Hoenn Safari Zone
Hoenn Safari zone cost 500(please help me with the symbol). For this small amount, you will be given 30 safari balls. You cant access the whole area unless you have Mach bike, Acro bike and HM03 Surf, HM06 Rock Smash. For Emerald, come back went you have finish the Elite Four. A new area opens up directly above the Safari Zone entrance. You have 4 choices: to go near, to feed it a poke block, throw a ball or run away. Pokemon appearance (NE)Land Geodude Gloom Heracross Natu Oddish Phanpy Xatu
(NW)and (SE) Land Doduo Dodrio Girafarig Gloom Natu Oddish Pikachu [{Pinsir]] Rhydon Wobbuffet
(SW) Land Doduo Girafarig Gloom Natu Oddish Pikachu Wobbuffet
(SW) Water Old Rod Goldeen Magikarp Psyduck
Good Rod Goldeen Magikarp Psyduck
Super Rod Goldeen Psyduck Seaking
(NW) Water Old Rod Goldeen Magikarp Psyduck Golduck
Good Rod Goldeen Magikarp Psyduck Golduck
Super Rod Goldeen Psyduck Golduck Seaking
(S) Land Aipom Gigar Hoothoot Mareep Snubull Spinarak Stantler Sunkern
(S) Water Old Rod Magikarp Goldeen Marill Quagsire Wooper
Good Rod Magikarp Goldeen Marill Quagsire Wooper Remoraid
Super Rod Goldeen Marill Quagsire Wooper Remoraid Octillery
(N) Land Aipom Hoothoot Houndour Ledyba Miltank Pineco Shuckle Sunkern Teddiursa