Torterra possess a giant, flat-looking shell that resembles those of the ankylosaurs. Upon this shell rests a single, oak-like tree and three triangular, gray-colored stony extensions resembling mountain peaks; as opposed to the two bushes on Grotle's back. The shell also has a patterning of brown, resembling soil, next to the tree, and a white rim that forms a continuation on the front of the shell, the feature most resembling a baseball diamond. Torterra’s shell is most likely the basis of their classification as the Continent Pokémon, befitting not only for their shell's appearance, but also for the size of Torterra's actual body, which is bulky and seem to be too big for their shells. Their bulk gives them a sufficient amount of protection from foes. The upper portions of Torterra’s body and its lower jaw are green, and they bear two large spikes, like the ones on their shell, that jut out of the sides of their heads making it look somewhat like an Ankylosaurus. Torterra's eyes are intimidating, encircled by a black ring and bearing small red pupils. Their mouth is jagged and at the end of their snout is a dark brown beak, giving them the appearance of a snapping turtle. Their thick, tree trunk-like legs are massive and powerful in order to hold up their enormous, heavy bodies. They bear four toes on each of their legs, which appear as if they are actually jagged stones, with three in the front and one on the heel.
Despite their great size, these Pokémon are peaceful in nature and enjoy being with others of their own kind, preferring to bask in sunlight as they do not like to fight. When immobile, they look as if they are part of the ground upon which they rest, not as though they were a sleeping Pokémon. Because of this appearance, there are occasions when small Pokémon will gather and build nests on the shell of a stationary Torterra, who don't seem to notice or mind. When Torterra do move, they often migrate in herds in search of water. These herds give the impression of a moving forest.
Torterra live in dense forests near freshwater lakes.
Torterra, the Continent Pokémon. Torterra is the final evolved form of Turtwig. Sometimes small Pokémon will gather to make their nests on Torterra's back.
Torterra, the Continent Pokémon. Its large back and sanitary nature offer an ideal place for smaller Pokémon to build their nests.
In the manga
In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Diamond owns a Turtwig nicknamed Wig, which evolved into a Grotle, and then again into a Torterra fairly quickly (both times with Chimhiko). While it, just like in the games, did not lose speed upon either of its evolutions, it was never very fast to begin with, a trait duly noted since its gym match with Crasher Wake's Quagsire, where it was able to take the win with a powerful Giga Drain. After being returned to its rightful owner, it underwent training on Iron Island to overcome its speed loss by using a single, perfectly accurate Razor Leaf that is so fast that Diamond cannot even finish the attack order before it hits. Attesting much to the boy's childishness, he named it the "Razor Leaf Dia Special Mach One and Only".
Torterra has aspects of a snapping turtle and an ankylosaurus, a species of armored dinosaur. It may also be based upon the world turtles in various mythologies that carry worlds upon their backs, or perhaps the Xuanwu/Genbu of various Asian myths. It also may be based on the minogame.
Name origin
Its name comes from tortoise and terra, which is Latin for "ground". The -terra may also refer to terrapins. Its name also bears similarity to tuatara, a type of lizard, and totara, a type of tree, both of which are native to New Zealand.
Its Japanese name may come from 土 do, earth or ground, 大 dai, large, and tortoise. 土台 Dodai also means foundation.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.