Brendan (game)

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Revision as of 15:29, 11 September 2010 by Chaos791 (talk | contribs) (As player)
ユウキ Yūki

Art from Emerald
Gender Male
Hometown Littleroot Town
Region Hoenn (originally Johto if chosen by the player)
Relatives Mom, Norman (as player)
Professor Birch, unnamed mother and brother* (as rival)
Trainer class Pokémon Trainer, Player character
Generation III
Games Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Anime cameos Jirachi: Wish Maker
Manga counterpart(s) Ruby

Brendan (Japanese: ユウキ Yūki) serves as the rival in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, if the player choose to play as the female character. He is also the male choice in the games, but Brendan is never among the default names for the character.

In the games

As player

If Brendan is selected as the player character he starts his journey moving from his home in Johto to his new home in the town of Littleroot in Hoenn. After saving Prof. Birch from a wild Pokémon, he is given one of the three starters of the Hoenn region. Brendan develops a close bond with May, and eventually Wally, who both act as his rivals. Brendan goes on to gather the eight badges of Hoenn, stop the plans of Team Aqua and Team Magma and conquer the Pokémon League all before going off to face the Battle Frontier.

He is given a much bigger task than both Red and Ethan, as he has to save the world from either flooding, drying up, or both depending on the game.


While the player can name this character as is the case with all player characters, there are several default names provided for him. In Ruby and Sapphire, he has four default names, including three shared between the two versions, as well as a differing one in each which reference "land" and "sea" respectively. In the English version, these names are Landon and Sean; in the Japanese version, リクヤ Rikuya and カイト Kaito (陸 riku means land and 海 kai means sea). This is also the case in other languages. Additionally, in the English version, two of the shared names, Terry and Seth, seem to be influenced by the same theme.

In Emerald, Brendan has the same default names as in Pokémon Ruby, as well as 16 additional names which don't seem to hold any significance. Consequently, there is no default name that relates to "sea" in this version. Notably, as the player character, Brendan (or its translations in other languages) is never offered as a default name in any version.

The full list of default names for Brendan as the male playable character in the games are as follows:

Language Ruby
and Emerald
Sapphire Emerald
  • Landon
  • Terry
  • Seth
  • Tom
  • Sean
  • Terry
  • Seth
  • Tom
  • Brett
  • Casey
  • Collin
  • Darren
  • Easton
  • Jaxson
  • Johnny
  • Jude
  • Kenny
  • Milton
  • Quincy
  • Reid
  • Stanley
  • Stu
  • Teru
  • Walker
  • リクヤ Rikuya
  • ヒロアキ Hiroaki
  • ヒトシ Hitoshi
  • ケイ Kei
  • カイト Kaito
  • ヒロアキ Hiroaki
  • ヒトシ Hitoshi
  • ケイ Kei
  • イツオ Itsuo
  • ギョク Gyoku
  • シュウサク Shūsaku
  • セイゴ Seigo
  • ダイサク Daisaku
  • タカヒト Takahito
  • タツヤ Tatsuya
  • ダニエル Daniel
  • テルキ Teruki
  • トム Tom
  • トモヤ Tomoya
  • ユキヒコ Yukihiko
  • ラルド Rald
  • リチャード Richard
  • リュウ Ryū
  • リョウタ Ryōta
  • Roland
  • Daniel
  • Helge
  • Jan
  • Sebold
  • Daniel
  • Helge
  • Jan
  • Anselm
  • David
  • Dieter
  • Erik
  • Florian
  • Haiko
  • Johann
  • Jörg
  • Klaus
  • Markus
  • Martin
  • Michael
  • Paul
  • Rolf
  • Stefan
  • Thomas
  • Teren
  • Quimi
  • Rufo
  • Arturo
  • Marino
  • Quimi
  • Rufo
  • Arturo
  • Thierry
  • Thomas
  • Daniel
  • Seb
  • Martial
  • Thomas
  • Daniel
  • Seb
  • Daniel
  • Stan
  • Fabrice
  • Gary
  • Stef
  • Severin
  • Alec
  • Johann
  • Manuel
  • Colin
  • Ruddy
  • Thibaud
  • Johnny
  • Arno
  • Gibus
  • Jules
  • Landon
  • Marco
  • Paolo
  • Lucio
  • Martin
  • Marco
  • Paolo
  • Lucio

As rival

If Brendan is not selected as the player, he is helping his dad finish the Hoenn Pokédex and becoming a Pokémon professor. He is also the player's rival and friend.

In the games he appears in, Brendan battles with the following Pokémon. Unlike other rivals (excluding May), Brendan never evolves his starter Pokémon into its final form.

