New Bark Town

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Template:Infobox town New Bark Town (Japanese: ワカバタウン Wakaba Town) is the hometown of the main character in the Generation II games. It is home to the lab of Professor Elm, who possesses the starting Pokémon for that generation: Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil.

Other than being connected to Route 29 in the west, is also the town that must be passed through to reach Tohjo Falls, Victory Road and the Indigo Plateau, via Route 26 and Route 27. The town's motto is "Where winds of a new beginning blow."


Name Games Location Levels Rate
All Times
Chikorita G S C Professor Elm's Lab 5 Starter Pokémon
Cyndaquil G S C Professor Elm's Lab 5 Starter Pokémon
Totodile G S C Professor Elm's Lab 5 Starter Pokémon


New Bark Town's population is about 10. This makes is the smallest number in Johto.

Template:Locationstub Template:Towns of Johto

This article is part of Project Cities and Towns, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every city and town in the Pokémon world.