The following is documentation for using the Trainerheader, Trainerentry, Trainerdiv, and Trainerfooter templates to display trainer info on
location articles.
The Trainerheader template is the template that should start all sets of trainer
info. It starts a left-aligned table with header cells for Trainer and Pokémon.
Trainerheader takes one optional parameter. If a trainer uses a particular type theme in their team, the type should be specified so that the trainer table is
colored appropriately. Otherwise the table will use the default color. Note that this parameter is reused in the Templatediv and Templatefooter templates. Because
the Trainerheader is typically used to display multiple trainers, this parameter is often left blank.
- 1: trainer's pokémon theme
- use one of: Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark
The Trainerentry template is used to display a single trainer and their respective pokémon.
Trainerentry takes up to 38 parameters. All parameters are optional, but as many as are possible/necessary should be used. Note that parameters can be passed in
sequential order (i.e. first parameter is 1, second is 2) or by using the notation '#=' where # is the parameter number you are specifying. Usually a combination
of these methods is used to fill out the trainer info. Also note that hyperlinks are automatically inserted where appropriate. All parameter values
should not contain wiki markup.
- 1: filename of the trainer image
- 2: adjectives describing the trainer's name. Some examples would be "Cool Trainer" or "Hitchhiker".
- 3: trainer's name, i.e John, Jill, Rupert, Billy, whatever.
- 4: amount of money given when trainer is defeated.
- 5: number of pokémon this trainer possesses.
- 6: pokémon 1 national dex number, should be 3 digits
- 7: pokémon 1 name
- 8: pokémon 1 gender (male or female symbol)
- 9: pokémon 1 level
- 10: pokémon 1 held item, leave blank if no item
- 11-15: same as 6-10 for pokémon 2
- 16-20: same as 6-10 for pokémon 3
- 21-25: same as 6-10 for pokémon 4
- 26-30: same as 6-10 for pokémon 5
- 31-35: same as 6-10 for pokémon 6
- 36: Japanese trainer name
- 37: Romanji trainer name
- 38: rematch indicator
- use Phone or phone for PokéGear rematches
- use Nav or nav for trainer's eyes/match call PokéNav rematches
- user Vs. Seeker, VS. Seeker, VS, or vs for Vs. Seeker rematches
The Trainerdiv template is used to put a spacer between trainers within the trainer table. It should be used after each Trainerentry template except
the final one in the table.
Trainerdiv takes one optional parameter. This parameter should match the parameter passed to the Trainerheader template listed above.
- 1: trainer's pokémon theme, should be the same as parameter passed to Trainerheader template
- use one of: Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark
The Trainerfooter template marks the end of a Trainer table. This template should be the last template used for each trainer table.
Trainerfooter takes 2 optional parameters. The first should match the parameter passed to the Trainerheader template listed above.
- 1: trainer's pokémon theme, should be the same as parameter passed to Trainerheader template
use one of: Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark
- 2: trainer rematch info message flag
- use 4, IV, FRLG, or DPPt for trainers in games with Vs. Seeker
- use 3, III, or RSE for trainers in games with PokéNav
- use 2, II, or GSC, HGSS for trainers in games with PokéGear
One Trainer
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
Three Trainers
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
Themed Trainers
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
Six Fully-Populated Trainers
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.