Original TCG Series merchandise
As well as producing unique or variant cards available at events, Nintendo has also released several varieties of promotional items in which to deliver special cards. Such mediums include value packs, box sets and collector tins. The list below focuses on value packs and box sets, which contain at least one promotional card, as well as booster packs or a theme deck from recent expansions. The items are listed in (roughly) chronological order and contain details of their contents.
EX Series value packs
EX Value Pack (1)
The first value pack to be produced by Nintendo, it differs from packs today as it was boxed and did not show the promotional card included in the pack.
Promo card:
- Ludicolo (Nintendo Promo 020)
- EX Ruby & Sapphire booster pack (×1)
- EX Sandstorm booster pack (×1)
- EX Dragon booster pack (×1)
EX Value Pack (2)
This value pack was also boxed and was the first to include two promotional cards. This pack contained the same two cards that were included in the EX Collector's Carry Tin.
Promo cards:
- Celebi (Nintendo Promo 029)
- Suicune (Nintendo Promo 030)
- EX Sandstorm booster pack (×1)
- EX Hidden Legends booster pack (×1)
- EX Deoxys booster pack (×1)
In 2005, value packs began to be packaged in blister packs (where the items are sealed with vacuum moulded plastic) and released alongside TCG expansions upon their release, the packaging mirroring the same design as the booster packs or boxes. The majority of blister packs released still retain this pattern. It was also around this time that the inclusion of promo cards were phased out in favor of releasing them in tins, using the blister packs as a medium in which to deliver holographic reprints of POP Series cards. These packs also saw the inclusion of coins, normally found in theme decks.
EX Unseen Forces Blister Pack
Sceptile variant
Swampert variant
The first blister packs released were based on the EX Unseen Forces expansion, though they were not directly affiliated by The Pokémon Company.
Promo cards:
- Sceptile (POP Series 1 4/17)
- Swampert (POP Series 1 5/17)
- EX Deoxys booster pack (×1)
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Delta Species booster pack (×1)
- Pikachu coin (silver)
EX Legend Maker Blister Pack
Blaziken variant
Metagross variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with EX Legend Maker, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Blaziken (POP Series 1 1/17)
- Metagross (POP Series 1 2/17)
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Legend Maker booster packs (×2)
- Rayquaza coin (silver) [Blaziken pack only]
- Energy coin (red) [Metagross pack only]
EX Holon Phantoms Blister Pack
Rayquaza variant
Venusaur variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with EX Holon Phantoms, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Rayquaza (POP Series 1 3/17)
- Venusaur (POP Series 2 6/17)
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster packs (×2)
- Energy coin (blue)
Metagross Blister Pack
This was one of the first packs to focus on one particular Pokémon both in terms of the design of the pack and the card included. This would later be used in subsequent releases, but with a general theme in mind, such as the Eeveelutions and Legendary Dogs.
Promo card:
- Metagross (POP Series 1 2/17)
- EX Deoxys booster pack (×1)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
EX Value Pack II
Promo card:
- Typhlosion (Nintendo Promo 034)
- EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua booster pack (×1)
- EX Hidden Legends booster pack (×1)
- EX Team Rocket Returns booster pack (×1)
EX Value Pack 3
Promo card:
- Pikachu δ (Nintendo Promo 035)
- EX Hidden Legends booster pack (×1)
- EX FireRed & LeafGreen booster pack (×1)
- EX Delta Species booster pack (×1)
Legendary Dogs Blister Packs
Although they received very little marketing, three blister packs were released featuring the Legendary Dogs of Johto.
Promo cards:
- Entei (POP Series 2 1/17)
- Raikou (POP Series 2 3/17)
- Suicune (POP Series 2 4/17)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
- EX Power Keepers booster pack (×1)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (silver) [Entei pack only]
- Mew coin (silver) [Raikou pack only]
- Pikachu coin (gold) [Suicune pack only]
Eeveelutions Blister Packs
Flareon pack
Jolteon pack
Vaporeon pack
Released as a singular wave, each pack contains either Flareon, Jolteon or Vaporeon and two booster packs. The package design mirrored that of the card it contained.