Artwork from Ruby and Sapphire

Pokémon in Ruby and Sapphire

First battle (on Route 103)

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Mudkip:

Second battle (on Route 110)

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Mudkip:

If the player chose Treecko:

Third battle (on Route 119)

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Mudkip:

If the player chose Treecko:

Fourth battle (in Lilycove City)

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Mudkip:

Pokémon in Emerald

First battle (on Route 103)

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Mudkip:

Second battle (Optionally in Rustboro City)

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Mudkip:

Third battle (on Route 110)

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Mudkip:

Fourth battle (on Route 119)

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Mudkip:

Fifth Battle (in Lilycove City)
File:RS Brendan.png File:E Brendan.png
Brendan's sprite from
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Brendan's sprite from
Pokémon Emerald
Brendan's back sprite from
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Brendan's back sprite from
Pokémon Emerald
Image of Brendan from
Pokémon Colosseum
A headshot of Brendan from
Pokémon XD (R/S variant)
A headshot of Brendan from
Pokémon XD (E variant)

If the player chose Torchic:

If the player chose Treecko:

If the player chose Mudkip:


As a rival, this character will always be named Brendan.

Language Name Origin
Japanese ユウキ Yūki From 勇気 yūki, bravery. A common Japanese given name.
English Brendan Could be derived from "brave."
French Brice Similar to the English name.
German Brix Similar to the English name.
Spanish Bruno Similar to the English name.

In other media

In the anime

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Brendan and his Swampert

Brendan's only anime appearances are small cameos in the openings of Jirachi: Wish Maker, Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea and Giratina and the Sky Warrior.

Like in the games, he has the starter Pokémon that weakens May's. It is unknown if his relatives are the same as that of the games, where, as May is Norman's daughter (as the player is), Brendan would be Professor Birch's son. Brendan seems to be a competitive battler, as his cameos suggest he spends time in Battle Towers.

In his third appearance he was seen battling against Lucas, Dawn's male counterpart, much as May faced off against Dawn in the Wallace Cup. Unlike May, however, Brendan was still wearing the same outfit he had been previously, based on his clothes from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, rather than from Pokémon Emerald.


The following are Brendan's known Pokémon in the anime:


Swampert is most likely Brendan's starter Pokémon. Not much is known about it, however, as it has only been seen briefly at the beginning of the ninth movie, where it was seen confronting Template:Mo's Tyranitar in a Battle Tower.

Swampert's only known move is Ice Beam.


Brendan's Aggron has only been briefly seen in a double battle at the beginning of the sixth movie, where it was seen freezing Brendan's challenger's Solrock. Aggron is kept within a Luxury Ball.

Aggron's only known move is Ice Beam.


Brendan's Shiftry has only been briefly seen in a double battle at the beginning of the sixth movie, where it was seen being hit by Brendan's challenger's Manectric's Spark. Shiftry is kept within a Repeat Ball.

Shiftry's only known move is Bullet Seed.


Brendan's Rhyperior has only made brief appearance at the beginning of the eleventh movie, where it was seen battling against Lucas's Magmortar.

Rhyperior's only known move is Hammer Arm.

In the manga

There are three different manga counterparts to Brendan: Ruby from the Pokémon Adventures manga, Ruby from the Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire manga, and Rald from the Pokémon Battle Frontier manga.

In the TFG

Brendan, based on a blue recolor of this character's usual clothes, appears as a common Trainer figure in Next Quest, the launch set of the Pokémon Trading Figure Game. There is also an unreleased figurine based on him from the cancelled Groundbreakers expansion, named Landon (one of the default names for him in Pokémon Ruby and Emerald), who wears the same outfit as Brendan does in Ruby and Sapphire.


  • In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Pikachu wears Brendan's Emerald headband as an alternate costume. Also, the Pokémon Trainer has an alternate costume with a similar color scheme as Brendan's Emerald outfit.
  • It is interesting to note that in the anime, Brendan's Shiftry was caught with a Repeat Ball. His Aggron was caught with a Luxury Ball.
  • There is a large amount of confusion and debate amongst the fanbase concerning Brendan's hair. Brendan's manga counterpart, Ruby, has black hair in a similar style to Norman's and merely wears a white hat. Several pieces of official art and sprites vary in this depiction, though many claim specific images as concrete evidence that he is indeed wearing a hat, albeit a very unique one. Particularly the appearance of black side burns in the Emerald art, and distinctly black hair appearing on the backside of his head from under the colored band in his game backsprites. Outside of the manga, it is not explicitly stated whether it is a hat or hair.
  • Brendan is the only male player character from the main series games who doesn't make an appearance in the Generation IV games.
  • He and May are the only set of player characters whom have a chance to speak with both a mother and a father in the games.
  • He and May are the only rivals to wear any sort of headgear.
  • Brendan and May are the only rivals that the player cannot name, except for Wally (not including Ronald).
    • Brendan and May are also the only rivals whose starter Pokémon does not reach its final form.
    • They are also the only rivals who can't be fought in rematches after the player defeats the Elite Four.

Player characters
Core series RedLeafEthanKrisLyraBrendanMayLucasDawn
Side series WesMichaelNateCyndy
Spin-off games MarkMintTodd SnapLucy Fleetfoot
HeroHeroineTim GoodmanScottieBettie

Rival and friend characters
Core series BlueSilverBrendan/MayWallyBarryLucas/DawnEthan/LyraCherenBianca
Spin-off games RonaldKeithLucaSharonPauloLearTina

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.