Generation IV hybrid

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Revision as of 05:50, 5 July 2010 by Poochy.EXE (talk | contribs) (Trivia: Fix 2 typos)
This glitch is in need of research.
Reason: Base stats and type effectiveness
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Generation IV hybrid glitch Pokémon

The Bulbasaur hybrid, hexadecimal number 8001.
Types Category
 Unknown  Unknown  N/A
Hexadecimal identifier Exp. at Lv. 100
8001-81ED Unknown
Unova (BW)
Unova (B2W2)
Games found in
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
Height Weight
?.? m ?.? kg
Pokédex color Body style Footprint Catch rate
Unknown N/A Unknown
Gender ratio
Egg Groups Egg cycles
Unknown Unknown
EV yield

DP hybrids are glitch Pokémon that share the sprites of normal Pokémon. They crash the game when their undefined Pokédex entry is viewed (some emulators can view the entry, but all cartridge versions will crash at this point), when they attempt to use their currently unknown glitch move, and when the player attempts to view their stats screen. All hybrids have a common moveset.

Game data

Game location

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation I
Red Blue
None Trade
Blue (Japan)
None Trade
None Trade
Generation II
Gold Silver
None Trade
None Trade
Generation III
Ruby Sapphire
None Trade
None Trade
FireRed LeafGreen
None Trade
None Trade
None Trade
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl
Action Replay None
Action Replay None
HeartGold SoulSilver
None Trade
Pal Park
Generation V
Black White
None Trade
Black 2 White 2
None Trade
Dream World
Generation VI
None Trade

Base stats

Research is incomplete at this time.

Type effectiveness

Research is incomplete at this time.


By leveling up

|- style="text-align:center" | style="text-align:left" | ??? | style="background:#68A090" |  ??? 

| style=" background:#FFF" | 4 | style=" background:#FFF" | 4 | style="display:none; background:#FFF" | {{{5}}} | style="display:none; background:#FFF" | {{{6}}} Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Mlentry4 Template:Movelist/note


Research is incomplete at this time.


There are 494 hybrid forms, one for each Pokémon and an additional one for index #000.


  • Any given hybrid's hexadecimal identifier is the same as the corresponding Pokémon's, but with an 8 at the beginning instead of a 0 (e.g. Bulbasaur is hex 0001, its hybrid is hex 8001)
  • A DP hybrid cannot usually be directly caught in the wild without its Pokédex data crashing the game unless the player uses a code to complete the Pokédex up to at least hex 81ED. However, such a code would be extremely long and could have adverse effects to the game's memory.
  • DP hybrids can be caught in a cartridge version without the game crashing by using a fossil modifier code.
  • Hybrids grow to the levels 1, 4, and 9 twice.
    • Hybrids skip levels 22, 30, 35, 44, 51, 56, and 62.
  • The DP hybrids' unknown starting move is similar to the nameless glitch move Cooltrainer type move on R/B as it initially has no available PP.
  • At level 1, hybrids attempt to learn an alternating sequence of Double-Edge and seemingly random move.
    • At level 42, hybrids attempt to learn Signal Beam seven times.
    • At level 64, hybrids attempt to learn the glitch move "-" ten times.
  • Hybrids can learn several signature moves, such as Present, Heal Order, Chatter, and Heart Swap.
  • Hybrids try to learn the placeholder move Struggle at level 59.
  • Hex 8000 is the only variant of a DP hybrid which is based on the placeholder -----.

See also

Red/Blue: 'M (00)MissingNo.▶ Aaゥ (C1)ゥ .4h POKé
PokéWTrainerPkMn (C5)ゥL ゥM 4♀Pゥ ゥゥTゥU?◣ゥ 8PC4SH
PPkMn ◣ nTrainer▼ W G dOPkMn4XPkMn PkMn T4B 8 4 8
ゥ 'M p'u ゥAゥ GPゥ ゥ ゥ4 hGlitch (D7)PkMnaPkMnゥ ♂ fPkMnk
PkMnRPkMn "B (DA)Glitch (DB)Glitch (DC)7PkMn 'v-PkMn.PkMn
/PkMn ▼PkMn'v……ゥ (E3)Glitch (E4)C- -
Pゥ 4$X CcA (EA)Glitch (EB)Glitch (EC)hゥ
.gゥ$'Mゥ$ (F0)94ゥ l (F2)ゥ l (F3)ゥ$ (F4)
ゥ (F5)G'Mp'Ng'Mp'Ng ゥ$94 hGlitch (FA)'M 'N gO
ゥ$ 6ゥ'M (FE)'M (FF)
Yellow: 3TrainerPoké $MissingNo.4 44 4 Hy♀ .pPkMnp' 'ゥ ( Z4
X ゥ- xゥ,4. .ァ7gug gァ / g J 1Glitch (CA)
. pゥ.8ゥ. BPkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (CE)4, ゥァ (CF)ゥ'B ァ h
PkMn ? Aゥゥ)ゥ (D4)'ゥ.PkMn pゥぁ ゥぇ (D6)B (D7)PkMn (D8)
ゥ (D9)]ゥ' BPkMn (DC)4, ゥァ (DD)8 (DE)p ID
8 P ァ'r 'r 4(h4to894 89 48B 4 8Z ゥ9
ゥHIゥ.4(h4hi?$4HI?'r ゥ$ Pゥ. 4(?/4(h4?
ゥ► ゥ▼ ゥh 4Pゥ ゥ.... ゥ ( .I' .' B' ゥゥ ゥェ ゥ ▷ゥ $ A (F3)♂ p ゥ
▼ pゥゥ $ A (F6)PkMn (F7)ゥ 4- 4$ゥ▾ ゥ♂F q ,
ゥ$ 4MN ゥ× 'rゥ. 4-ゥ/ 4ァ 4,Q ◣
Glitch EggGlitch Unown
Generation III: -???????????Bad Egg
Generation IV: -----Bad EggGeneration IV hybrid
Generation V: -----Bad EggGlitch Unown
Generation VI: Bad EggGeneration VI 724+ glitch Pokémon

This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.