Promo cards:
- Flareon (POP Series 3 2/17)
- Jolteon (POP Series 3 3/17)
- Vaporeon (POP Series 3 6/17)
Combination of
- EX Legend Maker booster pack (×1)
- EX Deoxys booster pack (×1)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
EX Crystal Guardians Blister Pack
Pidgeot variant
Tauros variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with EX Crystal Guardians, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Pidgeot (POP Series 2 2/17)
- Tauros (POP Series 2 5/17)
- EX Emerald booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster packs (×2)
- Pikachu coin (gold) or Metagross coin (silver)
EX Dragon Frontiers Value Pack
Plusle variant
Minun variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with EX Dragon Frontiers, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Plusle (POP Series 3 5/17)
- Minun (POP Series 3 4/17)
- EX Deoxys booster pack (×1)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster packs (×2)
- Gardevoir coin (blue) [Plusle pack only]
- Tyranitar coin (gold) [Minun pack only]
EX Power Keepers Value Pack
Mew variant
Deoxys δ variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with EX Power Keepers, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Deoxys δ (POP Series 4 2/17)
- Mew (POP Series 4 4/17)
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Power Keepers booster packs (×2)
- Energy coin (gold) [Mew pack only]
- Energy coin (silver) [Deoxys pack only]
EX Dragon Frontiers Promotional Pack
As well as the usual size blister packs, EX Dragon Frontiers also saw the release of smaller packs, listed on several websites under the name of Promotional Packs. In addition to holographic POP reprints, these small packs also often come with POP packs. The card back also features a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Pikachu (POP Series 4 13/17)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 2 booster pack (×1)
EX Power Keepers Promotional Pack
Released almost simultaneously as the previous Promotional Pack, these were unusual as the holographic variant POP cards included were common as opposed to the usual trend of Nintendo producing variants of the rare POP cards. The card back features a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Wobbuffet (POP Series 4 16/17)
- EX Power Keepers booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 2 booster pack (×1)
EX Value Set
This was a large blister pack produced by Nintendo, containing two promotional cards and four booster packs. Unusually, the holographic variant POP cards were uncommon and common cards, as opposed to rare.
Promo cards:
- Combusken (POP Series 4 6/17)
- Mudkip (POP Series 4 11/17)
- EX Delta Species booster pack (×1)
- EX Legend Maker booster pack (×1)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (silver)
Rayquaza Value Pack
This pack features a similar design to that of the prior Metagross Blister Pack, although it received little marketing.
Promo card:
- Rayquaza (POP Series 1 3/17)
- EX Deoxys booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
Special Edition Blister Pack
Piplup variant
These packs were produced especially for European countries, as the holographic variant cards included were originally available only in American versions of the Spring 2007 Collector Tins.
Promo cards:
- Turtwig (Diamond & Pearl 103/130)
- Chimchar (Diamond & Pearl 76/130)
- Piplup (Diamond & Pearl 93/130)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster pack (×1)
- EX Power Keepers booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (silver)
Diamond & Pearl Series value packs
DP Value Pack
Bidoof/Buizel variant
Combee/Shinx variant
These packs were also unusual as the cards included were alternate holographic versions of cards easily found in the Diamond & Pearl expansion, as opposed to holographic variants of rare cards. These were also the first packs to include Generation IV Pokémon.
- Bidoof (Diamond & Pearl 70/130)
- Buizel (Diamond & Pearl 72/130)
- Combee (Diamond & Pearl 79/130)
- Shinx (Diamond & Pearl 98/130)
- Diamond & Pearl booster packs (×2)
- Palkia coin (silver)
Diamond & Pearl Blister Pack
Turtwig variant
Chimchar variant
Piplup variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with the Diamond & Pearl expansion, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs. These were the first packs to feature the new DP Promotional cards, though many loactions released the smaller Promotional Pack (below) first.
Promo cards:
- Diamond & Pearl booster packs (×2)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
- Palkia coin (silver)
Diamond & Pearl Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with the Diamond & Pearl expansion, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 2 booster pack (×1)
Enhanced Value Pack
Although listed by many websites under this name, there is no official Nintendo designation. This pack features the first three Eeveelutions that were released in separate packs prior, and features the same card back design in green, as opposed to red, yellow and blue.
