Celadon City is the second-largest city in the region, and it's got plenty going on to live up to the hype. All Trainers should be sure to visit the Celadon Department Store, since it has the best selection of any Poké Mart in the region. The Celadon Mansion is a hotel-of-sorts, and the current tenants are none other than Game Freak, the team that developed Pokémon. The Game Corner houses the slot machines, and those coins can be redeemed for valuable prizes in the Prize Corner next door. Aside from all of this, Celadon is also home to the Celadon Gym, nestled on a ledge in the southwest.
Celadon Mansion
The tall building in the north of town is Celadon Mansion. Game Freak's game designer (on the third floor) promises a reward to Trainers with a completed Pokédex, and there's a new addition waiting nearby. Leave the Mansion and follow the path behind the Poké Center, through the break in the trees and step inside the Mansion's back door. Take the stairs to the top floor (and have five party members at the most), and inspect the Poké Ball on the table to find an Eevee. There's only one in the game, so don't miss out. Eevee is an extremely versatile creature, since it can evolve into one of three different forms. It evolves when it encounters the radiation from a Water Stone, Thunder Stone, or Fire Stone; using these stones results in either a Vaporeon, Jolteon, or a Flareon, respectively. These stones are readily available at the Dept Store, and any of those three evolutions will make a great asset to a Trainer's team, especially since they can cover the weaknesses of the starter's final form.
Be sure to speak to the old woman on the first floor as well. She hands over some Tea, which must be given to the guards surrounding Saffron in order to gain access to the city.
Rockets again
With a couple of Rocket grunts wandering the city, Team Rocket must have something planned for Celadon... Stop by the café in the south of town, and talk to the guy in the back corner. He lost all of his money at the slots, so he doesn't need his Coin Case anymore, and hands it over. This allows Trainers to start collecting coins for those rare prizes. Next door to the café is an operation that is shipping 2000 Pokémon every month to the Game Corner as slot prizes. Those kind of numbers mean big money, and that's got Team Rocket written all over it. They're up to no good, and as one of the workers points out, it surely has nothing to do with a hidden switch behind a poster in the Game Corner.
Celadon Department Store
This is one massive store. Talk to every clerk behind every counter to view the entire selection.
Stop by the vending machines for a quick drink. Each machine dispenses Fresh Water, Soda Pop, and Lemonade for $200, $300, and $350, respectively. Buy one of each to give to the thirsty little girl nearby in exchange for a few TMs. Stock up on Lemonade before leaving the rooftop - like the other drinks, Lemonade restores a Pokémon's health, but Lemonade is the most potent, restoring 80 HP, while a Super Potion only restores 50 points.
At first glance, everything looks normal here. People are having fun at the slot machines, but there's something unsettling about the guy glaring at the poster... Approach him with a rested team.
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
Prize Corner
All the prizes here are offered at extremely high prices, so Trainers will need a huge supply of coins to get everything. There are a few on the floor of the Game Corner, and talking to the other gamblers results in a few more. Besides that, Trainers can either buy them (50 coins for $1000, 500 for $10,000) or take their chances on the slots. Some prizes (like Dratini) are extremely rare, while others (like Porygon) are one-of-a-kind.
Players will definitely make a return trip here, so now let's head to the Gym. To get there, head back to the café in the south of town, and cut down the tree blocking the way.
Celadon Gym
Celadon Gym
Erika's Gym is one of the easiest to defeat, since her Template:Type2s have so many weaknesses to exploit and her Pokémon only use Grass and Poison typed moves. Fire- and Template:Type2s are easiest to use here, though a Trainer's own Template:Type2s are relatively immune to her attacks. For Trainers that need an extra edge, TMs from the Prize Corner (like Ice Beam and Flamethrower) will also help out here. Her Pokémon will try to inflict status conditions, so be prepared with handy items like Antidote and Parlyz Heal.
Defeating the Celadon Gym earns a Trainer the Rainbow Badge, which commands all Pokémon at Lv 50 or under without question, and allows the use of Strength outside of battle (after finding HM04). Erika also gives out TM19 (Giga Drain), a Template:Type2 move that damages the opponent while restoring a Pokémon's health. With the Gym defeated, it's time to infiltrate Team Rocket's Celadon operation. Examine the poster in the Game Corner, which reveals a set of stairs nearby, and descend into their hideout.
