When you first reach the start of Route 202, Lucas / Dawn will give you 5 Poké Balls and show you how to catch Pokémon. The Pokémon that Lucas/Dawn has is the Starter Pokémon that you and Barry did not choose earlier.
Now that you can now use Poké Balls. It is recommended that you start catching a few, such as Starly or Shinx, since you will be facing Barry soon and his starter Pokémon will be at the point where it will have a move of its own type in its arsenal, and your stater may need the extra backup.
Then you are off, having some of your first battles in the game. This is the first route where you can battletrainers. There are three trainers, Youngster Tristan with a Lv5 Starly, Lass Natalie with two Lv3 Bidoof and Youngster Logan with a Lv5 Shinx.
Available Pokémon
style="background: #FFFFAA;"
style="background: #5ED0FF;"
style="background: #003366; color: #FFFF99;"
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Continue on to Jubilife City, where Lucas / Dawn is waiting, to tell you that your rival Barry is at the Trainer School. Until you complete your missions here you cannot go east to Route 203, however you can go north to Route 204 to face more wild Pokémon and catch a Budew which can help a little with your first gym match, especially if you chose Chimchar.
Trainer School
Trainers' School
The First Step for Trainers!
The building to the west of the Pokémon Center is the trainer school. Here you meet Barry. You give the parcel, and containing inside the parcel are 2 town maps. You receive one Town Map. Barry then leaves for Oreburgh City. The two trainers can be fought on the top left hand side of the school. They is School Kid Harrisson, with a level 6 Abra, and School Kid Christine, also with a level 6 Abra. After you battle them, you can receive Hidden Power from the boy.
Pokétch Company
The Pokétch Company
Pokémon Watches for the World!
The Pokétch company is a company that makes the new appliance the Pokétch. After you receive the town map, the owner would come and talk about the Pokétch. He says to bring 3 coupons from clowns around the city to receive one. The clowns would ask simple questions and after you get it right, you receive the coupon (the first answer on each question is the correct one for all three). After you do that, return to the man to receive the Pokétch. The Pokétch building is the upper-west corner of the city. After you receive the old-numbered badges as shown in your trainer case (Coal Badge, Cobble Badge, Relic Badge, and Icicle Badge) you can talk to the owner inside the building to receive a new application for the Pokétch. Out of all you can receive from him, the Marking Map is the most useful since it can be used to track Roaming Pokémon.
Global Trade Station
The building in the south western area is the Golbal Trade Station where people can connect with other players worldwide. However, you'll need to get the Coal Badge first.
Jubilife TV
Jubilife TV
The Fun-and-Games TV Station!
The building that is west of the northern exit to Route 204 is where the TV station is. You'll be able to enter after receiving the Coal Badge and receiving the Fashion Case. This build is where the daily lottery to receive prizes depending on your the matchup with your Trainer ID numbers for your Pokémon. You can also dress up your Pokémon on the second floor with accessories. The third floor is where you can access your game records.
You may also receive the Old Rod from the fisherman inside the building west of Jubilife City that leads to Route 218 Also the apartment east of the TV station has a blond-haired girl that will give you a Quick Claw. Once you have the Town Map and Pokétch you can help east to Route 204.
The following items are available in Jubilife City:
His party would occupy of the starter at Lv.9 (the opposite type of the one you chose) and a Lv.7 Starly. Then after the battle, go along the path battling the trainers along it. Head east to reach the Oreburgh Gate.
Available Pokémon
style="background: #FFFFAA;"
style="background: #5ED0FF;"
style="background: #003366; color: #FFFF99;"
style="background: #ACC9E6;"
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Enter the cave on the east and you will find yourself in Oreburgh gate. The Hiker at the entrance would speak to you and give you Rock Smash. Then fight the two trainers inside the cave. Geodude and Zubat can be found here. There is nothing else to do here until you can gain your first badge. Head east to Oreburgh City
The following Pokémon are available here immediately:
Available Pokémon
style="background: #E6C9AC;"
style="background: #ACC9E6;"
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
When you enter the city, a Youngster would show you to the gym. You will meet your rival Barry, but he will announce you are too late to battle the gym leader Roark. He'll mention that Roark has left for the mine. If you explore around town, you can find in a condominium that is left of the Poké Mart that will trade you an Abra for a Machop. If you want you can get it if you don't wish to catch Abra on Route 203. You can also find some free Poké Ball types from different people around town.
Oreburgh Mining Museum
Oreburgh Mining Museum
"Coal Mining and You!"
The only important building in Oreburgh Cith is the Mining Museum. When you retrieve fossil from the Underground, you can talk to the man at the counter in the building to revive the fossil and retrieve whichever Pokémon is associated with that fossil. Each version determines what kind of fossil is commonly found, aside from the Old Amber.