Jubilife City
Jubilife City (Japanese: コトブキシティ Kotobuki City) is a city in the region of Sinnoh. Its English name is a play on the Japanese name, Kotobuki City; kotobuki (寿) is a Japanese expression similar to "Long life!" or "Congratulations!" Jubilife City is built on land carved out of a mountain by the residents of neighboring Oreburgh City. Jubilife City is the most modernized city in the region.
It is in Jubilife City's very own TV Station that Mystery Gift can be activated. You talk to a man, giving him the sayings: EVERYBODY HAPPY and WI-FI CONNECTION.
The Pokétch Company is another building in Jubilife. The inventor of the Pokétch holds a promotion to get a free Pokétch in Jubilife City, if three clowns with Pokémon trivia questions can be found.
Jubilife Condominums is a building in the north section of town.
The Trainer's School features tutorials on how to raise Pokémon. If the School Kids inside are defeated, they hand out TM 10, Hidden Power.