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Revision as of 11:31, 10 April 2007 by Wisewords (talk | contribs) (W)

Pokémon in the Generation III games were given abilities (Japanese: 特性 special characteristic), amongst other new concepts. Abilities serve to give Pokémon a trait that would assist them in battle such as Rough Skin on Sharpedo which allows the foe to take damage on direct contact.

All Abilities from Generation III remain in Generation IV, except for Cacophony that was removed and Air Lock was moved from #77 to #76.

Interestingly enough, abilities are very similar to Pokémon Powers from the Trading Card Game.


Top 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


# Name Generation Single Dual
091 Adaptibility IV - 2
106 Aftermath IV - 4
076 Air Lock III 1 -
083 Anger Point IV - 3
107 Anticipation IV 1 4
071 Arena Trap III - 3


# Name Generation Single Dual
123 Bad Dreams IV 1 -
004 Battle Armor III 2 4
066 Blaze III 12 -


# Name Generation Single Dual
034 Chlorophyll III 10 11
029 Clear Body III 6 2
013 Cloud Nine III - 2
016 Color Change III 1 -
014 Compoundeyes III 2 2
056 Cute Charm III 3 6


# Name Generation Single Dual
006 Damp III - 8
088 Download IV - 3
002 Drizzle III 1 -
070 Drought III 1 -
087 Dry Skin IV - 4


# Name Generation Single Dual
048 Early Bird III - 13
027 Effect Spore III - 4


# Name Generation Single Dual
111 Filter IV - 2
049 Flame Body III 3 2
018 Flash Fire III 4 6
122 Flower Gift IV 1 -
059 Forecast III 1 -
108 Forewarn IV - 4
119 Frisk IV - 3


# Name Generation Single Dual
082 Gluttony IV - 3
062 Guts III 3 10


# Name Generation Single Dual
085 Heat Proof IV - 2
118 Honey Gather IV 1 -
037 Huge Power III - 3
055 Hustle III - 6
093 Hydration IV 2 2
052 Hyper Cutter III - 9


# Name Generation Single Dual
115 Ice Body IV - 5
035 Illuminate III - 5
017 Immunity III 1 1
039 Inner Focus III 4 10
015 Insomnia III - 10
022 Intimidate III 5 14
089 Iron Fist IV - 1


# Name Generation Single Dual
051 Keen Eye III 5 13
103 Klutz IV - 2


# Name Generation Single Dual
102 Leaf Guard IV 1 5
026 Levitate III 25 2
031 Lightningrod III - 7
007 Limber III 1 4
064 Liquid Ooze III - 4


# Name Generation Single Dual
098 Magic Guard IV - 3
040 Magma Armor III - 3
042 Magnet Pull III - 5
063 Marvel Scale III 1 -
058 Minus III 1 -
104 Mold Breaker IV 2 1
078 Motor Drive IV 1 -
121 Multitype IV 1 -


# Name Generation Single Dual
030 Natural Cure III 4 9
099 No Guard IV - 3
096 Normalize IV - 2


# Name Generation Single Dual
012 Oblivious III - 16
065 Overgrow III 12 -
020 Own Tempo III - 11


# Name Generation Single Dual
053 Pickup III 1 8
057 Plus III 1 -
090 Poison Heal IV - 2
038 Poison Point III - 11
046 Pressure III 18 2
074 Pure Power III 2 -


# Name Generation Single Dual
095 Quick Feet IV - 5


# Name Generation Single Dual
044 Rain Dish III - 3
120 Reckless IV - 1
079 Rivalry IV - 9
069 Rock Head III 2 16
024 Rough Skin III 2 -
050 Run Away III - 15


# Name Generation Single Dual
045 Sand Stream III 3 -
008 Sand Veil III 7 4
113 Scrappy IV - 2
032 Serene Grace III 1 7
023 Shadow Tag III 2 -
061 Shed Skin III 10 2
075 Shell Armor III 1 9
019 Shield Dust III 4 1
086 Simple IV - 3
092 Skill Link IV - 2
112 Slow Start IV 1 -
097 Sniper IV - 7
081 Snow Cloak IV 2 3
117 Snow Warning IV 2 -
094 Solar Power IV - 3
116 Solid Rock IV - 2
043 Soundproof III 3 4
003 Speed Boost III 1 2
100 Stall IV - 1
009 Static III 8 4
080 Steadfast IV 1 3
001 Stench III - 4
060 Sticky Hold III - 6
114 Storm Drain IV - 4
005 Sturdy III 5 17
021 Suction Cups III 2 1
105 Super Luck IV - 3
068 Swarm III 4 8
033 Swift Swim III 8 17
028 Synchronize III 3 8


# Name Generation Single Dual
077 Tangled Feet IV - 5
101 Technician IV - 7
047 Thick Fat III - 15
110 Tinted Lens IV - 4
067 Torrent III 12 -
036 Trace III - 5
054 Truant III 2 -


# Name Generation Single Dual
109 Unaware IV - 2
084 Unburden IV - 2


# Name Generation Single Dual
072 Vital Spirit III 1 3
010 Volt Absorb III 1 2


# Name Generation Single Dual
011 Water Absorb III 1 9
041 Water Veil III - 4
073 White Smoke III 1 -
025 Wonder Guard III 1 -

Each Ability listed above is linked to an article containing a list of Pokémon that learn that ability. For those lists:

  • Pokémon listed under 'Single ability' can only have that ability, for example, Squirtle can only have Torrent. (233 Pokémon)
  • Pokémon listed under 'Dual ability' can have that ability or another, for example, Chansey can have either the ability Natural Cure or the ability Serene Grace. (260 Pokémon)
Individual Pokémon can only have one ability - Pokémon that are under a dual ability listing have a 50-50 chance of having either of their two abilities when encountered or hatched by a trainer.