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Revision as of 19:49, 6 December 2010 by The Pokémon Master(talk | contribs)(Continuing consistency and fixing intros to be "proper" sounding. I know there's dispute, but it really sounds awkward the way it was before.)
After the three years between the Generation I games' plotline and that of the Generation II games and their remakes, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Blue took the place of Giovanni as the Viridian CityGym Leader, as Giovanni had disbanded Team Rocket and gone into solo training. Blue does not specialize in a particular type of Pokémon and, like Giovanni before him, gives anyone who defeats him an Earth Badge.
He is a very cocky and somewhat unfriendly young man, typically bidding Red/Leaf farewell with "Smell ya later!", and his primary motivation throughout the game is to become the greatest Trainer. He eventually accomplishes this, defeating the KantoElite Four and becoming the Pokémon Champion, but is quickly defeated by the player, losing the position.
In Pokémon Red, Green, and Blue, Pokémon Yellow, and Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, Blue is the player's rival: he will meet up with the player as he or she journeys across the Kanto region, challenging him or her every once in a while to test their skills. Like the player, he receives a starter Pokémon from Professor Oak, his grandfather: the one he chooses will be of the type which weakens the type of the player's choice. In Yellow, he will take the Eevee Oak intended for the player.
Eventually, Blue becomes the Champion at Indigo Plateau, though he is defeated by the player before Professor Oak arrives to congratulate him. Frustrated, he journeys to the Sevii Islands at Professor Oak's request, obtaining new Pokémon to use in his matches against the player at the Indigo Plateau (as all in-game Champions return to their position on the player's return to their hometown).
Professor Oak, his grandfather, deems Blue to have not realized how to care for Pokémon, which he commends the player for on becoming Champion. This is evident in the state Blue leaves Silph Co. in, which is still under Team Rocket control, leaving the player to take out Giovanni.
In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, however, it is revealed that, after he was defeated at the Indigo Plateau by Red (Leaf does not appear and is not mentioned in the remake games, and did not exist at the time of Generation II), Blue returned to Pallet Town. As Viridian Gym's Leader, Giovanni, had abandoned it on his defeat at the hands of Red, Blue took the position, now handing out the Earth Badge to Trainers who bested him. In Generation IV, he also distributes TM92 (Trick Room) to those who win the Earth Badge, but does not give a TM out in Generation II.
In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver only, the player can face Blue in a rematch at the Fighting Dojo. The method of obtaining his number is slightly different from the other Gym Leaders. The player must have his or her Pokémon at max happiness and have it massaged by Daisy Oak five times. After the fifth time, she will give the player Blue's phone number when spoken to. He can be called for a rematch on Sunday night.
He has not lost his nature as a traveling Trainer, however, and frequently leaves his Gym, creating problems for Trainers who wish to challenge him.
"Hey! I was looking forward to seeing you, <player>! My rival should be strong to keep me sharp! While working on my Pokédex, I looked all over for powerful Pokémon! Not only that, I assembled teams that would beat any Pokémon type! And now! I am the Pokémon League Champion! <Player>! Do you know what that means? I'll tell you! I am the most powerful Trainer in the world!"
After being defeated:
"NO! That can't be! You beat my best! After all that work to become League champ? My reign is over already? It's not fair! Why? Why did I lose? I never made any mistakes raising my Pokémon... Darn it! You're the new Pokémon League Champion! Although I don't like to admit it."
Gold, Silver, and Crystal
"Yo! Finally got here, huh? I wasn't in the mood at Cinnabar, but now I'm ready to battle you. ... You're telling me you conquered all the Gyms in Johto? Heh! Johto's Gyms must be pretty pathetic then. Hey, don't worry about it. I'll know if you are good or not by battling you right now. Ready, Johto Champ?"
"What? How the heck did I lose to you? ... Tch, all right... Here, take this -- it's Earth Badge."
"... All right, I was wrong. You're the real deal. You are a good Trainer. But I'm going to beat you someday. Don't you forget it!"
FireRed and LeafGreen
Before the Champion battle:
"Hey! I was looking forward to seeing you, <<player>! My rival should be strong to keep me sharp! While working on my Pokédex, I looked all over for Pokémon! Not only that, I assembled teams that would beat any Pokémon type! And now... I am the Pokémon League Champion! <Player>! Do you know what that means? I'll tell you! I am the most powerful Trainer in the world!"
After being defeated:
"NO! That can't be! You beat me at my best! After all that work to become League champ? My reign is over already? It's not fair! Why? Why did I lose? I never made any mistakes raising my Pokémon... Darn it! You're the new Pokémon League Champion! Although I don't like to admit it."
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Cinnabar Island
"Who are you? My name's Blue. I was once the Kanto Champion. Although it was short-lived thanks to Red... Anyway, take a good look around you... A volcano erupts, and just like that, a whole town disappears. We can go on winning and losing in Pokémon, but if nature so much as twitches, we can be overwhelmed in a second... That's the way it is... But, anyway, I'm still a Trainer. If a see a strong opponent, it makes me want to battle. If you want to battle me... for real, show me how many Kanto Badges you've got. ... <0 to 6 Badges>... You're not ready to battle me..."
