
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Hi, my name's Ztobor. I registered an account on here simply so that I could contribute a pattern that I've noticed in the games.

Trainer payouts (working page)

Based on investigation of the data here on Bulbapedia, I've deduced a pattern in the way money is paid out by all Trainers. (This is most likely not new information, but I haven't found it anywhere else on the site or on other sites, so if it is somewhere, please point me to it.)

The money that each trainer pays to your character is calculated using the following formula:

Money = (Base Payout) * (Level of last/highest-level Pokemon sent out by the trainer)

Okay, I'm going to redo this article, with the use of tables!

Here's the info that I've collected so far from Diamond and Pearl:

Trainer Class Base Payout
Galactic Grunt $40
Gym Leader $120
Bug Catcher $16
Twins $32 ($16 each)
Commander (Team Galactic) $80
Camper $16
Aroma Lady $32

More rows to come later.