Appendix:Gold and Silver walkthrough/Section 9
The guide for those can be found here.
Olivine City
The port city of Olivine, sister city to Kanto's Vermilion, is a Trainer's next stop on the way to the Pokémon League.
When you first arrive in the city, your rival stops you near the Gym. He mentions something about the Gym Leader tending to a sick Pokémon in the lighthouse before running off.
Hook the Big One!
On your way into the city, stop by the first house south of the Gym. Speak to the the Fishing Guru and if he can tell how much you enjoy fishing, he will give you the Good Rod. With this, you will finally be able to fish for Pokémon other than Magikarp!
Time for a Trade
North of the lighthouse are two small houses, and the man in the left house is looking to trade. If you have an extra Krabby, this guy will offer to trade you his Voltorb.
Before heading off to the lighthouse, make sure to stop in the diner to the west of the Poké Center. Speaking to the sailor inside will get you HM04 (Strength), a powerful move that allows a Pokémon to shove large boulders around like toys.
Save the Lighthouse Beacon!
The Olivine Gym Leader is tending to the lighthouse beacon on the sixth floor, a sick Ampharos that would normally use its tail to illuminate the ocean.
Battle your way to the third floor, and take the stairs in the northeast. On the fourth floor, battle past Lass Connie and drop down the hole to the third floor below. You'll be ambushed by Sailor Terrell; defeat him, grab the Ether nearby, and take the stairs back to the fourth floor. Head up the next set of stairs to the fifth floor, and battle Sailor Ernest. Grab the Great Ball lying in the corner, and take the stairs to the sixth floor, where you will meet Jasmine.
Her Ampharos is very sick, and she cannot leave it unattended. She talks about a pharmacy across the ocean in Cianwood City that specializes in a form of unconventional medicine. Jasmine will not return to her post at the Gym until Amphy is better, so get ready for a swim! Teach a Pokémon HM03 (Surf) if you haven't already, and leave west from the city to reach Route 40.
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Gentleman Alfred | Lv 20 Noctowl | $1440 |
Sailor Huey | Lv 18 Poliwag, Lv 18 Poliwhirl | $720 |
Bird Keeper Theo | Lv 17 Pidgey, Lv 15 Pidgey, Lv 19 Pidgey, Lv 15 Pidgey, Lv 15 Pidgey |
$360 |
Gentleman Preston | Lv 18 Growlithe, Lv 18 Growlithe | $1296 |
Lass Connie | Lv 21 Marill | $504 |
Sailor Terrell | Lv 20 Poliwhirl | $800 |
Sailor Kent | Lv 18 Krabby, Lv 20 Krabby | $800 |
Bird Keeper Denis | Lv 18 Spearow, Lv 20 Fearow, Lv 18 Spearow | $432 |
Sailor Ernest | Lv 18 Machop, Lv 18 Machop, Lv 18 Poliwhirl | $720 |
Item | Location |
TM34 (Swagger) | Southwest corner, 5F |
Rare Candy | East side, 5F |
Super Potion | Northwest corner, 6F |
After defeating the Pokémon League, Trainers will be able to board the S.S. Aqua. This ferry service sails between Johto's Olivine and Kanto's Vermilion. After the initial voyage to Kanto, the ferry sails to Johto every Sunday and Wednesday, and back to Kanto every Monday and Friday. Like the S.S. Anne, there are many Trainers on-board that are looking to battle.
Routes 40 & 41
Route 40 is a small beach that leads off into the ocean. The only notable thing here is available just once a week - Trainers who speak to Monica on Mondays will receive a Sharp Beak, which enhances Flying-type moves when held.
Route 41 is a small portion of Johto's ocean, surrounding the Whirl Islands. When a Trainer first travels the route, the islands are inaccessible, since the Trainer has yet to collect HM06 (Whirlpool) and the Silver Wing. As these two routes form the only ocean in Johto, there are a handful of new rare Pokémon to find. Trainers can surf through the islands however they please, though just south of the islands, the route turns to the west on the way to Cianwood City.
