Dusknoir's body is mostly black, with two almond shaped eye-like markings and a yellow horizontal zigzag line on this Pokémon's torso which can open like a mouth (creating the illusion of a face) and fire powerful attacks. Dusknoir now has fully developed arms. Two yellow bands are near its black wrists and its gray hands are similar to Dusclops's. Dusknoir has a gray, cylinder-shaped head with another yellow band near the top and a single black glaring eye with a yellow iris and a red pupil. The tattered fringes of Dusknoir's lapels converge into a shawl collar on its upper chest. Dusknoir has a ghostly tail rather than feet, reminiscent of a genie, or a stylized 'cartoonish' depiction of a ghost. Dusknoir has a yellow antenna on top of its head in which allows this Pokémon to receive transmissions from the spirit world which tell it to bring people there.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Dusknoir possess the ability to receive radio waves from the spirit world, and can also hold lost spirits in the mouth-like hole in its belly. Dusknoir also has abilities typical of a Ghost Pokémon, but also has vast physical strength and can perform the elemental punches.
They receive radio signals from the spirit world that tell it to bring people there. In the anime however, a Dusknoir was seen protecting Ash and Angie from being sucked into a portal to the spirit realm by a demon.
Dusknoir made its debut appearance in Ghoul Daze! where it tried to protect humans from a demonic girl who was trying to send them to the spirit world. However, Dusknoir was often blamed for the trouble that the girl caused.
Dusknoir, the Gripper Pokémon. It receives electrical waves from the spirit world with its antenna and is said to take people to the spirit world as well.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky: Once again, Dusknoir is the main antagonist. He is a spy, sent by Primal Dialga in the future, to capture Grovyle and your player. In this game, Dusknoir's role is expanded as he plays a major role in the Grovyle special episode. In the special episode, Dusknoir is redeemed by Grovyle and aids him in fighting Primal Dialga.
Spoilers end here.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Dusknoir has the highest Special Defense out of all Ghost-type Pokémon.
Dusknoir is the second heaviest non-legendary Ghost-type Pokémon, after Spiritomb. It is, however, the heaviest pure Ghost-type, and also the tallest. Of all Ghost-type Pokémon, only Giratina is taller.
Although Dusknoir has no legs, it can learn Mega Kick because its pre-evolution has legs and is therefore able to learn it by move tutor in the Generation III games. It can then be transferred to the Generation IV games through Pal Park and evolved into Dusknoir.
Dusknoir is to date the only fully evolved three stage pure Ghost-type.
Dusknoir appears to be a ghostly cyclops. A Japanese one-eyed mountain-dwelling creature named the Yamawarawa may have been the inspiration for this Pokémon. The fact that it receives transmissions from the world of spirits may be based on paranormal explanations for electronic voice phenomena.
Name origin
Dusknoir's name is derived from dusk and noir, which is French for black.
Yonoir is a combination of noir and 妖魔 yōma, meaning ghost, or 夜 yo or yoru, meaning night.
In other languages
German: Zwirrfinst - From Zwielicht (twilight), wirr (chaotic), and Finsternis (darkness).
French: Noctunoir - From nocturne (nocturnal) and noir (black).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.