Promo cards:
- Flareon (POP Series 3 2/17)
- Jolteon (POP Series 3 3/17)
- Vaporeon (POP Series 3 6/17)
- EX Series booster packs (×2)
- Energy coin (gold)
Mysterious Treasures Blister Pack
Shieldon variant
Cranidos variant
These value packs were released in conjunction with Mysterious Treasures, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Mysterious Treasures booster packs (×2)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster pack (×1)
- Cranidos coin (bronze) [Cranidos pack only]
- Shieldon coin (silver) [Shieldon pack only]
Mysterious Treasures Promotional Pack
Cranidos variant
Buneary variant
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Mysterious Treasures, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 3 booster pack (×1)
DP Value Set 1
Mew δ variant
Pikachu variant
These are the largest blister packs to be produced by Nintendo, containing a Promotional card and five booster packs. Unusually, one of the holographic variant POP cards is common, as opposed to rare.
Promo cards:
- Mew δ (POP Series 5 3/17)
- Pikachu (POP Series 5 12/17)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
- EX Power Keepers booster pack (×1)
- Diamond & Pearl booster packs (×2)
- Energy coin (red or blue)
DP Value Set 2
Another large blister pack produced by Nintendo, containing two Promotional cards and four booster packs. Again, the holographic variant POP cards are common, as opposed to rare.
Promo cards:
- Zangoose δ (POP Series 5 15/17)
- Pelipper δ (POP Series 5 14/17)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster pack (×1)
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (green)
Secret Wonders Blister Pack
Flaaffy variant
These packs were intended to be released in conjunction with Secret Wonders, although many were released before the actual launch. These include alternate holographic cards similar to that of DP Value Pack 1, although they are only available in these packs and not in the main expansion.
Promo cards:
- Breloom (Secret Wonders 45/132)
- Flaaffy (Secret Wonders 50/132)
- Quagsire (Secret Wonders 60/132)
- Wartortle (Secret Wonders 75/132)
- Bulbasaur (Secret Wonders 77/132)
- Carvanha (Secret Wonders 81/132)
- Charmander (Secret Wonders 82/132)
- Shellos East Sea (Secret Wonders 106/132)
- Shellos West Sea (Secret Wonders 107/132)
- Squirtle (Secret Wonders 112/132)
- Secret Wonders booster packs (×2)
- Energy coin (silver)
DP Value Set 3
Blue pack
Red pack
Yellow pack
Green pack
These large packs were released around the same time as Secret Wonders. There are three different pack variants, though one comes in two different colors. Each pack contains a DP Promo card and a holographic POP reprint.
Promo cards:
- Buizel (DP Promo 13)
- Gible (POP Series 6 7/17)
- Chatot (DP Promo 14)
- Pikachu (POP Series 6 9/17)
- Pikachu (DP Promo 16)
- Shinx (DP Promo 15)
- US Contents
- Secret Wonders booster packs (×3)
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (red, blue or silver)
- EU Contents
- Secret Wonders booster packs (×2)
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
- Dialga coin (silver) or Magmortar/Electivire coin (gold)
Great Encounters Blister Pack
Magmortar variant
Raichu variant
These packs were released in conjunction with Great Encounters, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Secret Wonders booster pack (×1)
- Great Encounters booster packs (×2)
- Dialga coin (silver)
Great Encounters Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Great Encounters, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Riolu (POP Series 6 8/17)
- Great Encounters booster packs (×1)
- POP Series 5 booster pack (×1)
Starter Blister Packs
Turtwig pack
Chimchar pack
Piplup pack
These three small packs were released simultaneously, releasing the first three DP Promos again. The package has a similar design to that of the DP Value Box.
