Dragon (type)

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Template:ElementalTypes Template:TypeNotice Notable Pokémon Trainers that specialize in Dragon-type Pokémon are Lance and Drake of the Elite Four; Clair, the Gym Leader of Blackthorn City; and Iris and Shaga, the Gym Leaders of Souryuu City.

Statistical averages


HP: 73
Attack: 96
Defense: 78
Sp.Atk: 86
Sp.Def: 80
Speed: 81
Total: 0

Fully evolved*

HP: 98.38
Attack: 111.08
Defense: 95.00
Sp.Atk: 111.15
Sp.Def: 101.15
Speed: 95.77
Total: 0

Battle properties

Offensive Dragon Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
Dragon ½× Electric
½× Steel Dragon
None None


The Dragon type is statistically the best of all types overall. Because of the minimal amount of weaknesses that they have, they often find a way onto trainers' teams. The downside to the supposed power that they have is that they are slightly harder to raise, with many of them not evolving from their first stage to their second until a level at which many Pokémon are near their final evolutions, and their final evolution near level 50, such as a Dragonite or a Garchomp and Sazandra evolving at level 64, the highest of any Pokémon. Most Dragon-type Pokémon have high Attack and Special Attack, and paired with their incredibly diverse movepools, they are one of the best in the games.

The Dragon type is good offensively. Even though only Dragons themselves are Dragon-weak, the only type that resists Dragon is Steel, giving them good use of their STAB. Dragon/Fire, a common attacking combination among Dragons, is resisted together only by Heatran. Dragon Dance is also a very common move for physical sweepers.

Defensively, they have key resistances to Electric, Grass, Water and Fire, enabling them to block certain Pokémon. However, every fully-evolved, non-legendary Dragon-type except Kingdra, Ononokus, and Sazandra have a double weakness to Template:Type2 moves, due to their secondary types.

When used in contests, Dragon-type moves typically become Cool moves, but some may be Smart or Tough moves.

In total, there are 29 Pokémon of the currently known 649 with the Dragon type, which accounts for a small amount of the Pokédex, tying it with the Template:Type2 for the second least populated type, second only to the Template:Type2.


Pure Dragon-type Pokémon

# Name
147 Dratini Dratini
148 Dragonair Dragonair
371 Bagon Bagon
372 Shelgon Shelgon
610 Kibago Kibago
611 Onondo Onondo
612 Ononokus Ononokus
621 Kurimugan Kurimugan

Half Dragon-type Pokémon

Primary Dragon-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic
384 Rayquaza Rayquaza Dragon Flying
443 Gible Gible Dragon Ground
444 Gabite Gabite Dragon Ground
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground
643 Reshiram Reshiram Dragon Fire
644 Zekrom Zekrom Dragon Electric
646 Kyurem Kyurem Dragon Ice

Secondary Dragon-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon
329 Vibrava Vibrava Ground Dragon
330 Flygon Flygon Ground Dragon
483 Dialga Dialga Steel Dragon
484 Palkia Palkia Water Dragon
487 Giratina Giratina Ghost Dragon
Giratina Ghost Dragon
633 Monozu Monozu Dark Dragon
634 Jiheddo Jiheddo Dark Dragon
635 Sazandra Sazandra Dark Dragon


Damage-dealing moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Double Chop Physical ??? 40 90% 15 One target Hits twice.
Draco Meteor Special Smart 140 90% 5 One target Sharply reduces the user's Special Attack stat.
DragonBreath Special Cool 60 100% 20 One target Has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target.
Dragon Claw Physical Cool 80 100% 15 One target
Dragon Pulse Special Smart 90 100% 10 One target
Dragon Rage Special Cool 100% 10 One target Always inflicts 40 HP damage.
Dragon Rush Physical Cool 100 75% 10 One target Has a 20% chance of making the target flinch.
Dragon Tail Physical ??? 60 90% 10 One target Ends wild battles. Switches opponent.
Outrage Physical Cool 120 100% 15 Random target User attacks for two to three turns. Afterwards, the user becomes confused.
Roar of Time Special Cool 150 90% 5 One target The user must rest on the next turn.
Spacial Rend Special Tough 100 95% 5 One target Has a high critical hit ratio.
Twister Special Cool 40 100% 20 Both foes Has a 20% chance of making opponents flinch. Capable of hitting opponents while they are using Fly.

Non-damaging moves

Name Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Target Notes
Dragon Dance Status Cool —% 20 User Raises Attack and Speed by one stage.


  • In Generation I, there was only one Dragon-type attack, Dragon Rage; however, because it always deals 40 HP of damage, there was no way to do super-effective Dragon-type damage.
  • There are only thirteen Dragon-type moves, the fewest of any type.
    • Seven of these moves (more than half) have the word "dragon" in their names.
    • Eight of those thirteen moves are Cool moves in Pokémon Contests and Pokémon Super Contests. The only five that aren't were introduced in Generation IV and V, meaning that in Hoenn Contests, all Dragon-type moves were Cool moves.
    • The Dragon type also has the fewest number of non-damaging moves out of all of the types, with only two, Dragon Dance and Dragon Tail.
  • The Dragon type resists moves of the primary types of all main series starter Pokémon available for players, including Pikachu.
  • The Dragon type is one of the two types that is weak to itself; the other is the Ghost type.
  • The Dragon type is one of two types that have both never have been and will never be doubly super effective against any Pokémon, as it is only super effective against one type. It shares this trait with the Normal type, which isn't super effective against anything.
    • By the same manner, the Dragon type is also the only type that will never be doubly resisted by anything, as only Steel resists it.
  • The Dragon type is statistically the best type, as its average fully evolved stat never goes below base 95.
  • The only non-legendary Dragon-type Pokémon that doesn't sport a weakness to Ice is Kingdra.
  • Dragon-type Pokémon are unique because they can all learn Draco Meteor by move tutor, and are the only Pokémon that can learn it at all (excluding Jirachi, Smeargle and Arceus without the Draco Plate).
  • Generation V has the most Dragon-type Pokémon that are not considered to be pseudo-legendary nor true legendary.
  • Kingdra is the only Dragon-type introduced in Generation II.
  • In Generations prior to Generation IV, only one TM contained a Dragon-type move each Generation. They were TM23 (Dragon Rage), TM24 (DragonBreath), and TM02 (Dragon Claw).

In other languages

  • Chinese: lóng
  • Dutch: Draak
  • Finnish: Lohikäärme
  • French: Dragon
  • German: Drache
  • Greek: Δρακωνικός,Δράκων - Drakon / Ερπετό
  • Hebrew: דרקון dracon
  • Italian: Drago
  • Japanese: ドラゴン dragon
  • Korean: 드래곤 dragon
  • Polish: Smok smoczy
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Dragão
  • Russian: Дракон drakon
  • Spanish: Dragón
  • Swedish: Drake