It evolves into Cloyster via a Water Stone. Alternatively Shellder may combine with Slowpoke and evolve into Slowbro, or when a King's Rock is used the pair evolve into Slowking. However in the games it is impossible to evolve a Shellder into Slowbro or Slowking. These evolutions can only take place using a Slowpoke, and it does not matter whether or not the player is in possession of a Shellder.
Shellder's two shells are a purplish-blue color and has two spikes on the top and also on the underside. They use their two shells for propulsion by opening and closing them rapidly. Shellder has a large, red tongue which serves as a means for burrowing. It is unknown what Shellder looks like inside its shell, seeing as only its large, disk-like eyes are discernible from within, but what is known is that its body inside is tender.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Shellder's shell is harder than diamond and can withstand powerful attacks. When sand combines with the body fluids inside of Shellder, beautiful pearls are formed. As clamping on to an opponent reveals its vulnerable parts, it uses the move only as a last resort. When a Shellder latches onto the tail of a fishing Slowpoke, the two Pokémon undergo a molecular transformation as a Slowbro is created and the Shellder changes in appearance. Likewise, if a Shellder bites a Slowpoke on the head due to the attraction of a King's Rock or some other reason, that Slowpoke will instead become a Slowking, the poison from the Shellder making it extremely intelligent.
Its tongue is always hanging out, as it sits on the sea floor. Shellder swims facing backward by opening and closing its two-piece shell. When Shellder sleeps it uses its broad tongue to burrow a hole in the sand and then sleeps in it. While Shellder is sleeping, it closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out. Shellder are apparently attracted to the King's Rock since it is this item that makes the Shellder bite Slowpoke on the head and transform it into a Slowking.
When Shellder's mouth is clamped on Slowbro's tail, it will feed on the leftovers of food eaten by the host Slowbro. When it's on its own, Shellder is most likely a filter feeder.
At night, this Pokémon uses its broad tongue to burrow a hole in the seafloor sand and then sleep in it. While it is sleeping, Shellder closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out.
At night, this Pokémon uses its broad tongue to burrow a hole in the seafloor sand and then sleep in it. While it is sleeping, Shellder closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out.
At night, it burrows a hole in the seafloor with its broad tongue to make a place to sleep. While asleep, it closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out.
|- style="background:#74ACF5"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
The change in Shellder's evolution when linked to a Slowpoke seems to only occur when attached to a 'living' part of the creature, as with the introduction of the item Slowpoketail in Generation II does not force a spiral evolution as one might suspect.
Shellder and Cloyster share the same species name with Clamperl. They are all known as the Bivalve Pokémon.
Even though Shellder changes when it bonds with Slowpoke to become Slowbro or Slowking, it is not considered an evolution.
Despite always having its tongue exposed, it cannot learn the move Lick.
Though Slowbro's Silver Pokédex entry mentions that Shellder secretes venom, it cannot learn any Poison-type attacks by leveling up.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.