Promo cards:
- DP Series booster packs (×3)
Majestic Dawn Blister Pack
Mime Jr. variant
Glameow variant
These packs were released in conjunction with Majestic Dawn, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Great Encounters booster pack (×1)
- Majestic Dawn booster packs (×2)
- Lucario coin (silver)
Majestic Dawn Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Majestic Dawn, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Manaphy (POP Series 6 3/17)
- Majestic Dawn booster packs (×1)
- POP Series 6 booster pack (×1)
Legends Awakened Blister Pack
Latias variant
These packs were released in conjunction with Legends Awakened, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Latias (POP Series 7 3/17)
- Latios (POP Series 7 4/17)
- Secret Wonders booster pack (×1)
- Legends Awakened booster packs (×2)
- Rayquaza coin (green)
Legends Awakened Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Legends Awakened, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Mothim (POP Series 7 5/17)
- Legends Awakened booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 6 booster pack (×1)
Stormfront Blister Pack
Dusknoir variant
Magnezone variant
This pack was released in conjunction with Stormfront, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Secret Wonders booster pack (×1)
- Majestic Dawn booster pack (×1)
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
- Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup coin (gold)
Stormfront Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Stormfront, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 7 booster pack (×1)
Stormfront Theme Deck Pack
These packs were released in conjunction with Stormfront exclusively in mainland Europe. They are similar to the promotional packs in terms of contents with the exception that they also include a Theme Deck. The card back features a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Luxray (POP Series 8 3/17)
- Stormfront theme deck (×1)
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
Platinum Series value packs
Platinum Blister Pack
Gliscor variant
This pack was released in conjunction with Platinum, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- Platinum booster packs (×2)
- Magmortar/Electivire coin (gold)
Platinum Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Platinum, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs. Platinum also saw the Promotional Packs being packaged with coins, as with the larger blister packs.
Promo card:
- Heatran (POP Series 8 1/17)
- Platinum booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 8 booster pack (×1)
- Palkia coin (silver)
Platinum Theme Deck Pack
These packs were released in conjunction with Platinum exclusively in mainland Europe, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Heatran (POP Series 8 1/17)
- Platinum theme deck (×1)
- Platinum booster pack (×1)
Gallade Blister Pack
This small pack releases another holographic POP reprint and has a similar design to that of the DP Value Set 2.
Promo card:
- Gallade (POP Series 7 2/17)
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 7 booster pack (×1)
Double Value Pack
Another large blister pack produced by Nintendo, containing two hologrpahic POP reprints and four Booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Luxray (POP Series 8 3/17)
- Probopass (POP Series 8 4/17)
- Legends Awakened booster pack (×1)
- Platinum booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 6 booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 7 booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (gold)
Rising Rivals Blister Pack
Carnivine G variant
This pack was released in conjunction with Rising Rivals, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Carnivine G (DP Promo 42)
- Probopass G (DP Promo 43)
- Rising Rivals booster pack (×2)
- Majestic Dawn booster pack (×1)
- Rayquaza coin (green) or Energy coin (silver)
Rising Rivals Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Rising Rivals, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Rotom (POP Series 9 5/17)
- Rising Rivals booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 7, POP Series 8, or POP Series 9 booster pack (×1)
- Energy coin (gold)
Rising Rivals Theme Deck Pack
These packs were released in conjunction with Rising Rivals exclusively in mainland Europe, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Rotom (POP Series 9 5/17)
- Rising Rivals theme deck (×1)
- Rising Rivals booster pack (×1)
Supreme Victors Blister Pack
Manaphy variant
This pack was released in conjunction with Supreme Victors, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs. These packs break the trend of previous blister packs by containing holographic POP reprints as opposed to new promotional cards.
Promo cards:
- Manaphy (POP Series 9 2/17)
- Regigigas (POP Series 9 4/17)
- Supreme Victors booster pack (×2)
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
- Shieldon coin (bronze)
Supreme Victors Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Supreme Victors, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo cards:
- Raichu (POP Series 9 3/17)
- Supreme Victors booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 8 booster pack (×1)
- Shieldon coin (bronze)
Arceus Blister Pack
Darkrai variant
This pack was released in conjunction with Arceus, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs. Preliminary images of this pack displayed a Majestic Dawn Darkrai as opposed to the actual promotional card.
Promo cards:
- Arceus booster packs (×2)
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- Arceus coin (silver)
Arceus Promotional Pack
These smaller packs were also released in conjunction with Arceus, the card back featuring a similar design to those of the booster packs.
