Pidgeot bares striking resemblance to Pidgeotto; however, Pidgeot is noticeably larger than is pre-evolution. Its plumage tends to be larger and glossier. The feathers on its head-crest are nearly as long as its body, and are yellow and red. Its tail feathers are red colored. Like its previous evolutions, its underbelly is a tan color, and it has black markings around its eyes.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Pidgeot is a powerful flier, capable of creating whirlwinds strong enough to bend trees. At maximum velocity it can reach speeds of Mach 2 if it accelerates for long enough, which is incredibly rare. It has keen eyes that allow it to see Magikarp from a distance of 3300 feet in the air.
Pidgeot are normally calm and confident in their abilities. It has many powerful attacks, and its plumage is often described as beautiful, making it a popular choice for skilled trainers. Pidgeot may also spread its wings widely to intimidate enemies.
Pidgeot seems to primarily subsist on a diet of Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 Pokémon which it fishes out of the water using its high speed and keen senses. However, like all Pokémon, it is also capable of surviving by eating apples and Berries.
In Bound for Trouble, wild Pidgeot that were twice their normal size appeared. Their size was due to there being excessive quantities of food on one of the Orange Islands. One of these oversized Pidgeot snatches up Meowth and Pikachu when they got tethered together.
Ash Ketchum had a Pidgeot that he captured as a Pidgeotto early in his journey during Ash Catches a Pokémon. In Pallet Party Panic!, the same Spearow Ash had thrown a rock at in the first episode returned with its flock, but it had evolved into a Fearow. The flock attacked Ash, so Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot to battle Fearow. After Pidgeot defeated Fearow, Pidgeot left Ash's party to watch over a local flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto. Ash promised to return for it someday, but so far he has not kept that promise.
In Mewtwo Strikes Back, a Pidgeot owned by Corey was one of the Pokémon captured and cloned by Mewtwo. It was referred to as a Pidgeotto due to a dubbing error. The Pidgeot clone was seen again in Mewtwo Returns.
Pidgeot, the Bird Pokémon. The evolved form of Pidgeotto, it can fly at twice the speed of sound at an altitude of nearly one mile.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
In Pokémon Adventures, Blue owns a Pidgeot that was one of the earliest members of his team. It now resides in the Viridian Gym as one of its defenders in case of challengers appearing while he is away, or otherwise.
Professor Oak, in his disguise as "Dr. O," also is seen with a Pidgeot; however, it has yet to be confirmed whether it is the same Pokémon.
This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon.
This Pokémon has gorgeous, glossy feathers. Many trainers are so captivated by the beautiful feathers on its head that they choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon.
|- style="background:#C1C2C1"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
Pidgeot is currently only Pokémon with 469 as its base stat total.
Prior to Generation IV, Pidgeot and its evolutionary line were the only Pokémon capable of learning FeatherDance through leveling up.
Pidgeot originally had an extra "t" in its name, but it was dropped.
Two different pronunciations for Pidgeot's name, Pidg-ee-ot and Pi-git, have been used interchangeably in the anime.
Pidgeot’s tail feathers were colored red and yellow prior to Generation III. This can be observed in its Generation I artwork andGeneration II sprites. From Generation III onwards they are only colored red.
In the anime they used to be colored brown, only to be recently colored red.
When rebattling Gym Leaders in HeartGold and SoulSilver, both Falkner and Blue have a Pidgeot as their highest leveled Pokémon.
Coincidentally, Falkner is the first Gym Leader while Blue is the last.
Despite its name, its appearance and behavior do not resemble a pigeon so much as that of a bird of prey, particularly an eagle, osprey or a falcon. In particular, its shiny form may be referencing a Golden Eagle. Its eye markings strongly resemble the Sun/Sky gods of Egyptian mythology; Ra and Horus.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.