"If you want to battle me... for real, come to the Viridian Gym. I'll be waiting for you!"
Viridian Gym
Before battle
"Yo! Finally got here, huh? I wasn't in the mood at Cinnabar, but now I'm ready to battle you. ... You're telling me you conquered all the Gyms in Johto? Hahaha! Heh! Johto's Gyms are that pathetic? Hey, don't worry about it. I'll know if you are good or not by battling you right now."
After sending out last Pokémon
"Heh heh heh... You're unprepared for this. We'll knock you down!"
During battle
"Perhaps I'm the one who was unprepared?"
When defeated
"This is the real power of Johto..."
After being defeated
"No way! How the heck did I lose to you? ... Tch, all right... Here, take this. It's the Earth Badge."
"With this badge, you'll be able to use the HM move Rock Climb! Here! Take this as well!"
"It contains Trick Room! It allows slower Pokémon to move before faster Pokémon for a while. It's a very tricky move, isn't it? Hence the name!"
"... All right, I was wrong. You're the real deal. You are a good trainer. But I'm going to beat you someday. Don't you forget it!"
Fighting Dojo
Before battle
"Good! Thanks for coming to lose to me!"
When defeated:
"Just as I expected! No wonder you've become the Champion..."
After being defeated
"Hahaha! My scare tactic doesn't scare you at all!"
"Hello...Whatever... Don't worry about me. I'm doing peachy over here! If it's not Sunday night, then I'm not available. Call then or forget about it!"
On Sunday evenings:
"Hello...Whatever... Don't worry about me. I'm doing peachy over here! I was just looking for something to do! Wanna battle me again?"
Yes: "Whatever! I won't lose to you again, got that? I'll be waiting at the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City."
Blue himself does not make an appearance in the anime; however, he receives an anime counterpart in Gary Oak, Ash Ketchum's rival. Much like Blue, Gary was initially very arrogant, but mellowed out after he was defeated by his rival. Unlike Blue, however, Gary has not been shown to have taken over Viridian Gym, instead he has decided to become a Pokémon researcher like his grandfather, and is currently working with Professor Rowan in Sinnoh.
In the manga
Blue, like many in-game characters, has several counterparts in the many different manga series based on Pokémon. While these manga counterparts are distinct from Blue and each other, they generally share his appearance and personality traits.
Blue, like other rival characters in the games, has a direct counterpart in a similarly named character of Pokémon Adventures. Like his game counterpart (and the illustrations of the Japanese game guides depicting Red, himself, and a third trainer character), he starts out with a starter Pokémon that disadvantages the main character's, and has Professor Oak and Daisy as family members, also losing to Red in the Indigo League in the end, and becoming the successor to the position of Viridian Gym Leader three years later.
Unlike the Blue of the games, however, Blue is a calm, reserved individual who well knows his limits, as displayed when he withdraws from fighting Mew knowing his Charmander would eventually lose, and though he initially would do anything to capture and train Pokémon to bend to his own will, he eventually learns from his mistakes from Red and learns to care for his Pokémon to the point of calling his Machamp back when he knows it was too tired to battle. His cockiness seemed very much reserved in comparison to his counterparts', as he does not treat Red as an embarrassment of a rival soon after they meet in the Lavender Tower.
Blue is the NPC Trainer, discounting battle facility Trainers with random Pokémon, that appears with the most different Pokémon species, with 42 of the 1026 appearing under his control at one point or another.
As Rival
Blue is the only rival who, at any point in the games they appear in, has a Pokémon with them that does not appear in their final team. He owns a Rattata in the third battle who later evolves into a Raticate for the fourth (except in Yellow, where it is still a Rattata), but in the fifth battle at Pokémon Tower, he no longer battles with it. Also, in Yellow, he owns a Spearow that later evolves into Fearow that he eventually takes off the team.
When he asks why the player is in Lavender Town if none of their Pokémon are dead, but gives no explanation for his own presence there.
Blue is the only rival whose father has not been seen.
In Yellow, if the player loses the first battle, he will evolve his Eevee into a Vaporeon. This is the first time in the games that player can have the starter type advantage over the rival.
As Champion
Blue is the only Champion who does not induct the player into the Hall of Fame, with Professor Oak doing so instead.
When fighting Blue as a Champion in Generation I, battle animations are automatically turned on, even if the player has disabled them in the options menu.
Blue is the only Champion who has a team that differs depending on which choices the player makes (in this instance the starter Pokémon the player chooses).
As Gym Leader
Blue is the only Gym Leader whose team consists of six Pokémon the first time he is faced.
He is the only Gym Leader who does not specialize in a specific type.
The Japanese name of the badge he gives out is the Green Badge, which has the same name as does Blue in Japanese. This might be part of the reasoning behind Blue's taking of Viridian Gym during Generation II and HeartGold and SoulSilver.