Rocket Hideout
Team Rocket's operation is headed by a shadowy figure known as Giovanni. The key to confronting Giovanni in his office is exactly that - a key. The Lift Key that operates the elevator is on the fourth floor below the Game Corner. This mob boss is in possession of the Silph Scope prototype, which can identify the ghosts back in Pokémon Tower. Track him down to reclaim the scope, and run the gang out of the city.
After defeating the lone Rocket grunt, the next obstacle is the maze of spinner tiles in the western half of this floor. These odd tiles will spin Trainers around until they reach a stopper tile. It's not very difficult, but it will take a bit of planning to reach the four items.
To enter the maze, step on the bottom tile near the Rocket to travel to the maze's northwest sector. From here, Trainers can backtrack towards the entrance, bypassing the spinner tiles, to reach an X Speed.
From the northwest stopper tile, walk three steps to the south, and take the single spinner to the right to reach TM12 (Taunt). Step on the spinner that is two spaces south and four spaces to the east to reach the third stopper tile.
Walk two steps to the right to follow the spinners to the fourth stopper tile. Head west to the next stopper, then follow the narrow pathway to the south. Step on the bottom spinner to reach a Super Potion along the western wall. Head north, and follow the spinners back towards where the TM was lying.
Backtrack to the south, and take the top spinner to exit the maze from the southeast sector.
After collecting the items here, take the southern stairs up to the first floor again, pick up a Hyper Potion in the northwest corner, and fight the two Rockets.
From the stairs, walk to the south to face another Rocket. Continue past him after the battle to pick up TM21 (Frustration). Walk back past the stairs and enter the maze of spinners on the floor's western half.
Enter the maze and follow the eastern path. Take the first spinner south, and walk northeast to find a Rare Candy.
Enter from the north end, and follow the spinners around counter-clockwise to reach the maze's north-central stopper tile. Walk to the southwest, and take the top of the two spinners to run across another Rocket grunt.
Walk left to find a Max Ether on the table. Head north to find a Rocket and TM49 (Snatch). The grunt is so flustered from losing the battle that he drops the Lift Key on the floor. Claim the prize, trek back to the 2nd floor, spin through the maze again, and enter the elevator in the southeast. Take it back to B4F, grab the Calcium from the table, beat Giovanni's two guards, and step inside to confront the mob boss.
After the battle, pick up the Silph Scope that Giovanni left behind. This allows brave Trainers to identify the ghosts in Pokémon Tower. Take the elevator to the 1st floor, and beat one last Rocket on the way out.
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.
Stop by the Poké Center if needed, and walk east to Route 7. Step into the guardhouse to get stopped right away by the guard. He automatically sniffs out the Tea, and since he'll share it with the other 3 guards, Trainers are now free to come and go through Saffron City as they please. Saffron's Poké Mart offers the powerful Max Repel, and it may be a good idea to buy a few for the haunted tower. Ignore the rest of the city for now (including the Rocket grunts hanging around...), and continue east to Lavender Town.
Lavender Town
Pokémon Tower
The Template:Type2s here are totally immune to Normal and Fighting moves, so Pokémon that rely on moves of those types will be useless here. Ghost Pokémon only fear Ghost- and Dark-type moves (like Shadow Ball and Bite). To avoid the random encounters, just spray on the Max Repel (after catching a Gastly or Haunter, of course).
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
After facing the Channeler in the row of graves to the north, Trainers will reach a purified zone in the center of the floor, maintained by a single Channeler. The protective seal on this area will restore every Pokémon that steps inside it back to full health. Battle past two more Channelers to find a Nugget, and take the eastern stairs to the sixth floor.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Face off against another handful of Channelers, and wander through the gravestones to reach the southern stairs. As the player approaches, the one true spirit in the tower attacks. Having cleared the Rockets out of Celadon and claiming the Silph Scope, Trainers learn that the spirit is that of a mother Marowak, who was killed while protecting her Cubone child from Team Rocket. She cannot be caught, so Trainers have no choice but to defeat her, setting her spirit free. Ascend the stairs to the seventh floor to find Mr. Fuji.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
As thanks for chasing the Rockets out of the tower, Mr. Fuji will give players the Poké Flute, which can awaken any sleeping Pokémon. With Mr Fuji rescued and the Saffron guards distracted, players are finally able to explore Saffron City.