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Latest comment: 25 June 2010 by Zybera in topic Pikachu 147 Happiness

What happens if you give one of the bitter healing items to a Pokemon holding a Soothe Bell? --Ketsuban

Even better question: What happen when you give a Pokémon that likes bitter food the bitter herbs? PsychicFile:Ani475MS.gif Agent 448δ | DP Fighting 12:55, 21 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
As for the first question: Giving bitter herbs are negative events so the Soothe Bell won't help there...
Second, it's a different type of bitter, like earwax bitter. No one likes that kind. TTEchidna 20:18, 21 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

With evolution based on happiness, does the evolution occur when the happines level is reached, or when the pokemon grows a level at that happiness rating? --Mooresnakes 17:13, 30 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

The latter. Tina δ 17:24, 30 December 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, i just looked down at the bottom of the page and i noticed it said that under pokemon evolutions. Sorry! --Mooresnakes 17:27, 30 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

What happen at the happiness if I trade my pokémon? --I.megaphone 15:46, 3 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

It resets the happiness. File:Ani197MS.gifMidnight CelticFile:Ani148MS.gif 15:56, 3 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

thank--I.megaphone 16:05, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

How the hell do you make a pokémon happy in Gen II? I know the methods, but it's almost impossible =S Hfc2x 03:46, 10 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

You smack it over the head until it learns it either has the choice of being happy or being beaten with a stick. MasterRichmond 02:53, 11 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

An observation on egg hatching

"When a Pokémon is still in its egg, its happiness value is ignored and the happiness value is used as a decrementing step value that triggers the egg hatch when it reaches zero." Unlikely - Cheat search couldn't find any values in RAM that decreased by any amount each step. Also, if "decrementing step value" means the happiness value is subtracted from a seperate counter (which I couldn't find), why do higher values give longer wait times? On 50, the egg would "take a long time" to hatch, while on 1 it was almost ready. --Kyoufu Kawa 18:18, 19 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm an idiot. --Kyoufu Kawa 19:34, 11 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

Justification Request - "positive event"

I was just wondering, what exactly constitutes to fulfilling the term "positive event". Is it simply all of the things that are above the statement which increase happiness or are there (other) specific things? --Arpaleggia 22:12, 14 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Generation II Happiness Checking

Quickly putting: is there anyway to check a Pokémon's happiness in Generation II games? It'd be useful to know at least wether my Pokémon are at maximum happiness or not. -- Professional Mole (Talk here) 13:28, 29 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

There's a lady in Goldenrod somewhere. The Dark Fiddler - Nos hablamos? 13:32, 29 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Near the bike shop. hfc2X 19:37, 29 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Herb Items

I have two Ambipoms, same level, same Attack IV, same nature and same Attack EVs. I got them to from trade because a friend of mine had borrowed them. One has Frustration and the other one Return. I gave 10 Energy Roots to the first and walked less than 200 steps, and the second one, I did nothing but walk around (a little).

I used them in PBR, against the same Pokémon and Return caused much more damage than Frustration, but I thought Frustration should be meaximum power.

Can anyone explain? - unsigned comment from Diby esp (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I forgot to sign Gabriel Rocha (Diby esp) 20:35, 20 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Try again in a handheld version. Stadium‐style games tend to keep happiness at a specific value for all Pokémon. IIMarckus 21:03, 20 January 2009 (UTC)Reply
Thank you! =) Ok, I will. By the way, the one with Frustration was holding a Silk Scarf =D Gabriel Rocha (Diby esp) 21:06, 20 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Healing Items and Drink Items

In Generation IV, do these two types of items that help Pokémon recover HP have different Happiness bonuses? I am asking because I have heard/read this from somewhere some time ago, and I would like to hear from Bulbapedia regarding this. Thank you. --HechEff 12:20, 24 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

I think its, stat vitamins, like Protein and Iron greatly boost happiness. Other items somewhat boost happiness, and herbal medicine lowers happiness. That's all I can think of. I'm Missingno. Master. See my new and improved user page, and comment on it! 12:23, 24 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Evolving a Golbat in pseudo-Gen I

Can Golbat evolve in Fire Red or Leaf Green before I have the national dex? If it does and its not in the Kanto dex does it end up being one of those Pokémon that doesn't have a dex number, kind of like a few of them that I traded from Colosseum on the Wi (in cube mode) into Sapphire on the GBA, before getting the national dex? Iliekmudkips 23:52, 5 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

It won’t evolve. The Pokémon will glow but then return to normal, with text saying “…?”. IIMarckus 01:33, 6 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

More info.

Does anyone know the values of happiness corresponding to one or two hearts on the friendship checker -being that 2 big hearts is max/255- ? - unsigned comment from Twistedpokefan (talkcontribs)


It already states that the Friend Checker checks a Pokémon's happiness in the middle of the article. Do we really need to put it again? --The Bulb's Master 16:40, 16 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Happiness from healing in Gen IV

I just checked this after reading on Serebii that healing a pokemon does not effect happiness. My pokemon was at a happiness of 208. I got into a random battle, got injured, and ran. I used a hyper potion on the pokemon, saved, and checked happiness again. It was still 208. Do we have any proof that this actually works? Because according to this, it doesn't. Lnodiv 02:24, 3 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • I think you just proved your own point... the fact that it's still at 208 means that happiness is not affected. Letting your Pokémon get damaged doesn't affect happiness either, until it faints. Ztobor 01:44, 28 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Friend Ball

There is nothing in regards to Johto's Friend Ball... ht14 07:26, 22 October 2009 (UTC) The Friend ball sets happiness to 200, but does nothing else in terms of happiness. Its catch rate is the same as a pokéball.Reply

Base happiness

This was alluded to briefly in the article, but I'm curious about the details of this mechanic. Most Pokémon, when caught, have a base happiness value of 70. There are, however, few exceptions to this, with certain species having either a higher (Clefairy, Chansey etc) or lower (Ralts, Absol etc) value when caught. It's also said that trading resets happiness to 70.

My question is: does this also apply to the species with non-standard base happiness? When Absol is traded, is its happiness reset to 70 or to zero? Similarly, what's the situation with eggs? Would a newly-hatched Absol have a happiness of 70 or zero? Do the modified happiness values apply only to Pokémon caught in the wild, or do they carry over to other methods of obtaining Pokémon as well? Bikini Miltank 17:54, 1 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Walking 256 steps?

I've been playing Pokémon Gold on a tool-assisted emulator (Don't worry, the only cheats I use are save-states and "unlimited TM", basically creating my own GameShark code that sets the number of each TM available to 1, and makes it stay there), and it seems that in Gen.2, it takes 512 walked steps to raise a Pokémon's happiness by 1, not 256. (I've been watching the memory addresses for steps walked and happiness.) Can somebody verify this? Ztobor 00:51, 23 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Pokewalker Happiness

If anyone knows the rate at which the Pokewalker increases the happiness of the pokemon within, it should probably be submitted here as well as the Pokewalker page. Thanks :) MarkoOhNo 08:19, 30 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Pikachu 147 Happiness

Does anyone know how Pikachu will react to being talked to if it has a happiness of 147+?--Zybera 00:02, 25 June 2010 (UTC)Reply