Clamperl are blue Pokémon which resemble clams or oysters. Inside their tough, dark-blue outer shell is a fragile blue body composed of six spherical extensions, surrounding its small, pearl-like spherical pink head. Clamperl’s eyes are usually closed, and it has white, circular patches on the sides of its head, along with a silver coloring on the rim of their shell. A fully grown Clamperl’s shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Clamperl mainly use their strong shells to protect themselves from predators. The shell can also be used Clamp down on its foes. Other than that, Clamperl's abilities as a Template:Type2 Pokémon are fairly standard.
While Clamperl is known to evolve while holding a DeepSeaScale or a DeepSeaTooth, the two items can also magnify Clamperl's powers in certain ways (the DeepSeaScale doubles Clamperl's Special Defense while the DeepSeaTooth doubles it Special Attack power).
The magnificent pearls created by Clamperl upon evolution are infused with a mysterious energy. Such pearls can magnify Psychic powers. In fact, the pearls that Spoink carry are the ones that Clamperl make. On rare occasion, as evidenced by the episode Clamperl of Wisdom, a Clamperl can produce a blue pearl instead of the usual pink one (the reason for this is unknown).
Clamperl is quite docile, except when confronted with prey or if its pearl is stolen. Once it clamps down it refuses to let go unless it determines that it is clearly outmatched. When Clamperl’s body becomes too large to fit inside its shell, it means that Clamperl is getting close to evolution.
Clamperl are generally filter feeders, and would eat basically anything that floats by them.
In the anime
Clamperl in the anime
Clamperl made its debut in Clamperl of Wisdom. Spoink lost its pearl and took a blue pearl that was created by a Clamperl from Isaiah's lab. Team Rocket also wanted to get their hands on the blue pearl as well.
Clamperl were also featured in The Evolutionary War!. Trainers that lived on the A-B-C Islands had a rivalry over which Clamperl evolution was stronger.
Clamperl's sturdy shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown Clamperl's shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.
Clamperl grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell. When its body becomes too large to fit inside the shell, it is sure evidence that this Pokémon is getting close to evolution.
|- style="background:#74ACF5"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Clamperl shares the same species name with Shellder and Cloyster. They are all known as Bivalve Pokémon.
When Clamperl is holding a DeepSeaScale, its Special Defense is doubled to 130 which ties it with five other Pokémon at the 13th highest spot, but when it holds a DeepSeaFang, its Special Attack is doubled to 148, putting it as the seventh highest, and highest non-legendary Pokémon.
Clamperl is one of two Pokémon to have two different species-specific items associated with it, the other being Ditto.
It is also the only Pokémon that evolves by trade holding one of two different items, and the only Pokémon that evolves by trade holding an item that evolves into a Pokémon of the same generation.
Along with Wurmple and Burmy, it is one of the only Pokémon whose multiple evolutionary paths were introduced in the same generation as itself.
Although the Sapphire Pokédex entry states that a Clamperl would grow too large for its shell, a sign of near evolution, Clamperl can only evolve if it is traded while holding a certain item, after which it will evolve instantly.
Despite its pearl being able to amplify psychic powers, as seen on Spoink, there has yet to be an item that is introduced that is capable of doing that.
Even then, Clamperl can't learn a damaging Template:Type2 move by any means.
Clamperl's is based on an oyster, but it also looks a lot like a giant clam.
Name origin
Clamperl's name is a combination of clamp or clam and pearl.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.