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Simple (Japanese: たんじゅん Simple) is an ability introduced in Generation IV. Five Pokémon have this ability, all of them in the Ground egg group.
In battle
Simple doubles the effectiveness of stat modifiers, both positive and negative. For example, if Defense Curl is used, the user's Defense stat will increase by two stages, rather than one stage. Similarly, if Tail Whip is used against this Pokémon, its Defense stat will fall two stages rather than one stage. Stat modifiers are still effectively capped at six stages. Simple also doubles the effects of critical hits to 4x regular damage as opposed to 2x.
The stat modifier is stored in-game before Simple doubles it, so if a Pokémon with Simple has six effective stages of Defense increase, but only four actual stages of increase, it can still increase its actual defense modifier by two more stages (though this would have no effect on its Defense). Because of this, Psych Up would take the actual stage rather than the effective stage, and if a Pokémon without Simple Baton Passes two stages of increase to a Pokémon with Simple, the second Pokémon would effectively have four stages of increase.
Outside of battle
Simple has no effect outside of battle.
Pokémon with Simple
In other languages
- Spanish: Simple
- Italian: Disinvoltura