Poliwag resembles a blue, spherical tadpole. It has large eyes, a pink mouth, and a long, mostly transparent tail. It has newly developed legs that still are not used to walking. Poliwag's most famous feature is the black and white swirl on its abdomen, which is actually its innards showing through its semitransparent skin. The swirl looks clearer after it eats, and the skin is also very elastic so that it won't break if the Pokémon is bitten. The direction of the belly spiral differs by area, with the equator being thought to have an effect on this.
Gender differences
Special abilities
Along with the standard Water-related abilities, it is capable of making its opponent drowsy with Hypnosis. It is also much more at home in the water, as it can be healed by water using Water Absorb. Its skin is also very damp, making it very slippery and therefore difficult to get hold of. Their Speed stat is above average, allowing them to evade shots of electricity quickly.
They are more likely found swimming than on dry land. If they are startled, they immediately run away.
Poliwag can be found in small freshwater ponds and lakes that have an abundance of lily pads, as well as along the banks of tropical rivers. It is a common sight in Kanto and Johto, but can be found in Sinnoh and Unova as well.
Gold has a Poliwag in Volume 8, one of the many Pokémon raised in the house he lived in. It was lost when Team Rocket stole Gold's backpack and its Poké Ball was lost when fell into the water. Gold eventually retrieved Poliwag at the Famous Fishing Zone from a wild Granbull that was stealing to draw attention so that it could get its jaw healed. It evolved into Poliwhirl in Volume 9 and then evolved straight into Politoed utilizing a trade with its held King's Rock.
Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the Pokémon's spiral innards right through the skin. Despite its thinness, however, the skin is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs bounce right off it.
It is possible to see this Pokémon's spiral innards right through its thin skin. However, the skin is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs bounce right off it.
Curiously, the swirl on Poliwag's stomach is in the opposite direction to Poliwhirl's and Poliwrath's, but in the same direction of the light green swirl on the stomach of Politoed.
In its FireRed Pokédex entry, it is stated Poliwag has black skin. The Ruby and Sapphire Pokédex entry for Poliwhirl states that Poliwhirl's skin is covered in oily fluid - if the same applies to Poliwag, it might be a case similar to the common bilberry: the berry itself is black but covered in a wax-like coating that makes it look blue.
Despite having a visible tail, it cannot learn any moves that require a tail.
In the anime, however, Poliwag has used its tail for Belly Drum.
In The Official Pokémon Handbook, published by Scholastic, the back cover says "Did you know that the swirls on Poliwhirl's stomach changes direction when it evolves into Poliwag?" However, Poliwhirl evolves from, not into, Poliwag.
Though its HeartGold Pokédex entry states that it is inept at walking on its newly grown legs, it has been seen standing and even walking on its legs in several other games and in the anime.
Generation V changed Poliwag's base Experience yield from 77 to 60, making it the only Pokémon whose base Experience yield is the same as its National Dex number.
Poliwag is based on a tadpole. The spiral pattern on its belly is supposed to represent how the organs of tadpoles are sometimes seen through their transparent skin.
Name origin
Poliwag appears to be a misspelling of polliwog, outdated English for tadpole. The wag may refer to its tail, although it is worth noting that polliwog literally means head-wiggle. Its Japanese name may come in part from ニョロニョロ nyoronyoro, the sound of slithering, and 子供 kodomo, child.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.