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Revision as of 00:05, 5 September 2010 by Adil (talk | contribs) (Reply ---> Solved.)
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Latest comment: 5 September 2010 by Adyniz

I watched this episode (English) and Dawn said "He'll never be able to win a battle in that case" was this an error, or is Togekiss actually a male? - Zarthga

I've watched the episode three times and never once do I hear an instance of her saying he. --HoennMaster 21:25, 4 September 2010 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I watched the episode. Dawn just says I'll never be able to win a battle in that case" not he. ♫♪AdyNiz♪♫ 00:05, 5 September 2010 (UTC)Reply