Promo card:
- Lopunny (POP Series 9 9/17)
- Happiny (POP Series 8 14/17)
- Arceus booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 9 booster pack (×1)
Platinum Premium Box
Platinum Premium Box
This box was a series collection for the Platinum era. It was one of the final releases before the LEGEND era.
Promo cards:
- Arceus booster packs (×2)
- Supreme Victors booster packs (×1)
- Rising Rivals booster pack (×1)
- Platinum booster pack (×1)
- Arceus figurine
Japanese Special Packs
In 2007, after their success in North America and Europe, Pokémon Card Laboratory in Japan began to release blister packs, titled "Special Packs," two-at-a-time alongside every other Japanese expansion. Japanese blister packs include two promotional cards (one of which is a Pokémon LV.X) and three booster packs. All promotional cards are either DP-P or DPt-P promotional cards.
The Lakes' Secret Special Pack
This blister pack was released on January 1, 2008, and was based on The Lakes' Secret. The card back is identical to the expansion's booster pack design.
Promo cards:
- Torterra LV.X (DP-P Promo 076)
- Bronzong (DP-P Promo 077)
- Space-Time Creation Dialga booster pack (×1)
- Space-Time Creation Palkia booster pack (×1)
- The Lakes' Secret booster pack (×1)
Shining Darkness Special Pack
This blister pack was released on January 1, 2008, and was based on Shining Darkness. The card back is identical to the expansion's booster pack design.
Promo cards:
- Empoleon LV.X (DP-P Promo 078)
- Mothim (DP-P Promo 079)
- Space-Time Creation Dialga booster pack (×1)
- Space-Time Creation Palkia booster pack (×1)
- Shining Darkness booster pack (×1)
Moonlit Pursuit/Dawn Dash Special Pack
This blister pack was released alongside Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky on July 10, 2008, and was based on Moonlit Pursuit and Dawn Dash, known collectively as Pokémon Card Game DP4. The card back incorporates both expansions' booster pack designs.
Promo cards:
- Palkia LV.X (DP-P Promo 105)
- Porygon-Z (DP-P Promo 106)
- Moonlit Pursuit booster pack (×1)
- Dawn Dash booster pack (×1)
- Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky booster pack (×1)
Cry from the Mysterious/Temple of Anger Special Pack
This blister pack was released alongside Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky on July 10, 2008, and was based on Cry from the Mysterious and Temple of Anger, known collectively as Pokémon Card Game DP5. The card back incorporates both expansions' booster pack designs.
Promo cards:
- Dialga LV.X (DP-P Promo 107)
- Gliscor (DP-P Promo 108)
- Cry from the Mysterious booster pack (×1)
- Temple of Anger booster pack (×1)
- Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky booster pack (×1)
Galactic's Conquest/Bonds to the End of Time Special Pack
This blister pack was released on January 1, 2009, and was based on Galactic's Conquest and Bonds to the End of Time. The card back is identical to the latter expansion's booster pack design.
Promo cards:
- Mismagius GL LV.X (DPt-P Promo 011)
- Electrode G (DPt-P Promo 010)
- Galactic's Conquest booster pack (×1)
- Bonds to the End of Time booster packs (×2)
Advent of Arceus Special Pack
This blister pack was released on July 8, 2009, and was based on Advent of Arceus. The card back is identical to the expansion's booster pack design.
Promo cards:
- Pikachu M LV.X (DPt-P Promo 043)
- Michina Temple (DPt-P Promo 044)
- Advent of Arceus booster pack (×1)
- Movie Commemoration Random Pack (×2)
Box sets
Starter Gift Box
The Starter Gift Box was the first TCG box set. It was released in 1999.
- 2 Player Starter Set (×1)
- Jungle theme deck (×1)
- Jungle booster pack (×1)
- Play mat with deck building tips (×1)
- Chansey coin
Thunderstorm Gift Box
The Thunderstorm Gift Box (also known as the Tempest Gift Box outside America) was released in the early 2000s. It includes a unique Thunderstorm preconstructed deck featuring cards from Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, and Gym Heroes expansions. It also includes three booster packs and a CD-ROM which features an electronic deck builder, a virtual card album, and seven AI-controlled decks that a player could battle against.
