon
492 492 Shaymin*

Half Grass-type Pokémon

Primary Grass-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
001 001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison
002 002 Ivysaur Grass Poison
003 003 Venusaur Grass Poison
043 043 Oddish Grass Poison
044 044 Gloom Grass Poison
045 045 Vileplume Grass Poison
069 069 Bellsprout Grass Poison
070 070 Weepinbell Grass Poison
071 071 Victreebel Grass Poison
102 102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103 103 Exeggutor Grass Psychic
187 187 Hoppip Grass Flying
188 188 Skiploom Grass Flying
189 189 Jumpluff Grass Flying
274 274 Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275 275 Shiftry Grass Dark
286 286 Breloom Grass Fighting
315 315 Roselia Grass Poison
332 332 Cacturne Grass Dark
357 357 Tropius Grass Flying
389 389 Torterra Grass Ground
406 406 Budew Grass Poison
407 407 Roserade Grass Poison
459 459 Snover Grass Ice
460 460 Abomasnow Grass Ice
492 492S Shaymin* Grass Flying

Secondary Grass-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
046 046 Paras Bug Grass
047 047 Parasect Bug Grass
251 251 Celebi Psychic Grass
270 270 Lotad Water Grass
271 271 Lombre Water Grass
272 272 Ludicolo Water Grass
345 345 Lileep Rock Grass
346 346 Cradily Rock Grass
413 413 Wormadam* Bug Grass


Damage-dealing moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Absorb Special Smart 20 100% 25 One foe Restores the user's HP by half the damage dealt.
Bullet Seed Physical Cool 10 100% 30 One foe Attacks two to five times in a row.
Energy Ball Special Beauty 80 100% 10 One foe Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense.
Frenzy Plant Special Cool 150 90% 5 One foe The user must rest on the next turn.
Giga Drain Special Smart 60 100% 10 One foe Restores the user's HP by half the damage dealt.
Grass Knot Special Smart Varies 100% 20 One foe The heavier the foe, the greater the damage.
Leaf Blade Physical Cool 90 100% 15 One foe It has a high critical hit ratio.
Leaf Storm Special Cute 140 90% 5 One foe Sharply reduces the user's Special Attack stat.
Magical Leaf Special Beauty 60 —% 20 One foe Never Misses.
Mega Drain Special Smart 40 100% 15 One foe Restores the user's HP by half the damage dealt.
Needle Arm Physical Smart 60 100% 15 One foe It may also make the foe flinch.
Petal Dance Special Beauty 90 100% 20 One foe User attacks for two to three turns. Afterwards, the user becomes confused.
Power Whip Physical Beauty 120 85% 10 One foe
Razor Leaf Physical Cool 55 95% 25 Both foes It has a high critical hit ratio.
Seed Bomb Physical Smart 80 100% 15 One foe
Seed Flare Special Cool 120 85% 5 One foe Has a 40% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense.
SolarBeam Special Cool 120 100% 10 One foe The first turn, the user takes in sunlight, the second turn does damage.
Vine Whip Physical Cool 35 100% 15 One foe
Wood Hammer Physical Tough 120 100% 15 One foe User takes 1/3 recoil damage.

Non-damaging moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Aromatherapy Status Smart —% 5 User Heals all status problems affecting the user's party.
Cotton Spore Status Beauty 85% 40 One Foe Lowers the target's Speed by 2 levels.
GrassWhistle Status Smart 55% 15 One Foe Puts the opponent to sleep.
Ingrain Status Smart —% 20 User The user restores HP every turn, but it can't switch out.
Leech Seed Status Smart 90% 10 One Foe Steals some HP from the foe to heal the user on every turn.
Sleep Powder Status Smart 75% 15 One Foe Puts the opponent to sleep.
Spore Status Smart 100% 15 One Foe Puts the opponent to sleep.
Stun Spore Status Smart 75% 30 One Foe Paralyzes the opponent.
Synthesis Status Smart —% 5 User The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.
Worry Seed Status Beauty 100% 10 One Foe Prevents the target from sleeping by changing its ability to Insomnia.


  • The Grass-type is tied with the Template:Type2 for the largest number of weaknesses when unpaired, with five: Bug, Flying, Ice, Fire and Poison.
  • Grass-type is also the most resisted type with seven types that resist it.
  • Due to being the type of the first starter Pokémon in all generations, the Grass-type is the first type in all regional Pokédexes. It is also the first type in all Pokédex-like listings except for Almia's Browser.
  • Although about a third of the Grass-type Pokémon were introduced in Generation I, only one is a pure Grass-type.
  • Counting Shaymin's Sky Forme, Generation I is the only generation not to introduce a Grass/Flying type Pokémon.
  • The Grass-type has been paired with every type that it is super effective against.
  • All Pokémon that have seven weaknesses are all of the Grass-type.
  • All Grass/Poison Pokémon have 3-stage evolution.
  • All Grass-type Gym Leaders have been female so far.
  • There is at least one Pokémon with each type combination that has a double weakness to Grass. For example, Omanyte is Water/Rock, Whiscash is Water/Ground, and Rhydon is Ground/Rock. Water and Flying have this distinction as well.

In other languages

  • Brazilian Portuguese: Grama (Grass), Planta (Plant)
  • Dutch: Gras
  • Finnish: Ruoho (Grass or "weed")
  • French: Plante
  • German: Pflanze
  • Italian: Erba
  • Japanese: くさ (草) kusa
  • Korean: pul
  • Polish: Trawiasty
  • Spanish: Planta
  • Hebrew: עשב "esev"