May's Beautifly

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May's Beautifly
ハルカのアゲハント Haruka's Agehunt
File:Mays Beautifly.png
May's Beautifly
Debuts in All in a Day's Wurmple
Caught at Petalburg Woods
Evolves in A Corphish Out of Water
Seeing is Believing!
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location With May
This Pokémon spent 10 episodes as Wurmple and 4 episodes as Silcoon.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Wurmple Ryoko Shiraishi Tara Jayne
As Silcoon Ryoko Shiraishi Rachael Lillis
As Beautifly Ryoko Shiraishi Rachael Lillis (4Kids)
Michele Knotz (TPCi)

May's Beautifly (Japanese: ハルカのアゲハント Haruka's Agehunt) was the second Pokémon acquired by May in her travels through Hoenn, and the first she caught in the wild.


As a Wurmple

While watching a Rustboro City Pokémon Contest in All Things Bright and Beautifly, May saw a Trainer's Beautifly perform and decided that she wanted one. Her wish came true in the following episode, and May caught a Wurmple in the episode All in a Day's Wurmple, as did Jessie. Several episodes later, in Which Wurmple's Which?, both Wurmple were temporarily switched, but were returned to their proper Trainers by the episode's end.

As a Silcoon

In the episode A Corphish Out of Water, May's Wurmple evolved into Silcoon while Jessie's evolved into Cascoon; Jessie believed hers was a Silcoon as well.

Four episodes later, in Seeing is Believing!, Jessie's Cascoon evolved into Dustox, while May's Silcoon evolved into Beautifly.

In the episode That's Just Swellow, May used Beautifly as her Pokémon in a PokéRinger competition. James, using Dustox, defeated Beautifly in the competition, but Dustox eventually succumbed to a last-minute defeat when Ash's Taillow evolved into a Swellow.

Before heading off to the Battle Frontier, May left her Beautifly at her home in Petalburg City. It returned temporarily in The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!, and was seen again in A Full Course Tag Battle!. Beautifly was used in the Wallace Cup, defeating Zoey's Glameow.


As a Wurmple, it was very greedy. It would gorge itself on food and then fall asleep, unlike Jessie's more sedate and well-behaved Wurmple. When it evolved to both its latter stages, however, it became more calm and mellow.

Moves used

Using Psychic Move First Used In
File:Beautifly Psychic.png
String Shot All in a Day's Wurmple
Tackle Seeing is Believing!
Gust Seeing is Believing!
Silver Wind Now That's Flower Power!
Morning Sun Cruisin' for a Losin'
Psychic The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!
Aerial Ace Strategy with a Smile!
An x shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
  Moves used recently are in bold unless all moves all fit this case.


  • May's Beautifly follows a theme used by Misty's Corsola, that the Trainer wants a particular species of Pokémon long before actually capturing one.
  • May's Beautifly seems to be a parallel to Dawn's Buneary:
    • Both were their Trainers' first capture.
    • Both were used in the battle round of their first Pokémon Contest.
    • Both were desired by their Trainer after first seeing another one.
    • Both were used in a different kind of Pokémon Contest (Beautifly in the PokéRinger competition and Buneary in the Hearthome Collection).
    • Both were used in the battle round of the Wallace Cup once.
  • May's Beautifly also seems to parallel Ash's Butterfree, as a first capture and a Butterfly Pokémon. However, whether this is intentional is unknown.
  • Beautifly is May's only Pokémon that is not a Starter Pokémon in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series.
  • Despite weighing over 62 lbs., Beautifly has been seen landing on May's head without any ill effects, similar to Ash and Hippopotas.
  • The red spots on its wings suggest that Beautifly is a female, because they have small "dents" in them.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Wurmple, Silcoon, and Beautifly.

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.