Talk:Cloning glitches

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Revision as of 01:39, 9 May 2007 by GreenAiden555 (talk | contribs) (New page: In diamond and pearl, there seems to be a cloning glitch via GTS. Here are the steps from what I've heard from on the forums. 1: Log onto wi-fi via GTS 2: Offer pokemon on the...)
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In diamond and pearl, there seems to be a cloning glitch via GTS. Here are the steps from what I've heard from on the forums.

1: Log onto wi-fi via GTS 2: Offer pokemon on the GTS 3: While it gives the waiting message, look at the bottom right at the clock on the message. When it turns 7 and a half times, turn off the DS. 4: Go back to the GTS. There should be a clone on the GTS, waiting to be traded and one where it was originally.

I, myself, haven't done this, but people on the forums claim that it works.