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Latest comment: 29 July 20102 comments2 people in discussion
It's right next to the save page button. Please use it to check that the page is how you want it before saving, so that you don't need to make many edits to the same page in a short time. Thanks. Werdnae(talk)06:23, 29 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, I was aware of it and I do use it, but often I want to add a few words or change the way something is worded after I submit, or I think of something else to add after submitting so it's less an issue of previewing but needing perfection. I will try to write up a draft in notepad or something before editing a page so I don't make so many edits and that way I can flesh the paragraphs out if many edits are a concern (Shivafang14:00, 29 July 2010 (UTC))Reply