- Thunderstorm theme deck (×1)
- Fossil booster pack (×1)
- Team Rocket booster pack (×1)
- Gym Heroes booster pack (×1)
- Pokémon Trading Card Game - Play it! Version 2 CD-ROM (×1)
- Play mat (×1)
- Deck building tip sheet (×1)
- Pikachu coin (×1)
- Felt deck bag (×1)
EX Deoxys Collector's Box
Deoxys variant
Rayquaza variant
Released in conjunction with EX Deoxys, these deck boxes were among the first products to feature POP packs after they were no longer issued at POP events. The boxes have the same designs as the boosters in the expansion.
- EX Deoxys booster packs (×2)
- EX Team Rocket Returns booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 1 booster packs (×2)
Deluxe Gift Set
Released in January 2006, this set provided another source for obtaining the Suicune Nintendo promo, as well as four boosters and an exclusive deck box. The set comes in three variants, each with a deck box that portrays one of the Legendary Birds. The set also includes an index card that has the same design as the included deck box.
Promo card:
- Suicune (Nintendo Promo 030)
- EX FireRed & LeafGreen booster pack (×1)
- EX Team Rocket Returns booster pack (×1)
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Delta Species booster pack (×1)
- Deck Box (Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres design)
- Index card (Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres design)
EX Bonus Box
This set gave collectors the opportunity to obtain an EX Deck Tin once again, since their release back in 2005 made them rather limited. It was also the first of many box sets to include a holographic Celebi ex.
Promo card:
- Celebi ex (POP Series 2 17/17)
- EX Deck Tin (×1)
- EX Series booster packs (×3)
EX Value Box
A little-known release by Nintendo, this set includes many items and was exclusive to Target stores.
Promo cards:
- Tyranitar ex (POP Series 1 17/17)
- Mew (POP Series 4 4/17)
- EX Series theme deck (×2)
- EX Series booster pack (×3)
Trainer's Challenge Set
In a similar fashion to the blister packs, this box set comes in two versions.
Promo cards:
- Celebi ex (POP Series 2 17/17)
- Mew (Nintendo Promo 040)
- EX Trainer Kit or EX Trainer Kit 2
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Delta Species booster pack (×1)
- EX Legend Maker booster pack (×1)
Crystal Trainer Set
Another little-known promotional TCG item, this box set was released in conjunction with EX Crystal Guardians and exclusive to Toys ‘R’ Us stores.
Promo card:
- Blastoise (POP Series 3 1/17)
- EX Crystal Guardians theme deck (×1)
- EX Delta Species booster pack (×1)
- EX Legend Maker booster pack (×1)
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
Epic Collection Value Box
Typhlosion variant
Flygon variant
Although they have no connection to the Epic Collection Deck Kits, many stores and websites applied the name to these value boxes as they were released roughly at the same time. Packaged in a similar way to the original value packs, the two versions adopt changes made to the Collector Tins and feature windows. Of particular note is the Typhlosion promo card, as it saw a limited release sometime prior to the release of this box, allowing collectors and players to obtain it again.
Promo cards:
- Typhlosion (Nintendo Promo 034)
- Flygon (POP Series 4 3/17)
- EX Unseen Forces booster pack (×1)
- EX Legend Maker booster pack (×1)
- EX Holon Phantoms booster pack (×1)
Diamond & Pearl Trainer's Challenge Set
Similar to the original Trainer's Challenge Set, this box includes a selection of Booster packs and a Trainer Kit.
Promo card:
- Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit
- Diamond & Pearl or late EX Series booster pack (×2)
DP Value Box
This value box was released simultaneously with DP Value Pack 2 in Target stores.
Promo cards:
- Lugia (POP Series 4 2/17)
- Ho-Oh (POP Series 4 1/17)
- Late EX Series theme deck (×1)
- DP Series or late EX Series booster packs (×4)
- Energy coin (blue)
Darkrai Premium Box
The Darkrai Premium Box was released on May 12, 2008, and was the first of three premium boxes to be released. It included the Darkrai promotional card available at the Japanese screening of The Rise of Darkrai, as well as an oversized variant, the first jumbo card to be released since Shadow Lugia.
