Stench (Ability)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This article is about the ability Stench. For the field move Stink, see Field Move.
Stench {{{jpname}}}
Flavor text
Generation III
Helps repel wild Pokémon.
Generation IV
Helps repel wild Pokémon.
Generation V
Currently unknown
Generation VI
Currently unknown
Generation VII
Currently unknown
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Stench (Japanese: あくしゅう Stench) is an ability introduced in Generation III. Only four Pokémon have this ability, all of which are Template:Type2.


In battle

Stench has no effect in battle.

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and the sequel, if a Pokémon with Stench is attacked by an adjacent Pokémon, the attacker is terrified for a short time.

Outside of battle

From Pokémon Emerald onwards, if the Pokémon with Stench is leading the party, then Stench reduces the chances of encountering wild Pokémon by 50%. In Battle Pyramid, the chances are decreased by 75%.

Pokémon with Stench

Single ability

No Pokémon have Stench as their only ability.

Dual ability

# Pokémon Type Other ability

Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2

In the anime

Stunky. Stunky stands on its two front legs and a purple ball appears at the end of its behind. Stunky then flips around and shoots the purple ball at the opponent, causing a purple foul-smelling fog to appear and smell for twenty-four hours.

In other languages

  • German: Duftnote
  • French: Puanteur
  • Spanish: Hedor
  • Italian: Tanfo