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Dry Skin
Dry Skin
Flavor text
Dry Skin (Japanese: かんそうはだ Dry Skin) is an ability introduced in Generation IV. Five Pokémon can have this ability, all of which are dual-typed.
In battle
Dry Skin modifies HP depending on climate. During sunshine, the Pokémon with this ability will lose 1/8 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn. During rain the Pokémon with Dry Skin will regain 1/8 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn.
In addition, Template:Type2 attacks do 25% more damage to this Pokémon, while Template:Type2 attacks will heal ¼ of their maximum HP.
Outside of battle
Dry Skin has no effect outside of battle.
Pokémon with Dry Skin
In other languages
- Italian: Pellearsa
- Spanish: Piel seca
- Portuguese: Pele Sêca