Sceptile's appearance is based on a lizard. Sceptile is the final evolution of the Treecko family. Sceptile’s neck is somewhat long, and it has two crests on its head. Sceptile’s eyes are semicircular with yellow scleras and red rims. Sceptile’s throat is also colored red, and there is a belt-like band of red coloration on its waist. There is a thin stripe across Sceptile’s chest, somewhat resembling the shape of the letter V. Sceptile’s plant-like characteristics include the six yellow nodules, described as "seeds" on its back (similar in appearance to the nodules on leguminous plants that able to take in nitrogen from the air) and a palm-tree-branch-like tail. Sceptile’s arms are long and have two sharp, elongated leaves which changes into two sharp glowing blades when using Leaf Blade and each along with three claws. Between the rows of yellow nodules on its back is the thin, elongated shape of a pattern.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Sceptile's signature move prior to Generation IV is Leaf Blade. It is a move known by wild and captive Sceptile alike, learned by Sceptile and Grovyle by practicing "Forest Combat." The leaves are sharp as swords and can even slice down thick trees. Also, being a Grass-type Pokémon with beneficial plant parts, it can perfect moves such as SolarBeam and Synthesis, and it is a Pokémon with dragon-like characteristics, so it can learn Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, and DragonBreath. The seeds growing on Sceptile's back are said to be bursting with nutrients that can revitalize trees.
Sceptile are very protective of their environment and the Pokémon that live in it, attacking unwary trainers that wander into its forest. It agilely leaps from tree branches, and has an incredible Speed stat. Sceptile carefully and with loving care grows trees and plants. It regulates its body temperature by basking in sunlight.
Sceptile, the Forest Pokémon. Its arms are equipped with razor-sharp leaves, and it moves lightly through tree branches in order to attack its enemies.
In the manga
Like most other starters, Sceptile has made its only notable appearance in possession of Emerald, being picked as his final battling member for his Battle Factory challenge, which it won after a tough fight. Once he deduced it was no rental Pokémon, but one smuggled in by a third party, he took it into his possession and used it to challenge the Battle Pyramid, Battle Arena, Battle Palace, and Battle Dome challenges, in which only the latter its team failed to win, due to Emerald making a last-minute decision to switch out his party of Sceptile, Sudowoodo, and Dusclops feeling that its newly recovered memories and affection for its teammates when under Professor Birch's care would slow it down. It was able to learn the ultimate Grass-type attack Frenzy Plant and help defeat Guile Hideout's giant, fake Kyogre.
The leaves growing on Sceptile's body are very sharp edged. This Pokémon is very agile - it leaps all over the branches of trees and jumps on its foe from above or behind.
Sceptile has seeds growing on its back. They are said to be bursting with nutrients that revitalize trees. This Pokémon raises the trees in a forest with loving care.
|- style="background:#82C274"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Sceptile has the lowest base Defense of all starter Pokémon final forms. It also has the lowest base HP of all fully-evolved Template:Type2 starters, as well as the lowest base HP of all the starters. To compensate for this, Sceptile is the fastest fully-evolved starter Pokémon at a base speed of 120. Also Sceptile is statistically the strongest fully evolved Grass starter as its base stat total is five points higher than the others.
Sceptile has the highest base Speed out of all non legendary Template:Type2s.
Sceptile is the lightest final form Template:Type2 starter.
Sceptile is also the only final form of a Template:Type2 Starter that is not the heaviest final form of a starter in its Generation.
Sceptile is the only bipedal final stage Template:Type2 starter.
Sceptile's evolutionary family is one of two Grass-type lines that are not in the Plant Egg Group. The other is the Lileep family.
Sceptile is the only final-form starter in Generation III that does not gain another type.
Sceptile and its previous evolutions are the only Grass-types in the Dragon Egg Group.
Sceptile is the only Grass-type capable of learning Dragon Claw and Dragon Pulse, and along with its previous evolutions is the only Grass-type able to learn DragonBreath
Sceptile is tied with Blaziken for the highest single base stat of any starter. Blaziken has base 120 Attack and Sceptile has base 120 Speed.
Appearance-wise, this Pokémon resembles the dinosaur known as dilophosaurus. The orbs of nutrients on it back may be based on the fact that many leguminous plants have nitrogen stored in nodes on their roots.
The Treecko line's appearance and mannerisms are also strongly derived from leaf-tailed geckos.
Name origin
Sceptile's name is likely a play on reptile and Sceptridium, as its tail is similar to a fern in appearance, or possibly sectile, referring to the long, sharp blades growing on its body. It may have also come from scepter, from its title as King of the Forest.
Jukain may be based on 樹海 jukai, abundant leafage.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.