Promo cards:
- EX Crystal Guardians booster pack (×1)
- EX Dragon Frontiers booster pack (×1)
- DP Series theme deck (×1)
Power Packs
Pikachu variant
Gible variant
Packaged similarly to the Epic Collection Value Boxes, these items release two holographic POP reprints, as well as a six-card pack containing alternate foil Energy cards, which were previously available through the Pokémon League.
Promo cards:
- Pikachu (POP Series 6 9/17)
- Gible (POP Series 6 7/17)
- Grass Energy
- Fire Energy
- Water Energy
- Lightning Energy
- Psychic Energy
- Fighting Energy
- Late EX Series booster pack (×1)
- Diamond & Pearl booster packs (×2)
Dialga Premium Box
The Dialga Premium Box was released on August 15, 2008, alongside the Palkia Premium Box. It included a Dialga promotional card as well as an oversized variant, similar to the Darkrai jumbo card released in May.
Promo cards:
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
- Great Encounters booster pack (×1)
- DP Series theme deck (×1)
Palkia Premium Box
The Palkia Premium Box was released on August 15, 2008, alongside the Dialga Premium Box. It included a Palkia promotional card as well as an oversized variant, similar to the Darkrai jumbo card released in May.
Promo cards:
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
- Great Encounters booster pack (×1)
- DP Series theme deck (×1)
Diamond & Pearl Collection Set
This large set contains the six latest (at the time of release) DP Series boosters, three holographic reprints of POP 6 cards, and three holographic reprints of popular Trainer cards. Many online retailer images of this set displayed holographic variant cards of those that could be found in DP Series theme decks instead of the POP holos.
Promo cards:
- Turtwig (POP Series 6 17/17)
- Chimchar (POP Series 6 14/17)
- Piplup (POP Series 6 15/17)
- Professor Rowan (Diamond & Pearl 112/130)
- Bebe's Search (Mysterious Treasures 109/123)
- Cynthia's Feelings (Legends Awakened 131/146)
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- Secret Wonders booster pack (×1)
- Great Encounters booster pack (×1)
- Majestic Dawn booster pack (×1)
- Legends Awakened booster pack (×1)
- Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup coin (green)
- Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup coin (red)
- Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup coin (blue)
Pokémon Countdown Calendar
This unique product was released in October 2008. The box contains 24 fixed cards from several DP expansions with special foil snowflake stamps.
Promo cards:
- Fixed selection of Pokémon cards (×24)
- DP Series booster pack (×1)
Collector's Poster Box 1
The Collector's Poster Box was released on November 19, 2008, and is themed on Mysterious Treasures and Secret Wonders. It is also the first collector's box to include a poster, although some early collector tins included posters. This poster included a Mysterious Treasures checklist and card gallery on one side and the same for Secret Wonders on the other.
Promo card:
- Lucario (POP Series 8 2/17)
- Mysterious Treasures booster pack (×1)
- Secret Wonders booster packs (×2)
- Powerhouse theme deck (×1)
- Double-sided poster (×1)
Classic Trio Boxes
Turtwig box
Chimchar box
Piplup box
Released on January 17, 2009, these boxes once again release holographic reprints of the Sinnoh starters from Diamond & Pearl, as well as now out of print EX Series boosters. Preliminary information suggested that these items were going to be tins, instead of card boxes.
Promo cards:
- Turtwig (Diamond & Pearl 103/130)
- Chimchar (Diamond & Pearl 76/130)
- Piplup (Diamond & Pearl 93/130)
- Late EX Series booster packs (×2)
- Diamond & Pearl booster pack (×1)
Collector's Poster Box 2
A second Collector's Poster Box was released in March 2009, themed on Majestic Dawn and Legends Awakened. The included poster features a Majestic Dawn checklist and card gallery on one side and the same for Secret Wonders on the other.
Promo card:
- Yanmega (POP Series 8 5/17)
- Majestic Dawn booster packs (×2)
- Legends Awakened booster pack (×1)
- Polar Frost theme deck (×1)
- Double-sided poster (×1)
Regigigas Colossal Box
The Regigigas Colossal Box was released in February 2009. It includes a Regigigas promotional card as well as an oversized variant, similar to previous Premium Boxes.