Name | Pokémon | Winnings |
Swimmer♂ Simon | Lv 20 Tentacool, Lv 20 Tentacool | $160 |
Swimmer♀ Elaine | Lv 21 Staryu | $420 |
Swimmer♀ Paula | Lv 19 Staryu, Lv 19 Shellder | $380 |
Swimmer♂ Randall | Lv 18 Shellder, Lv 20 Wartortle, Lv 18 Shellder | $144 |
Swimmer♂ Charlie | Lv 21 Shellder, Lv 19 Tentacool, Lv 19 Tentacruel | $152 |
Swimmer♂ George | Lv 16 Tentacool, Lv 17 Tentacool, Lv 16 Tentacool, Lv 19 Staryu, Lv 17 Tentacool, Lv 19 Remoraid |
$152 |
Swimmer♀ Kara | Lv 20 Staryu, Lv 20 Starmie | $400 |
Swimmer♂ Mathew | Lv 23 Krabby | $184 |
Swimmer♀ Wendy | Lv 21 Horsea, Lv 21 Horsea | $420 |
Swimmer♂ Berke | Lv 23 Qwilfish | $184 |
Swimmer♂ Kirk | Lv 20 Gyarados, Lv 20 Gyarados | $160 |
Swimmer♀ Denise | Lv 22 Seel | $440 |
Swimmer♀ Susie | Lv 20 Psyduck, Lv 22 Goldeen | $440 |
Swimmer♀ Kaylee | Lv 18 Goldeen, Lv 20 Goldeen, Lv 20 Seaking | $400 |
Pokémon | Time of day, Encounter rate |
Krabby | All times, 15% / 55% |
Magikarp | All times, 85% / 35% |
Tentacool | All times, 90% |
Tentacruel | All times, 10% |
Corsola | Day, 10% |
Staryu | Night, 10% |
Pokémon | Time of day, Encounter rate |
Krabby | All times, 15% / 55% |
Magikarp | All times, 85% / 35% |
Tentacool | All times, 90% |
Tentacruel | All times, 10% |
Corsola | Day, 10% |
Staryu | Night, 10% |
Pokémon | Time of day, Encounter rate |
Magikarp | All times, 85% / 35% |
Tentacool | All times, 15% / 35% / 60% |
Tentacruel | All times, 30% |
Shellder | All times, 10% |
Chinchou | All times, 20% |
Mantine | All times, 10% |
Pokémon | Time of day, Encounter rate |
Magikarp | All times, 85% / 35% |
Tentacool | All times, 15% / 35% / 70% |
Tentacruel | All times, 30% |
Shellder | All times, 10% |
Chinchou | All times, 20% |
Whirl Islands
The Whirl Islands form a small island chain between the mainland and Cianwood City's landmass. Initially inaccessible to Trainers, the islands are protected by a group of violent whirlpools that guard the four islands' entrances.
Return to the islands after obtaining HM06 (Whirlpool) and the Silver Wing, which allow Trainers to thoroughly explore the islands' cave network. The northeastern island is the only way to reach the deepest caverns under the islands, where an immense, silver-colored Pokémon is said to make its home.
Pokémon | Time of day, Encounter rate |
Zubat | All times, 30% |
Golbat | All times, 5% |
Seel | All times, 15% |
Krabby | All times, 50% / 40% |
Kingler | All times, 20% |
Horsea | All times, 30% / 30% |
Seadra | All times, 10% / --% |
Tentacool | All times, 60% |
Tentacruel | All times, 10% |
Lugia | NE island, only one |
Pokémon | Time of day, Encounter rate |
Zubat | All times, 30% |
Golbat | All times, 5% |
Seel | All times, 15% |
Krabby | All times, 50% / 40% |
Kingler | All times, 20% |
Horsea | All times, 30% / 30% |
Seadra | All times, 10% / --% |
Tentacool | All times, 60% |
Tentacruel | All times, 10% |
Lugia | NE island, only one |
Now that you've obtained HM06 (Whirlpool) and the Silver Wing, you can finally access every area of the cave network. Be sure to bring a team with the moves Surf, Strength, Flash, and Whirlpool.
It's a good idea to explore each island in order to find all items and wild Pokémon, but if you're only here for Lugia, make your way to the NE island.
Northwest Island
Step inside the cave, and take the stairs to the floor below.
From the stairs, walk south along the rock ledge and pick up the Carbos. Walk east onto the next rock ledge, and go down the stairs. Grab the Max Elixer and Full Restore, and head back to the first set of stairs. Head south and step off of the rock ledge, and grab another Full Restore nearby. Go east from here, and trek across the northern rock ledge to get a Nugget. Walk east, jumping over the two ledges, and go up the stairs. Pick up the Ultra Ball, and head back downstairs. Walk to the south, jump over the single ledge, and head south again, hopping over a second ledge. You can't use Strength on the boulder from this side, so grab the Escape Rope and continue south to the stairs.
This brings you to the SW island's entrance.
Whirl Islands
Northeast Island
From the entrance, walk east and jump the ledge. Taking the southern path will lead to the NW/SW islands' tunnels, so instead take the northern path, and head down the stairs.
Walk along the rock ledge to the southwest, and take the stairs to the floor below. Pick up the Max Revive and surf to the south, riding down the huge waterfall. Enter the cave to the west, where you'll find Lugia. Save your game before attempting capture; there's only one Lugia, so don't risk anything. It is found at Lv 70 (Gold) or Lv 40 (Silver).
Taking the stairs south of Lugia's chamber will eventually lead you to the SW island's exit, but if you're done here, using an Escape Rope is easier.
Southeast Island
From the entrance, walk north along the trail to the stairs.
Head north along the rock ledge to find a Calcium. Walk south and down off of the ledge, and follow the path to the west. Moving the boulder will lead you to the main cave network. Take the stairs to the south.
Pick up the Guard Spec., surf to the west, and you'll see the exit to the SW island.
Southwest Island
(If you've followed this guide and explored the islands in the same order, you've probably obtained every item by now, so there isn't much to say here.)
Gold and Silver walkthrough |
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This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game. |