
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 08:17, 18 February 2010 by Umber (talk | contribs) (Getting rid of some parts that are unused now (like all those awards, my mission page that never took off, and my secret page), adding in Unown prevos, and putting up a floating Sceptile.)
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Welcome to my page, Bulbapedians!


Ello, mates. I'm Umber. I enjoy watching Pokémon (duh), Futurama, Family Guy, Drawn Together, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report.

Internet Communication/Forum Background

I started out communicating over the internet at 10, when I joined Neopets. I was banned for gracefully forgetting the "No advertising other sites" rule. However, before being banned, a friend, Jabbathejack, invited me over NM to a site which will be refered to as 'DP.' From there, I went to a place I'll call 'ED,' where I found out about 'CV,' though I rarely go there now, as with the others. My main focus is a spriting site for Fakemon, created by castiboy, called CS.

Pokémon I Wanna See/Make (or have made) by Mixing Junk Together

  • Sandstorm, fog, and Shadow Sky forms for Castform.
  • A pure Flying-type. C'mon, 493 Pokémon and not one pure Flying-type?
  • A third Pokémon to go with Plusle and Minun, this time with an equal/neutral theme (please tell me you saw this coming).
  • Evolutions for Weezing and Arbok (just an excuse for Team Rocket's old Pokémon to come back stronger).
  • An evolution for Spiritomb.
  • Unown in the form of numbers.
  • Adding to that, Unown prevos in the form of lowercase letters.

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