Tracey's Marill (Japanese: ケンジのマリルKenji's Maril) was one of the two Pokémon owned by Tracey Sketchit before he met Ash. However, it didn't make its debut until The Crystal Onix, three episodes after Tracey's debut. It was the second Generation II Pokémon to be owned by a main character, the first being Togepi.
Marill helps Tracey as a Pokémon Watcher as its ears can hear Pokémon from far away and locate where the Pokémon are found. As a Template:Type2 Pokémon, it can also search through areas of water.
Tracey usually called on Marill to help out in finding one of his friends' lost Pokémon or another Pokémon that they happened to be looking for. It also has a strong Water Gun attack which came in useful many times. It even sent Team Rocket blasting off at one time.
Marill hasn't been seen much since Tracey arrived in Pallet Town. However, it produced the egg that hatched into Misty's Azurill.