Promo cards:
- DP Series booster packs (×2)
- Platinum booster packs (×3)
Platinum Poster Pack
The Platinum Poster Pack was released in March 2009. It includes a Magnezone promotional card as well as a poster featuring a Platinum checklist and card gallery.
Promo card:
- Platinum booster packs (×2)
- POP Series 8 booster packs (×2)
Supreme Victors Poster Pack
The Supreme Victors Poster Pack was released on August 19, 2009. It includes a Dialga promotional card as well as a poster featuring a Supreme Victors checklist and card gallery.
Promo card:
- Supreme Victors booster packs (×2)
- POP Series 9 booster packs (×2)
Arceus Poster Box
The Arceus Poster Box was released on November 4, 2009. It includes an Arceus promotional card as well as an oversized variant, similar to previous Premium Boxes.
Promo cards:
- Arceus booster packs (×5)
Arceus Poster Pack
The Arceus Poster Pack was released on November 4, 2009. It includes an Arceus promotional card as well as a poster featuring a Arceus checklist and card gallery.
Promo card:
- Arceus booster packs (×2)
- POP Series 9 booster packs (×2)
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series releases
HeartGold & SoulSilver
HeartGold & SoulSilver Poster Pack
The Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver Poster Pack is to be the first poster pack released as part of the HGSS series of cards and will be released shortly after the HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion, on February 24, 2010. The poster pack will have two different designs - Ho-Oh and Lugia - depending on which promotional card is included in the pack. As such, it is the first poster pack to include one of two different promotional cards.
Promotional cards:
- Ho-Oh (HGSS Promo 01)
- Lugia (HGSS Promo 02)
- HeartGold & SoulSilver booster packs (×2)
- POP Series 9 booster packs (×2)
- Double-sided poster
HeartGold & SoulSilver Three Pack Blister
The Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver Three Pack Blister is the first three pack blister released as part of the HGSS series of cards and was released alongside the HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion on February 10, 2010. It is also the first blister of its kind to be named "Three Pack Blister" in order to differentiate it and other similar blisters from smaller blisters, which contain only two booster packs.
Promotional cards:
- Pikachu (HGSS Promo 03)
- Wobbuffet (HGSS Promo 04)
- HeartGold & SoulSilver booster packs (×2)
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
- Cranidos coin (bronze)
HeartGold & SoulSilver Two Pack Blister
The Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver Two Pack Blister is the first two pack blister released as part of the HGSS series of cards and was released alongside the HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion on February 10, 2010. It is also the first blister of its kind to be named "Two Pack Blister" in order to differentiate it and other similar blisters from larger, more common blisters, which contain three booster packs. It is also the first two pack blister to include two different promotional cards, both of which are in the same blister.
Promotional cards:
- Hoothoot (HGSS Promo 05)
- Noctowl (HGSS Promo 06)
- HeartGold & SoulSilver booster pack (×1)
- POP Series 9 promo pack (×1)
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series Collection
The Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver Series Collection is a special release box that was released alongside the Triumphant decks on November 2nd, 2010. It contains 5 booster packs (2 from Triumphant, 1 from Undaunted, 1 from Unleashed, and 1 from HeartGold & SoulSilver), 3 Foil Cards (Feraligatr, Meganium , and Typhlosion), along with a Entei collectible figurine.
Unleashed Three Pack Blister
The Pokémon TCG: Unleashed Three Pack Blister is the second three pack blister released as part of the HGSS series of cards and was released along with the Unleashed expansion on May 12, 2010. Like the previous Three Pack Blister, it comes in two varieties, each including a different promotional card.
Promotional cards:
- Latias (HGSS Promo 10)
- Latios (HGSS Promo 11)
- Unleashed booster packs (×2)
- Stormfront booster pack (×1)
- Shaymin and Jirachi coin
Undaunted Three Pack Blister
The Pokémon TCG: Undaunted Three Pack Blister is the third three pack blister released as part of the HGSS series of cards and was released along with the Undaunted expansion on August 18, 2010. Like the previous Three Pack Blisters, it comes in two varieties, each including a different promotional card.
Promotional cards:
- Lapras (HGSS Promo 14)
- Shuckle (HGSS Promo 15)