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Um... hello everybody, I'm a girl, and I love Pokémon... But only the games, I don't watch tha anime much... I didn't see it in any channel in my country :-O Well, anyways, I have the games "Pokémon Pearl" and "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time", and I think they're really nice, especially PMD2 ♥

In PMD2, I was Skitty♀ and my partner was Mudkip♂, named Xagora ♥

Currently, in my Pokémon Pearl game, I have beaten the Elite Four and Cynthia, and the Pokémon I used to beat them are (in order of capture) Empoleon♂ (nicknamed Gidio), Luxray♀ (Daania), Roserade♀ (Jolis), Crobat♂ (Delpr), Graveler♂ (Beddo) and Rapidash♀ (Lyikira) Lyikira totally owned Cynthia's Lucario with a Fire Blast xD (Eventhough Lucario was a bit weakened by one of my other Pokémon...)

And my favourite Pokémon in my team is Jolis, I just love her for some reason. Eventhough Luxray is one of my favourite Pokémon...

But now, I'm just trying to fill the National Pokédex to a maximum before restarting the game again, because there's nobody in my area that has a Pokémon game, so I can't trade (that is so annoying) >.<

So far, the legendary Pokémon I caught are Palkia, Uxie and Azelf.

...And, I think that's all I have to say :-)