Talk:U-turn (move)

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Revision as of 19:53, 12 September 2010 by Chaos791 (talk | contribs) (T or t)

Latest comment: 25 August 2010 by Cold in topic Counter

Somersault? WTF?!

What exactly is Somersault. I hear this word for the first time in my life. It sounds like some veeery weeeeird translation. --Maxim 14:26, 12 March 2007 (UTC)Reply -Sketchies 15:16, 12 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Somersaults is not a very weird translation. it is a move that most gymnasts can do. it is a combination of a handstand and a back flip. It is pronounced like saying the words summer and salt together.

Somersaults are when you roll either on the ground or while jumping. Here is an example: [[1]] --1-Up 13:40, 13 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'm considering using this in place of Baton Pass on my team's Ninjask, and I was curious as to if this works similar.


Ninjask uses Agility three times, and its Speed Boost ability kicks in, then uses U-Turn. Will the Pokemon that I swap in gain the Agility buffs that Ninjask used, and as a separate question will the Speed Boost ability transfer over to the new Pokemon? Crenel 06:46, 21 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Doesn't pass the stat gains, no. It's just like switching out. TTEchidna 07:14, 21 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

T or t

The article is spelled U-turn, and that's also what the in-game TM is called. However, when used in battle, it's U-Turn. So which is it!? I know people went around a while ago making all the uppercase ones lowercase, but I'm not so sure. Porygon-Z 02:36, 5 August 2008 (UTC)Reply


If it fails

If there is no other pokémon in the party and a pokémon uses U-turn, does it still do damage? Kanjo 22:01, 12 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yes. Baby G (talk to me) (see my edits) 01:17, 14 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

So, to clarify...

This isn't clear anywhere, so I thought I'd ask here- is it possible to use U-turn before your opponent moves, then switch Pokemon, then have your opponent attack? Shady got 10,000 for winning 13:01, 21 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

Ask on the forums. This is not the place to ask such a question. -Sketch 13:02, 21 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
No, no, you misunderstand me. I'm not talking strategy. I'm asking if U-turn takes the same move priority as other moves: for example, can the Pokémon using the move be fast enough to use U-turn and switch out before the other Pokémon attacks. Shady got 10,000 for winning 21:55, 22 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
It's normal priority. If the priority is something other than normal then there is a section on it in the infobox. See Quick Attack for an example. Werdnae (talk) 22:18, 22 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
All right, thanks. It just seemed odd to me that you would be able to switch out even before the other Pokemon attacked. Shady got 10,000 for winning 03:31, 23 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

Regarding trapping

It would probably be a good idea to make note of the ability of U-turn in regards to Pokémon that couldn't switch out via the normal shift command. While ingrain is mentioned, Pokémon subject to mean look, block, or any trapping moves and/or abilities by the opponent is not mentioned. I would add this but haven't ever tested these situations. It's essentially noted that a successful switch via U-turn counts as an ordinary swap, (and not a baton pass swap, which conserves a whole list of variables,) but the ability to switch is much less clear.


Just a question, if you have Counter selected as your attack for the turn, and your opponent uses U-turn, switching to another one of his Pokémon, will Counter fail? If not, which of your opponent's Pokémon will it hit, the one who switched out or the one who switched in?--Cold (talk) 21:47, 25 August 2010 (UTC)Reply