Notable trainers that specialize in Poison-type Pokémon include Koga, Aya and Janine of Fuchsia City. Some villainous teams, such as Team Rocket, also frequently use Poison-type Pokémon.
Statistical averages
Fully evolved
Battle properties
Generation I
Generation II-onward
When used defensively, the Poison-type is considered one of the best in the game. This is because of its ability to block or cause status ailments and resist common moves. Its obvious weakness, Earthquake, can be mitigated by the variety of dual-typed Grass and Bug/Poison Pokémon, as well as the Zubat family's Template:Type2 and the Gastly and Koffing families' Levitate. Additionally, the Poison-type resists itself, Bug, Fighting, and Grass, giving it resistances to common moves such as Aura Sphere, Megahorn, and Close Combat. Moreover, Poison-types tend to hold potent status and support moves, such as Haze, Toxic Spikes, and Toxic. Immune to Poison and Toxic Spikes themselves, they have an opportunity to absorb status effects as well. Koga's words of "confusion, sleep, poison" describe the Poison-type very well.
Offensively, Poison is not common. These types of moves are only suggested for inflicting the Poison condition, STAB or using support moves. It is only super-effective against Grass, of which many are also Poison-types, making them neutral to Poison attacks. Ice, Fire and Flying are much more useful in countering the Grass-type. Also, Poison moves are not very effective on Poison, Rock, Ghost, Ground, and completely ineffective against Steel. Hence, resistances to Poison are far more common than weaknesses to it. Poison moves are better off used for longer battles and not for attempting to defeat an opponent with one blow.
When used in contests, Poison-type moves typically become Smart moves, but can also be of the other four Contest types, excluding Cute.
In total, there are 50 Pokémon within the Poison-type; 22 are fully evolved.
Pure Poison-type Pokémon
Half Poison-type Pokémon
Primary Poison-type Pokémon
Secondary Poison-type Pokémon
Damage-dealing moves
Non-damaging moves
- Acid is the only damage dealing Poison-type attack that does not have a chance to poison the opponent.
- Because Acid instead has a chance of lowering the opponent's Special Defense (Defense in Generations I-III), there is no damage-dealing Poison-type move that does not have a chance of a side effect.
- Additionally, the three Poison-type moves that cannot poison all have Acid in their names (Acid, Acid Armor, and Gastro Acid).
- With the exception of Arceus holding a Toxic Plate, there has yet to be a Poison-type legendary Pokémon.
- Poison is the first type encountered in National Pokédex order, shared with the Template:Type2.
- Poison is one of three types that can never be doubly super effective against any Pokémon because it is only super effective against one type, the Template:Type2. It shares this trait with the Template:Type2 which is only effective against itself, and the Template:Type2, which isn't super effective against anything.
- However, back in the first generation, where Poison was also super effective against Template:Type2, Poison was doubly super effective against the Bug/Grass combination of Paras and Parasect.
- Poison was the most common type in Generation I.
- Almost two thirds of the Poison-type Pokémon are from Generation I.
- As of yet, no pure Poison-type Pokémon have been introduced in an even-numbered generation.
- Gulpin and Seviper are the only pure Poison-type Pokémon not colored blue or purple.
- In Generation I Poison was super effective against the Template:Type2, while the Bug-type was super effective against Poison. This trait has never been shared with any other type match-up, and is likewise no longer true.
- Seviper and Qwilfish are currently the only Poison-type Pokémon without evolutionary relatives.
- Croagunk and Toxicroak are currently the only Poison-types to have any double weakness (to Psychic), due to their Poison/Fighting type combination.
- The Poison-type is the only one of the original 15 types not mentioned in the song 2.B.A. Master. Instead, the "Flame-type" (which doesn't exist) is mentioned.
- Poison Fang is the only non-status move that is capable of badly poisoning the opponent.
- It is also the only move capable of badly poisoning the foe that does not have the word "Toxic" in its name.
- There has yet to be a pure Poison-type Pokémon which is the final stage in a three-stage evolutionary line.
In other languages
- Brazilian Portuguese: Veneno (Poison), Venenoso (Poisonous)
- Dutch: Gif
- Finnish: Myrkky
- French: Poison
- German: Gift
- Italian: Veleno
- Korean: 독 dok
- Polish: Trujący
- Spanish: Veneno
- Hebrew: רעל "ra'al"