Dark Ice Mountain

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← Spacial Cliffs
Dark Ice Mountain
Icicle Forest →
Dark Ice Mountain くらやみのひょうざん
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Basic info
Floors: 14
Rest stops: 1
Traps: Yes
Monster Houses: {{{monsterhouses}}}
Main type: Ghost
Boss: Four Glalie and a Mamoswine
Recruiting: No
Items: 48
Money: Allowed
Starting level: Current
Team members: 2
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Dark Ice Mountain (Japanese: くらやみのひょうざん) is a dungeon found only in In the Future of Darkness, a special episode in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. This dungeon has two sections, Dark Ice Mountain and Dark Ice Mountain Peak. The lower part has ten floors, while the upper part has four. At the pinnacle, the player must face four Glalie and a Mamoswine.

Pokémon encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Tangrowth (Pokémon) Tangrowth 1-10, Peak 1-4 37 Unrecruitable
Metang (Pokémon) Metang 1-10, Peak 1-4 39 Unrecruitable
Lickilicky (Pokémon) Lickilicky 1-10, Peak 1-4 41 Unrecruitable
Banette (Pokémon) Banette 1-9 34 Unrecruitable
Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar 1-10, Peak 1-4 34 Unrecruitable
Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull 7-10, Peak 1-4 34 Unrecruitable
Skarmory (Pokémon) Skarmory 1-10, Peak 1-4 37 Unrecruitable
Glalie (Pokémon) Glalie Peak 5 32 Unrecruitable Boss
Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Peak 5 32 Unrecruitable Boss
Because it is a special episode, no Pokémon can be recruited. There are four Glalie and a Mamoswine as bosses.
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